Celexa Disorder Panic Resource
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Anyone taking celexa for panic disorder? I got a panic disorder, always feared for absolutey no reason, n i only work a part time job cuz of it. I take celexa 20 mg for 3 weeks now, startn to feel a lil better, just wondrn if it works for panic attacks and how long it takes to feel good again? any info on it would be great.

gadget replied: "i have tryed celexa and found it helped somewhat , yet i found serizone to work better"

alyanna99 replied: "I used to take Celexa but now take Effexor and find it to work much better."

freddie4ever143 replied: "I used to take Celexa and it helped me out though it did take a while for it to help me. The thing I found that worked the best was breathing when you have a panic attack. I took a class on an overview of what a panic attack really is and why you get them and it educated me a great deal and helped me cope with what I feel. What happens is we all say "Well if I feel like this, then..." Then you start thinking something really bad is going to happen when in reality it's nothing. What I would suggest is to take deep breathes when you feel panicy and assure yourself that nothing is wrong and you are going to be fine. Good luck."

paintergal73 replied: "I was on it for 2 months and felt nothing. i felt the same and semi doped up i quit, can't give you any predictions, everyone is different."

Celexa-prescribed for a panic disorder? Has anyone else taken this for panic/anxiety symptoms (not any depression)? Did it help? Any side effects? Please give me details if possible. Thank you for your help

dan h replied: "yes, its also know as lexapro. This is a safer way to treat Anxiety. other medication for anxiety is Valium, Klonopin, ativan, Xanax, which are very dangerous and addictive"

Erin F replied: "I have taken celexa for years, i love it! I had no depression but severe panic disorder! I do great with it. as for side effects i really do not know because i have gained weight ut could be do to having kids and i am not real intrested in sex but could be because i am tired from kids all day. it is well worth trying it though!"

racer 51 replied: "in answer to dan - celexa is not lexapro"

What is a good medication for panic disorder and social anxiety? I have severe panic disorder and social anxiety and I was prescribed trileptol and celexa. I've been taking them for almost a year now, and I haven't noticed any change physically or mentally. Is there a different medication I should be taking?

Calypso replied: "Hi Victoria - Sometimes drugs can't fix anxiety/panic disorders all on their own. Have you tried working with a therapist? Usually a combination of medication and therapy work best. Many times the therapist will co-manage the patient's care with a psychiatrist (an M.D.) so that both needs are met. The M.D. can prescribe the medications and you and your therapist can work on getting you desensitized to whatever it is that triggers your anxiety and panic attacks. One word of caution - some people rely on a class of drugs called benzodiazepines to deal with anxiety and panic attacks. Stay away from these - they are highly addictive and they do not actually treat the problems. They simply mask the feelings of anxiety and panic. They also have some heavy side-effects. Some common examples of benzos would be Valium, Xanax or Ativan. I hope that this information was helpful to you and I really do wish you all the best. I have a lot of personal as well as professional experience in this area (have a family member who has the same disorder) and I know how debilitating the constant anxiety and panic can be. Feel free to click on my profile and then chose the email link if you want to correspond privately outside of this board. I would be more than happy to talk with you. Hang in there! Doc Calypso"

Yoda replied: "Listen, I will suggest a medication, but I have a couple of things to say that WILL help you ALOT. Because medication is not always the answer. You may need to take a medication for social anxiety but by all means, do not take short acting medications like klonopin,xanax , or adivan. You will become reliant on these meds. If you must take a medication try Seroquel XR(extended release, to mellow you out throughout the day) It will knock you out each time you take them for the first week or so, but after that it helps alot. Stick to a medium dose- you don't want to end up a zombie. Some tips: -The more you expose yourself to social situations, the easier they become to deal with. You will be a little less anxious each time. -Do not bail out, quit, or stay at home because that will only make the problem worse. [the opposite of the therapeutic effects of exposure.] Finally- emotions come in waves. You need to jump in, stop thinking so much, and wait for the wave to pass. They always do. Good luck. You have one life to live."

