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has anyone tried metformin used together with clomid for ovulation? also do i need to induce my menses before using it,i have PCO and been trying to conceive for almost a year and half

T. K replied: "I used them both to get pregnant with my first and second child. If you have not had a period lately. I would call your doc to get a prescription for Provera to start your period and then begin taking the Metformin and Clomid as prescribed. Good Luck"

has anyone had any experience with metformin used for pcos and clomid together to conceive? i was interested to hear of any sucess stories and how many cycles it took! thanks for the website! replied: "I am taking Metformin for my PCOS. I am 24 years old. I am starting Clomid next month. What is your question? Another great site for answers is"

Hoping for a 2008 Baby with PCOS replied: "I am on my last cycle of taking clomid with metformin, so far I haven't conceive just ovulated, and I only ovulated once due to the combo when I tried metformin alone I never ovulated, neither when I tried clomid alon, I had to use them together to ovulated, and I ovulated twice whiles being on it."

mjhark replied: "I conceived my son while on Metformin and Clomid. It took about 3 years once I started using that combo. (5 total) I didn't use it constantly though, I'd skip a month here and there to give my body a rest. Now I am on the same combo again ttcing for #'s been 11 months, and still nothing. Although it HAS made my body ovulate, and that is always a helpful step in getting pregnant. lol I hope it works for you, and you achieve your goal sooner than later. =) ++babydust++"

selina4shaunwivalmyheartn4always replied: "i have pcos and not taking nothing yet for it got to have more test to make sure only thing wrong woith me got hsg opn monday but was just posting to show my intrests as im so scard my self of not conciving like my hubby away for 6half months from end march and the doc who did my mm scan and told me i had pcos said they have me with a baby before he goes but im not so confidaant good luck!talkecarexxxx"

doughnut1002001 replied: "look at there really good x"

Marcie J replied: "I had been ttc for six months before I was diagnosed with PCOS. I started taking metformin immediately, and while it helped give me much more regular cycles, I wasn't ovulating very well or very consistently on metformin alone. So, after 9 months on the metformin, I started a clomid cycle. I started with the lowest dosage of clomid on days 5 - 9, and had no side effects at all. I was still taking metformin, and added on estrogen before ovulation and a progesterone supplement after ovulation. And that very first month on clomid, I got pregnant! Good luck to you!"

Clomid and Metformin Question? I have heard that Clomid and Metformin work well together. My question is whether it matters how long you are using metformin before starting Clomid. I am due to start my 100mg of Clomid tomorrow and started the metformin today. Thanks for your help!

GrewInMyHeart replied: "Talk to your doctor or a nurse in your doctor's office. The dosage should have been explained to you when the prescriptions were written, along with details such as timing."

MurphysGirl replied: "A lot of people use it together - go the message boards at and you can find women who are on the same combination - a buddy group. I am on my second round of clomid, but I do not take metformin. The two drugs are almost always used in conjunction - I've had a few women from my buddy group say that metformin has made them very nausea. Good luck -"

Metformin & Clomid & PCOS? I have PCOS, and have been taking Metformin, and Clomid together. Anyone else with PCOS have success with using the 2, and how long did it take before you became pregnant? I think I've been on the Clomid for about 3-4 months now, and the Metformin for almost a year. This feels like a never-ending journey! !

jenifer_lll replied: "i used to take metformin for 1 months and then i got my BFP"

? replied: "I have been on Metformin since May. And I just started Clomid. I know a few people that have had sucess with the 2. And some of them it took 2 months others 6. It definately feels neverending! Good luck to you."

Can I take Metformin and FertilAid together? Has anyone else used them? So my doctor just prescribed Metformin to me today, I'll start it tomorrow...I haven't taken Clomid and I just started taking FertilAid for women (read about it at) My hubby is freaking out "Why didn't you tell your doctor about the FertilAid, blah blah" Has anyone taken them together? Oh, I don't have Diabetes or PCOS. I just don't ovulate regularly and have too much testosterone. Otherwise I'm normal. Haven't been able to get pregnant in 9 months...I just want to freakin ovulate!!!! Um...Metformin is one of the leading prescriptions aside from Clomid...I trust my Doctor's decision. And if I were to become pregnant, then I would stop taking the Metformin.

