Abilify Bi Polar Facts
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Popular Questions
How long will I have to take Abilify for bi-polar syndrome? What type of untoward signs and symptoms might occur when first starting Abilify?

Christy SD Nurse replied: "Bi-Polar is a life long condition, you will most likely always need medication. UNtil you get used to the abilify you may feel tired and kinda spaced out.."

? replied: "Your doctor should have gone over this with you."

Rottie Mom replied: "You'll be taking something for bi-polar for the rest of your life. I have a bi-polar cousin, and he hasn't mentioned anything about side effects."

Has anyone been on Abilify for bi-polar? has it helped, what are the side effects? i have been diagnosed as bi polar for the past ten years. Just recently going to psych for this issue.(after not dealing with it for the past 8 years) Anyway, just got put on 5 mgs of Abilify this past week and wanted to know who has had success on this med and who hasn't. And wanted to know about side effects. Thanks so much for your help.

valleyprincess121 replied: "Its difficult to get diagnosed, and then to accept it and get treated. Trust me, I know. I was diagnosed about 6 years ago. I haven't had the abilify, but I have a friend who did, and it seemed to work pretty well. It left her very groggy for a while. But after that, it seemed ok. Finding the combination of meds that works can be frustrating. It takes 4-6 weeks to get enough build up in your system to see if it even works, and it may not work, and you have to try a different one. Don't give up, it's frustrating, but is so worth it when you find that right cocktail. Read up on bi polar disorder. Being informed is the best way to deal with it. Don't give up, it never gets better if you quit the meds. Anyway, hope I helped. Feel free to email me if you need any info or support. Good Luck!!!"

BroadwaySomeday replied: "i too have bipolar disorder. i've been displaying signs of it since early childhood, but it wasn't diagnosed until i was 14. it was then i was put on lithium, clonopin and seroquel to combat the symptons. when i turned 15, i told my shrink i didn't want to be on the lithium anymore (i am also anorexic and with lithium you need to eat and drink regulary in order to stay alive on it) and she tried me on over a dozen other medications, including abilify. i had a very had reaction. i did not get tired at all. i became quite hyperactive and found that i could not sleep, sit still or perform basic daily activities, such as showering and going to school, because i was so out of it. i would sit in my bed at night pretending to fly a plane and laughing because i knew i was in my bed. it was almost like i went into psycosis on it. i've found that the lithium is the best medication for me, despite the anorexia. i keep it all in check and all is well. good luck with your treatment and management of this disease. it took me a while to accept it, but now at 18, i just accept what is right for my mind and body."

vaughn favrua is back replied: "it helped with my anxiety but i was dead tired and weak as heck."

How affective is Abilify for Bi Polar? I just started taking Abilify. I just was taken off of Lamictil due to the rash that I got. I am just curious if anyone has had a good experience with Abilify.

Johanna P replied: "From what I have read, it is as effective as other available treatments for bipolar illness. It takes up to 4 weeks to feel its effectiveness, so if you just started taking it, it make take a couple of more weeks before you start to feel it really working. How well are you tolerating it so far?"

patrick s replied: "Not so good, typically, depending on if you, really, even have such condition; stay low dose to be safe...Happy holidays!"

lexi m replied: "I take both Lamictal 200 mg and Abilify 10 mg, so I don't know what Abilify alone does.........but basically, it stopped the constant suicidal thoughts...of course, it didn't make me ~happy~. It just stopped me from being so sad. It's not a magic bullet, but I did notice some improvement. (I also take Geodon 40 mg for mania/psychosis.) Good luck with Abilify!"

Are you bi-polar and taking Abilify? Does it work? I've been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and possibly bi-polar. I've taken various anti-depressants most of my life but never something for manic episodes as well. I was just wondering if Abilify works since it's relatively new.

Lola L replied: "meh, abilify is shit. get seroquel, I swear by it."