Eric Hill replied: "I wouldn't take drugs if i was you. They are only for extreme situations like if you've been hospitalized for a nervous break down. You should know this by now if you've been taking them for a year with no affect. Try something else like yoga, meditation or natural medications"

Tyler replied: "Drugs will only cover up the problem. Check this website out: . This site provides up to date reviews on all of the best anxiety and panic disorder programs on the internet! A majority of which are professionally recognized in the mental health industry."

Chrona replied: "Hey... Victoria here, maybe my personal story can give you some solace... a lil about me- about a year after my husband left me and my daughter died about 5 years ago.. I was at a very difficult point in my life, and was ultimately diagnosed with depression, severe anxiety, and panic disorder. I would say that i've always for the most part been a little depressed and had some degree of anxiety, but this just completely tipped the scale. I remember there were days on end I would just lie in bed, and whenever I would be in a social environment my anxiety would go through the roof and I would often have panic attacks. Therapy never seemed to be effective for me, and my psych put me on damn near every med out there. I've been on everything from wellbutrin to paxil, zoloft, prozac, lexapro, celexa, buspar, valium, klonopin, xanax.. etc. Sometimes 2-3 different ones in combo at the same time. Nothing really seemed to work for me. With the exception of some of the benzos (klono./xanax) .. these worked well for a little while, but I grew tolerance quickly, and became highly addicted. Then one day while researching online i came across this reputable looking website .. which talked about this program to eliminate your anxiety for good, all naturally. Long story short, I wound up signing up to try it and the program worked amazing.. Not only do I no longer have panic attacks and anxiety gone, but my depression has also seemed to dissipate a little. And I'm currently starting to slowly ween off the meds I'm on. >>>> I would personally say that possibly the biggest driving factor in all this is OCD. I think obsessing and constantly having your thoughts focused on your own condition and constantly analyzing your own thoughts/actions plays a very significant role in the persistence of our ails. Almost like the condition is a small lit fire, and OCD is the fuel that keeps it consistently burning... Also, I've come to the conclusion that meds are generally a unhealthy short term cure that only semi-treats the symptoms, and never the cause. Hope I was of some help!"

carafate does it effect your anxiety-panic disorder? im on celexa for anxety-panic disorder does carafate make you feel more nrevous or tense

just us replied: "No carafate is just a barrier drug to protect the digestive system drop one into a glass of water and watch it will turn to goo thats what it does in your stomach"

panic attacks and Celexa meds? I went to the doctor today and have been diagnosed with a panic disorder. He prescribed xanax for short term use and celexa for long term use. I am scared to take the celexa after reading the warning labels. Have you used this medicine for panic attacks? If so, what was your outcome? Any advise on this med would be great. Thank you in advance.

paperpaladin replied: "OMG. DON 'T TAKE THIS. i took celexa & it messed me up for a week. it felt like i had the worst flu for a week. i had the wierdest side effects. please don'tt ake this. my doctor is such a jerk about it. he doesn't think that it was the medicine that made me sick, but it was. don't ever take celexa. it should be taken off the fda. it's horrible."

Martha T replied: "Joanne, Don't let pills be your permanent solution. There are better ways! For 3 years I had panic attacks and each time I literally thought I was going to die. I didn't tell anybody about this either. Then, one night, my boyfriend found me hyperventilating in bed and rushed me to the hospital. There, they told me it was a panic attack. They gave me tranquilizers (but I didn’t want to get addicted to sedatives) and the name of a therapist that I really liked. My therapist told me about this program: He really shouldn't have told me about this program because it cured my panic attacks and I no longer needed to see him. I kept my appointments with him anyway because I liked talking to him and he also noticed how much more relaxed I was since the panic attacks stopped. Anyway, hope this helps. Cheers, Martha"