Marick K replied: "You should not become pregnant while taking metformin, no matter why you are taking it. It is unknown whether Metformin can cause birth defects etc if taken during pregnancy. If you really care, you should listen to your husband and talk to your doctor about this "fertil aid". The two could also interact badly with each other and cause you to become ill or worse. Good Luck!"

health_avenger replied: "Hi Lucy lu Your doctor must think you have some of the symptoms of PCOS if he has prescribed Metformin. Metformin is for insulin resistance, one of the common conditions to be found along with PCOS. Too much testosterone is another common aspect of PCOS. You don't necessarily have to have confirmed cysts on your ovaries to be diagnosed with PCOS. Fertilaid is a vitamin/mineral supplement, and probably safe to take with Metformin, though your husband's concern may not be unfounded. Like most drugs, Metformin is known to have some side effects, however, and you might want to look into these. Like the other answerer mentioned, its safety for use while pregnant has not been determined. Here are some links that might help you determine whether you have any of the other symptoms of PCOS and give some natural alternatives for treatment, such as benfotiamine, a form of vitamin B1 that is known to reduce insulin resistance. I hope this helps some! Good luck!"

Clomid and Metformin Help Needed!!!!? I have been diagnosed with pcos and also been ttc for around 2 year. I am not overweight so this is not a problem for the pcos.. Previously i never had regular periods but for the past three month they have been coming the same time every month.. So for this i was given a 3 month course of Clomid 50mg, which obviously didn't work as i have now been put on 500mg of Metformin one tablet daily as well as clomid 50mg again for 3 month and to take day 2-6 of my period.. What i was wanting to know is the success rate of using these together and also if they worked for any of yourselves.. And also i suffered really bad hot flushes on chloid is there any side effects to metformin as there wasn't a leaflet within my box x x x Thank You x x x x

lannie replied: "hi there im taking metformin at the moment, the side effects that i have had are a really upset tummy nausea and bum sick thats really the only ones ive had ive been taking it for 4 weeks now and they are starting to go away well the bum sick has gone as for the clomid well i took that for 12 months the side effects that you can suffer are insomnia, tiredness, head aches, mood swings really bad ones my dh put up with hell, hot flushes, hair loss, really bad ovulation cramps and lack of sex drive though you tend to find most of them dont happen and the ones that do tend to lift after a bit ive never take to two tablets together so not sure about that one as for success i know that metformin can help women with pcos ovulate again as far as i know its working for me and the clomid well if it makes you ovulate regurarly then you have as good a chance as any to become pregnant lots of baby dust to you and fingers crossed you get your bfp soon if you need to chat feel free to email me"

Vitex and Metformin together to regulate period? Has anyone ever used this combination and had success with it? I am not liking the whole idea of clomid. It didn't do anything for me last month except make my cycle 52 days long. Last time I was on Vitex it brought my cycle to 41 days just a few weeks after starting it. My OBGYN said she hadn't heard of Vitex before, so I am wondering if anyone knows if it is ok to take metoformin and vitex at the same time. Or will they counteract each other and not work at all? Like vitex and clomid. Thanks!

Xantera replied: "Vitex (chastetree berry) is supposed to be good to regulate female menstrual cycles. So is metformin. Ive been on metformin myself for almost two years. Ive heard it work wonders on people, though myself personally, I have not had much success. My cycles pretty much have disappeared. I have tried clomid with no success as well. Personally, I dont believe there are any problems with the two, but if you cant aska doctor, at least ask a pharmacist."