Does anyone take a combo of Seroquel, Abilify, and Cymbalta for bi-polar disorder? I've been on Seroquel and Cymbalta for a while and just added Abilify, been experiencing odd side effect.

manicmousy replied: "i have a friend who's on abilify & seroquel...i tried to reach her, but i can't get a hold of her. i would call the pharmacist asap. they know more than dr's imo. see what they have to say. good luck!"

fstladylaudie replied: "I think you need to get a second opinion---my sisters quack of a doctor had her on 5 meds at 1 time & said ahe was bipolar. The medicine caused several bad side effects and nearly caused her to have a nervous breakdown---she is off of them now with new meds and was told now she is not bipolar---she is better ---but she self medicated with alcohol because of her taking too many meds---and caused there fore yet another problem . Please take my advice and see a specialist in Psyciatry for a second opinion---Taking more than 1 or 2 meds for any psyciatric problem can be more dangerous than helpful! Good Luck1"

madhava r replied: "always mention content-not brand name!doc who prescribed is best for discussion...pl avoid web."

Does Abilify the psyc drug for bi-polar disorder work if you just swallow it instead of putting it under your? tongue? I am taking it and i still can't get a decent nights sleep.....Help! I am getting one hour here, two there...falling asleep at the wheel sometimes getting scary!...then i crash!...No racing thoughts or voices though....thats at least good ha? Thanks again for your help....I will eventually see a doctor,,, can't go on like this forever.

vaughn favrua replied: "i just got off of it and i didnt like it, i had mood swing and was drinking caffein all day becasue how tired i was. take it at night though like two hourws before you knock out and let other around you know that your taking a new med. they are the ones who will be able to tell how you are doing. best of luck"

gotta luv da Li replied: "Abilify is meant to be swallowed. If you are still hypo/manic or having difficulty sleeping, call your doctor. Your dose isn't right or you are not on the right med. Abilify can be sedating for some while it can be too activating for others to take even when also taking other mood stabilizers (raises hand). Each person is different."

justin m replied: "yes it does. You might want to try abilify night time. It the same drug but its suppose to help you sleep at night."

has anyone taken abilify for bi-polar? if so did the med have any neg. effects? im on lithobid for bipolar. doc wants me to switch to abilify. after 1 day I feel like im losing controll. will these side effects go away or should i go back to lithobid? lithobit stopped working but beats the way abilify makes me feel.

mermer192 replied: "how can medicine stop you from being bi-polar? i dont understand the supposedly called "diseases" or "sicknesses" of today."

Lauren M replied: "Yes I felt the same way, the side affects should wear off in about 7 days. Try to keep your mind focused on doing things you like to do, that way the side effects arent so unbareable. When I switched from giodone to abilify it took almost 2 weeks for the side effects to go away. In responce to mermer if you dont know how medicine helps these as you put it "so called diseases" then you shouldnt be writting in this question. As for these so called diseases of today. A study conducted by harvard university showed that nearly 73% of the U.S. population suffers from some sort of mental disability. You should really watch what you post in questions that you have no clue about its hard enough to go through medicines as it is and its even harder for us bi-polars to keep control. So watch what u post next time."

wells4ak replied: "It doesn't STOP anyone from being Bi-Polar, it minimizes it's effects. Bi-Polar has extreme ups and downs, from a euphoria to severly depressed, the meds for it stabilize the ups and downs. And, this is really something you should consult with your Doctor on. Good luck."

cherylacbus1 replied: "Oh you poor thing. I was put on Abilify for 6 months. Felt jagged, and that's the best way to describe it. An expert doctor recognized that Abilify was not the drug for me. He told me that I would be on a downward spiral if I stayed on it. If you want a refferal, talk to: visit their site: pathmed.com Call them directly toll free: 888-231-7284. If they can't help you, you can't afford their service, or you are not close by them, they may be able to give you a refferal to someone who is near you. Or if not, look up Alternative doctors on the internet that is close to your area, call them, ask them if they specialize in mental health. and most importantly, change doctors. I don't want to scare you, but just so you know. Abilify does nothing. At the very least ask your doctor to give you something else, and if you don't see results over a 6 month period, see someone else..."