anyone have panic/ anxiety disorder that keeps them out of work? I worked at my hometown nursing home for 2 years, loved my job, and i quit in march for a new job. Thats when my panic attcks started, i stuck it out til june, but by then , i wasnt able to leave the house anymore. I have been outa work since, the nursing home keeps beggn me to come back and i want to so bad, but i am so scared and dont know why, it is like home there. I started on celexa 3 weeks ago, they make my anxiety milder. I just hope it takes away my panic attacks so i can go back to work at the nursing home, i miss that place so much, but am so scared my anxiety wil take control over me and i wont be able to work . Help! any advice will be greatly appreciated, dont tell me to suck it up though cuz i tried and i physically cannot!

under pressure replied: "Unfortunatly, medication cannot work by itself. You should also probably be speaking to a therapist. My anxiety has made it so I have not gone to work for several days, but I cannot say that I have quit because of it. Unfortunatly, it appears as though the Anxiety has taken over your life. You need to try to get control back. It could be possible that if you went back, since it was a great place, your attacks will deminish. If you wake up in the morning, and say you will be ok.... your day will be better. If you wake up, and say.. ok... when is the next attack going to happen, it will happen. Good luck!"

Denie replied: "Take half mg. of risperdal. If that's too much ..take a fourth mg. If you take too much, you won't feel like doing anything. Some doctors have started giving it for panic attacks. I take it and it's the first thing that has helped me to avoid panic attacks. There are lots of times I know I would have had them if I hadn't been on it. Panic Attacks are a real drag, aren't they !!! And so few people understand what we go thru. If your dr. thinks it's for something else...ask him to get updated on it. But remember....only very small doses."

realm192 replied: "I have quit several jobs due to panic attacks. Were you diagnosed with agorophobia as well The main thing I had to eventually start telling myself what is the worst possible outcome to the situation at hand, whether it be going to the store, a movie or just on the front porch. I am also on celexa by the way and it seems to work. Remember life is too short to be afraid."

karenmbs replied: "I also quit a job that I liked due to panic disorder. I just couldn't drive anymore and I just couldn't pull myself together. I started taking Lexapro and I'm better but not well enough to go back to work. Try to work if you can so you don't get stuck in the house. I am currently working on getting my life back. God Bless You!"

jas30705 replied: "I like you, have the same fears. But I keep trying to work. I have quit 5 jobs now because of anxiety and panic. The last job I quit he was mean to me, so that don't count. lol. I would say it get easier but it don't. You just do it afraid. I to take Celexa and xanax still it's so hard. But the good news is a lot of people fine the right meds. and do fine. I wish that for you. Go back to the job you love, stay very busy and I pray God will do the rest. Good luck"

Thyroid Disorder, Malaria, Panic Attack, etc? I am very worried!? I seem to have the symptoms of a panic disorder. The other night, I was taken to the hospital and treated for what they said was a panic disorder. I am about to get put onto Celexa and have gotten medicine for the ear/head pain I was having. However, I continue to get sudden chills and a cold mouth. It comes on suddenly and lasts for a little while. I seem to have the symptoms of a panic disorder, but what else could be wrong?

~Kschizzle~ replied: "I too suffer from panic attacks, the chills and cold mouth are symptoms of the panic attack. The symptoms can last for awhile after the attacks passes or begins. I too used to think there was something else wrong...I get dizzy and have the chills when my attack comes on. The best advice I can give you is try not to think "what else could be wrong?" because it will only make you panic more. Know that you have a panic disorder and know how to calm yourself down to beat the attack. I hope this helps you :)"

t4dlamai replied: "Hi I found this really great FREE ebook about anxiety and panic attacks titled: "Code Red: Kill Panic! Annihilate Anxiety!! Now!!!" Inside this Free report, you'll discover: - What Are Panic Attacks And Anxiety? - Triggers & Causes Of Anxiety & Panic Attacks - Therapies & Remedies For Anxiety & Panic Attacks - How To Survive With Anxiety & Panic Disorder - How To Stop Panic Attacks Forever - etc., etc. To grab your free report (while it's still free) simply click on the link below. PS: You can thank me after you have read it."