Clomid and progesterone cream? Has anyone been successful in getting pregnant while using Clomid and progesterone cream? I have PCOS, have been on Metformin for 6 months and even though I was ovulating on Metformin alone my luteal phase was too short. I just finished my second round of Clomid, and ever though my luteal phase has been longer then before Clomid it's still on the short side (10-11 days). I have one more cycle of Clomid to go and if I'm not pregnant after it then I need to go back to the doctor. I was thinking of trying progesterone cream this cycle. Any experiences using Clomid and progesterone cream together?

Vicky replied: "I turned into the Pyscho-b!t$h from hell using progesterone cream. Just a warning; those side effects are nastier than Clomid! It seemed to do the trick though -- I was TTC for 27 cycles, charting BBT and CM, using CBEFM, then went on Clomid and ... BAM: 26 weeks preggers age 38. Good luck!"

Clomid and PCOS... planning on TTC? I have PCOS and my husband and I are planning on trying to have a baby soon. My doctor wants to put me on Clomid, and has already put me on Metformin. I know that these two drugs are often used together for people with PCOS. I was just wondering what results other people have experienced with these two drugs. On a sidenote, I have been dieting and have already lost 40 pounds. I'm not planning on taking the Clomid until I lose 30 more. The Metformin has already helped with regulating my period, and I am having a D&C in 10 days to make sure everything is cleaned out and healthy when its time to TTC. Thanks in advance!! :)

It's me replied: "Wow congrats on the weight loss Amanda! Clomid is normally taken for 5 days at the beginning of your cycle to make you ovulate. He wouldn't put you on it until you're ready to TTC. I would definately recommend taking clomid when you're ready to try for a baby but not before. I have never heard about having a D&C to clean out your uterus before TTC. My Fertility specialist has never mentioned such a thing, and i have never heard anyone else talking about it. I am not saying that it isn't a normal procedure for TTC but i would really research it for sure!! The best place for you to go to get ALL the answers you need regarding your PCOS and all the drugs that come with it is You will meet the most amazing women in that forum who can answer every question you have about PCOS Good luck. OH and be sure to ask them about the D&C and how many of them have had one without a miscarriage..."

TTC with PCOS...BFN HPT 2 days before AF. AF 4 days late, possibly pregnant? To start with, I have PCOS and not sure if I O on my own or not. I had been on BC for 6 months prior to TTC and had no problems. AF was normal and on time. This is the 1st month we BD (every other day per Dr orders). I used a First Response HPT 2 days before AF predicted date of arrival and got a BFN!!! :( The directions say wait 7 days if still no AF test again. Well it will be 7 days Tuesday and still no AF (4 days late.) I did have discharge, seemed to be more than normal and also very sore nipples (hurt to even wash them when I showered or even when I put on a bra). Both lasted for about a week and now nothing. I have an ultrasound Jan 12th to check on a large cyst on my ovary plus need to get a refill on Metformin and talk to her about Clomid if it turns out I'm not preg and need help O. (Dr originally wanted to wait 3-6 months but if I don't O or have AF every month I feel like there is no point in waiting! Questions: -How good it the First Response test? Should I get a different kind? or did I just test too early? -Should I go ahead and test again and hope for a BFP or save the test wait for my next Dr appt (Jan 12)? -Has anyone had any luck on Clomid and Metformin together when TTC and how long did it take? -I've heard people on Answers talking about a test to check for blocked tubes...what all does that consist of? and when does a dr decide when to do it? Any other advise would be great! I'm still pretty new at this TTC thing and don't know what all I should be looking for, concerned about, and doing. Thanks in advance.

Stephanie replied: "I've got PCOS too, have had it for years and I'm now 8 weeks pregnant. That is the same pregnancy test I've always used, and never had a problem with it, always been accurate for me. I've been on Metformin ever since I can remember, I'm on 500mg 3x's a day right now. That's all I was on when I became pregnant. I think right now you just need to wait it out, maybe try again later. I waited a week after my missed period to test."

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