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Questions and Answers
How do I ask my gynocologist for a RX of Aygestin? Ok, silly question. I want to take the generic brand form of Aygestin, which can delay a period because I have a wedding I'm attending and it's happening around the same time as my period. Why I set up my appointment do I mention that first or do I just go my gyno and request a perscription?

dede_mcm replied: "Ladies do this all the time. I would definitely just let them know when you call to make the appointment and most doctors are quite happy to accommodate this request. Have fun at the wedding!"

KERRY J replied: "when you make an appointment they ask you what you need to be seen for so tell them a brief description of what you need to be seen for then talk to your Doctor about you need and go from there!!!"

Is it normal to have vaginal bleeding before taking all 10 aygestin pills? Im TTC but don't have normal periods, so the obgyn prescribed aygestin for 10 days then 3-7 days after last pill I should start my period.

Someday... replied: "Aygestin is a progesterone pill and normally people don't start AF while on it. It likely means that your body was going to have AF on it's own at that time. It's nothing I would worry about but I'd give your doctor a call and see if they want you to finish the rest of the pills. My guess is that they will have you stop taking them. But remember that AF has to be a red flow and not just brown spotting. If you're only getting spotting I would continue to take the pills as prescribed. Good luck!"

why take aygestin with clomid? I have been taking clomid for the past two months and my doctor has me taking aygestin the whole time. Each time I've produced follicles but didn't ovulate. When I looked aygestin up on the internet it says that it prevents you from ovulating. So why am I taking it?

*Loren* replied: "Iv never heard of aygestin. Iv been on 3 rounds of Clomid. You should definatly ask your doctor!!"

anne h replied: "I have never heard of aygestin and I am currently in my third round of clomid. You should really talk to your doctor about it. If you do not like what your doctor tells you, you may want to go to a different doctor for a second opinion. Good luck and lots of baby dust to you!"

Is there a website for prescription assistance for Aygestin/Norethindrone? i have Have been to Ppa, I didnt see it there.

MissNurse replied: "www.PPAP.org"

Women who have taken Aygestin/Norethindrone Please Help!? I was recently put on Aygestin (Norethindrone). I was prescribed five 5mg tablets (once a day for five days). I stoped taking it yesterday. While taking it I noticed I was much more emotional and since I have stopped taking it I feel I am having emotional outbursts (crying, anxiety etc.). Is this normal? When can I expect these unpleasant feelings to stop? They are horrible! Please Help!

Q replied: "Yeah, that's typical. This is an artificial progesterone, and they all have the possible side-effect of making you depressed. It will take a few days to get it out of your system, so the emotional lows will last for a few days following you stopping the drug. But it should go away shortly. I just answered a similar question here, about a different artificial progesterone:"

I don't want to have my period for prom! if i take 5mg of Aygestin will it hold it off? & how should i take it how many days before and how many pills how much time apart and like what time of day? i really want my prom to be perfect and im scheduled ot have my period !!!! talk about hell. well any answers will be greatly appreciated!

charleet replied: "why not go on the actual pill instead coz that stops them."

aygestin medicine for late period, anyone take this b4? i went to my ob/gyn, ruled out a chance of pregnancy and had a pap done. my period has been MIA for 2 months now. so she prescribed me Aygestin 5mg for 5 days. its supposed to bring on a period. has any of you ladies taken this b4, is it effective? im not bleeding yet, but its only the second day of taking it. just wanted to see if anyone has had this experience b4! thanx a lot! ♥

diabetic in denial? replied: "cant believe they actually prescribed you meds for it mine was mia over a year before they did it. i took the drug for 5 days and then had a period 4 days after stopage."

Why is this happening and what can I do to stop it? I have been taking aygestin for a few weeks now and I took it this morning like I always do, at 9 am. I know antibiotics can affect stuff like this, so I try to take it a little later in the day and today I took it abotu 1pm. However, now I am suddenly bleeding. If I am on the aygestin, why is this happening? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, as well as any ways to stop it.

thefilthycommie replied: "Go to the hospital and make sure you're okay, then call your doctor. Bleeding = go to a professional."

Violet Pearl replied: "Aygestin is a type of progesterone. Progesterone is the hormone that triggers menstruation. Too much progesterone will make your body menstruate. If you were prescribed this to initiate a period, this would be the result. If you are taking it for endometriosis, your body is shedding the the endometrium (the lining of the uterus.) If you are taking this to control heavy bleeding, it might not be the drug for you and your doctor might consider a different treatment, depending on why it was prescribed."

Is it possible to ovulate on day 8 of your cycle when taking clomid? I was not ovulating, so I was put on Aygestin to induce a period and now I'm on clomid (taking it on days 3-7 of cycle), and I'm doing the ovulation prediction tests. I'm now on day 16 of my cycle. I didn't test for ovulation on days 8,9,&10 of my cycle. When I did start testing I was getting light lines on the tests, but according to the test instructions this is considered a negative. Now the line has completely disappeared. Now I am wondering if I ovulated on the days I didn't test. Is it really possible to ovulate that quickly after your period?

Leesa T replied: "No it's not your eggs would not have been mature enough to have been released. I took clomid I'm 13 weeks preg. I had to get 2 rounds of insemination done because they could not find my ovulation window. I ovulated on day 18 so you may still have time they told me that 10 -14 days after you take your last clomid pill you should ovulate so you still have time. Also ignore the test you will have many LH surges during a cycle only one of those surges will be high enough to trigger ovulation so getting a close to positive test means there is some LH and getting a negative LH means the surge dropped the only test you wanna pay attention to is the test that looks EXACTLY the same as the control line. I timed sex way way off one month thinking a light line meant i was close to ovulation when i wasn't. And when you do get a positive test it means you egg will drop in the next 24 hours so the clock starts as soon as you get that first reading have sex only once a day so hubby's count has time to go back up. Good Luck and hang in there your doing fine =)"

Amy D replied: "I am in the same boat as you. I did clomid this past cycle 3-7. I am on CD22 and have yet ovulated. When I was reading up on Clomid, they say to not use OPK with Clomid until a couple of days later after the last pill because it will give false positives. The drug is still too fresh in your system at CD8. I did a OPK on CD 8 for the heck of it...and it was SOOO positive. But I have yet O'd...it sucks. But I just went and got my progesterone checked and will find out for sure tomorrow. Good luck."

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