Is it really just panic disorder or maybe am I bipolar? I was diagnosed about 4 years ago with Panic disorder and have been taking Celexa/Lorazepam to deal with that, but lately it seems(and it may be that I am just noticing it now) that I have extreme down times where I feel like crying, think my wife doesnt love me anymore, feel like the whole world is against me and don't want to do anything. Other times I feel perfectly normal. The reason I question Bipolar is because while I can't exactly say I have experienced mania, I have/had bouts where I feel like a million bucks, feel hyper, feel like I can do all sorts of projects at once, talk really fast, have tons of thoughts racing etc...Could that be considered mania or is it just maybe ADD? Not sure if this helps but I am a 29 year old male, married, middle class, sufferer of Crohn's disease.Thanks

Elizabeth replied: "Have them recheck you. I was diagnosed with BP when I was 22 (36 now.) OCD and panic came much, much later in my life and is quite mild - kind of the opposite of your situation. The more studies they are doing they are finding connections between them along with sleep disorders and migraines. I am on Celexa as well and it helps mucho. What you described is mania or hypomania (lesser.) Some BP's called type II never have a psychotic state, rapid cycle or develop full blown mania. There is a lot of new information out there and a lot to take into consideration when diagnosing but well worth a trip to the doc. Tell them what you are going through and see what they say. You lose nothing and could gain a lot. Good luck to you."

Klonopin (Clonazepam) & Effexor XR Anyone on SNRI & Benzo? Panic Disorder Depression AnxietySocialAnxiety HELP? Thanks for stopping by, this could be kinda long but it's important and I put detail into it.. Just incase you don't already know?: EFFEXOR XR is a prescription antidepressant and is indicated for major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. CLONAZEPAM/KLONOPIN is a prescription used for : Controlling certain types of seizures in the treatment of epilepsy and for the treatment of panic disorders. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor. Clonazepam is a benzodiazepine. It works by increasing the activity of a naturally occurring chemical in the brain. (I'm a {}male {}20 years old) - Diagnosis: {}Panic Disorder {}Clinical Depression {}Social Anxiety - Medicines I've tried {}Lexapro {}Celexa {}Paxil {}Abilify {}Buspar {}Ativan (And of coarse {}Effexor XR & {}Clonazepam (Klonopin) - Went to Doctor, then community mental health clinic, now I'm at a much better place then the mental health clinic Seeing a psychologist and waiting to see the psychiatrist Until I can see the psychiatrist at the new place I'm going I went to a different doctor (who accepts Medicaid) and explained this all to him - I was on effexor xr 75 mg for about a year+ (which my doc told me is an ineffective dose, the therapeutic dosage for Effexor XR is at least 150-300) -And also on Klonopin (Clonazepam) .5 mg 2x daily - I was on both (Klonopin& effexor xr) for about a year up until December of 2008 -I no longer had insurance and decided to try going without any medicine for awhile, and there wasn't a way to "taper off" without insurance, so i stopped both cold turkey (please no comments on how that's not good.. i know) However I made it through getting off of these medications and it wasn't as bad as everyone said. - Since going off of these medications my panic/anxiety & depression has peaked - So like I said I went to a doctor until i can see the psychiatrist -He suggested I try going back on effexor only at a therapeutic dose Below is the treatment plan for now read and discuss after: Effexor XR 37.5 mg (they want to ease you up so they give you 30 pills at 37.5 mg each and say: take 1 for 5 days (37.5 mg/day) take 2 for 5 days (75 mg/day) then take 3 for 5 days (112.5 mg/ day) Then I can get a script filled for 150 mg Effexor XR The 150 mg should start to help the panic, social anxiety, gad, & my depression In combination with the Effexor XR; I will start back on *Clonazepam* 1 mg 2 times per day *(PS: I know clonazepam is a controversial drug and may have withdrawl effects but for the benefits of functioning way outweigh the risks. So no comments on that please)* The 1 mg Clonazepam twice a day should help control my anxiety and panic In addition to those medications I'm already seeing a psychologist, I believe talk-therapy alone isn't the cure but I'm hoping medicine and the talk therapy will be beneficial together. In your answers you can leave advice comments etc, just no lectures or anything like that thanks. Also If you do take these medications (esp. together) leave you experience/progress Any advice on what time you take Effexor XR (currently taking it in the morning) Clonazepam/Klonopin (currently taking not specific times, but twice a day) answers(/anything you have to add) I receive is appreciated