Elizabeth replied: "I didn't like abilify. I am on Lithium now and it's working well. Lexapro worked for a long time but eventually I got headaches. I have been trying different meds for over 4 years now. I didn't want to try Lithium but now I wish I hd tried it sooner. You just hve to tell your docotr you don't like the way it makes you feel and ask to try something else. It's your body and your decision."

smudgeward replied: "Ignoramuses who don't understand how the chemical balance of your brain can cause problems/syndromes/diseases should not try acid or they would see. Seek your docs advice on any suggestions made here before you change anything, if you don't like it or disagree you should seek another docs opinion and then another."

von replied: "I'm sorry abilified didn't work, but did you give it a chance? One day isn't long enough. I am bi-polar and take abilify for it. I have no side effects. I'm on abilify 30mg and also trilectal 600mg and lurica 100 mg. I have no side effects from any of them. I've been on the combination for 6 months. I feel the best I've ever felt in several years. I'd ask your doctor if he would try you on this combination, He would know if you can take all three of them. If you're like me you hate taking pills but taking this combination for me was the best thing my doctor did. It might be the miracle you are looking for. Good luck! hugs!"

tori replied: "Every med can have neg side effects. Most docs will tell you it takes any where from a week to 2 weeks before some side effects will cease. That doesn't mean yours will. Talk to your doc and let him know. Don't take lithobid again if it didn't help. Some meds can't be taken with other meds. Don't overload your system. There are many meds out there to treat Bi-polar. It takes time to find out which ones help. Good luck from a psych r.n."

krisa1981 replied: "You have to give a new med at least two weeks to level out and to start feeling the benefits. Unless something major is going on, then call ur doc, immediately!!!!"

Abilify medecation- bi-polar? I only have a mood disorder but my doc is still prescribing me Abilify. I started half a pill of 5 mg, but i drank 4 beers and my tolerance was lowered significantly. So today i took it again but i still don't feel anything. When will i notice affects if a ruined the first day with alcohol?

Master's Property replied: "It will take a couple weeks to see the effects."

combackkidxxx replied: "yes, abilify is for bipolar disorder. why are you drinking when you're taking the medication? you do know that alcohol is a depressant and causes depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia...right? DO NOT drink. if you'd like to cause yourself to be suicidal... then go ahead, but if you want to aactually be better then don't do that crap. that is showing you are not responsible and need to start being. you need to go back to the doctor and get some new medication. you are wasting a lot of money on meds that you choose to abuse. you're really hurting your brain more than helping it. i'm not trying to be mean, but i'm tired of seeing people act like idiots when it comes to them wanting to get better but all they do is make it worse... so please, don't tak eadvantage of your body. learn to love it and be stable."

~*C☼J*~ replied: "idk but i was diagnosed with bi-polar and my docter prescribed me paxil and it made me worse so i learned how to control my anger and mood swings so now i dont take any meds for it... so try to learn how to control yourself and you might not take anything"

bi-polar and abilify? ok, so my husband is bipolar (rapid-cycle) and wants to go off of Lamictal and change to Abilify. Has anyone had any experience with this drug and it's effects? the Lamictal's side effects are far outweighing the benefits now that he has been taking it for a few yrs. Or, is there anything else that will work also?

unknown replied: "I did try abilify and I went more insane. It did not work for me at all. I would of never have told anyone about it. The only thing is that my friend tried abilify and she has been doing great! It has done wonders for her. You have to try it out. But i strongly advice that it is a very strong med and you should not do nothing until you know how it will affect you and if you do try it and you feel anything wrong, right away stop taking it. Again it is really strong."

SexiJessi replied: "I'm rapid cycling Bi polar as well and have been consistently taking abilify for three years now. Everything is great and the side affects are minimal... except that since I started taking it I have been sleep walking and eating in my sleep. It has gotten so bad that I wandered out of my apartment and woke up on the other side of the street! I also woke up one morning and had coleslaw caked in my sheets and in my hair because my sleep eating has steadily been getting worse. I have gained lots of weight and have terrible nightmares accompanied by occasional sleep paralysis... Which is a horrible experience where you are conscious but your body is still paralyzed like you are sleeping still... I also have friends on the drug with the same problems.... one of them had such severe side effects that he drove to nebraska in his sleep! So just be careful and keep a close eye on him... As far as I'm concerned the only side effects are the ones associated with sleep! My fiance has an alarm on the door so I don't leave the house and locks the pantry at night so I can't get to the unhealthy foods... Just be prepared, and expect strange things... Ha Ha! I hope he enjoys it though as it has really helped my mood swings and temper."

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