minx replied: "wow, i'm speechless ......... go and get yourself fully assessed by a naturopath or other wholistic healer ....... get them to do testing for food allergies/intolerances and chemical sensitivities .......what you ingest and absorb through your skin and breath can have a vast impact on the way you think, the way you feel and your overall health and vitality ....... seriously, you can live a pain free drug free life if only you know precisely what chemicals and foods are upsetting your system .... it could be something as simple as lactose intolerance or an intolerance to processed sugar or wheat ...... disorders from which people suffer due to intolerances to food or chemicals in their diets can cover almost the whole spectrum of physical and mental illnesses ..... an extraordinary concept but mind blowingly true....... do yourself a favor and go and get allergy tested. in the meantime, try to eat as much whole fresh foods that you prepare yourself that includes a wide range of leafy and green vegies, some low sugar fresh fruits like watermelon, cantalope, pears and strawberries, some lean meats and fishes, brown rice, organic nuts and seeds like almonds, brazil nuts and sunflower seeds and lots of fresh filtered water .......... ditch the sodas, pop and soft drinks, consumption of foods containing processed sugar and junky and take away highly processed foods ...... ** and that includes alcohol** ....... not immediately of course or the detox would be too nasty ...... slowly ...... and feed your body from God's table and wean yourself off the highly processed, packagedsludge that has little to no nutritional value anyway. i was diagnosed with "Bipolar/Schizophrenia" 7 years ago and was pumped to the eyeballs with a selection of very heavy antipsychotis and large amounts of Effexor daily (600mg) ....... by taking all their nasty meds i ended up an insomniac, with achy bones, nasty sweating, headaches and migraines, terrible mood swings, permanent constipation, constant sweating ......... until i got reassessed by a naturopath and was diagnosed coeliac, lactose intolerant, intolerant to soy and processed sugar and a plethora of other preservatives and other nasty chemicals they use to preserve our foods......... it wasn't a mental illness at all with me .... it was all food and chemical intolerances ... i detoxed off the meds and cleaned up my diet and finally got me the bounce and vitality back that i'm entitled to ....... that we're all entitled to. EDIT: sorry, i should clarify that i'm speechless at the fact that physicians are so ready to simply continue to prescribe such meds on a never ending basis when they clearly aren't resolving the problem ...... perhaps your health issues need to be resolved from the source mate, not bandaided with toxicmeds. peace baby ♥"

mntnrain80c replied: "I used to have severe panic/anxiety attacks and depression I took clonopin and paxil also went to talk therapy which helped I also had severe agorophobia and had to go to day treatment which is kind of like a babysitting service for people with mental illness. But after going there for about 2 weeks I noticed that there were so many people who had wasted their life by going to this place. It seemed that they bought into the whole "you're ill and you can't decide things for yourself type stuff) I quit going there and I decided I would make myself go out and do things even if it was just baby step type things then push to do more and more. After all this is the type thing that no one else is going to make go away you have to reach deep within yourself to find the strength to over come it. I eventually weaned myself off meds and started driving etc also got a job and have had no problems (well major one) since If I feel anxious I ask myself what is causing it and then work to calm down. Breathing, meditation etc works wonders. I also have the attitude now of I don't care what people think That used to be one of my fears I was afraid if I had a panic attack in public I might start acting irrational and be embarrassed. I could write volumes on panic/anxiety disorder but the space here is limited if you want genuine help then feel free to write me using this screen name @ yahoo.com And no I'm not going to tell you to find Jesus etc That's a choice people have to make on their own and when I was at my worst I would get so annoyed at people who tried to tell me I was being punished for so un named sin etc. I just offer you a friendly compasionate person to talk to about this."

underdamped replied: "Ah, the nay-sayers. Medications have saved and improved so many lives. They not be the right thing for everyone, but I am a firm believer in modern science... Ok, I have depression, bipolar, panic, and add, here's the list: AM 300 mg wellbutrin xl 300 mg lamictal 200 mg provigil 60 mg strattera PM rozerem 1 mg klonopin 37.5 mg paxil as needed: klonopin, niravam (super fast-acting xanax) I sleep. I'm healthy, my nails, hair, and skin are beautiful. I take dance and martial arts and am in the best shape of my life. I'm taking classes (18 units) to get ready for a master's degree program, I study like 8 hrs/day, and I get good grades. etc. I agree with you 100% - the benefits of *functioning* far outweigh the risks/side effects. 50 happy years are better than 80 miserable ones. yes, I take a ton of medication. it not only saved my life, it took it from hell to good. Find a good psychiatrist and be patient. It took a year to get my little cocktail just right, it sucked, but I'm finally mostly normal. Yep, you gotta have therapy too. You need coping skills to deal with that occasional...symptom. I have found that I can handle life better than most healthy people, every-day problems are so small compared to things I have experienced. Even if I could, I wouldn't "heal" myself. I have become very compassionate and non-judgemental. I believe I am better for it and so are those around me. (FYI I'm an athiest) Hope they figure it out for you. And I hope it doesn't take too long. Chat with me anytime, especially if the nay-sayers or people who think it's all in your head get to you."

underdamped replied: "Sorry, I wrote the answer above and then realized I had to change my account and settings, etc. if you want to msg me, it's underdamped_2 :)"

Margaret P replied: "Get as much resource as you can maybe is one option,however it could be quite time consuming,here is one resource i have had good experience."

Pico replied: "I take 300mg Effexor XR, 2mg of klonopin and 30mg of Abilify. I'm diagnosed with 'major depression with psychotic features', GAD and PTSD. I'm 31, been suffering with this crap since I was 12 but was not diagnosed until I was 28. I'm doing better on this drug combo than on any other meds I've been on. I haven't been on many (Lexapro, Zoloft and Ativan). The Zoloft did nothing at all for me and I took 200mg. The Lexapro was a bit better but nowhere near good enough. Ativan was a nightmare. It helped with my anxiety and panic disorder but I got addicted to it within weeks. I was popping the pills all day long. I was switched to klonopin and have had no problems with addiction and it works GREAT for my anxiety. I haven't had a panic attack in over 2 years. Honestly, I take my meds when I remember to take them. I used to be really good about taking the Effexor at night but lately I fall asleep before I remember to take it. I end up taking it at all hours of the day and it doesn't seem to effect me in any negative way. I originally chose to take it at night in case it made me sleepy. I'm supposed to take 1mg of klonopin in the morning and 1mg at night. I take the Abilify with the Effexor whenever I remember to take them. Klonopin is a long lasting benzo. It was explained to me that it works slowly but stays in your system for a long time. It's best to take it on a schedule and space it out. When I was on Ativan, it was 'take as needed'. It's a fast acting benzo. It hits you hard and wears off the same way. It would wear off suddenly and I'd be hit with anxiety and need another pill asap. That's how I got addicted. As for progress, I had a psychotic breakdown in July 2006. I got on Lexapro, Ativan and Abilify right away. As I said above, the Lexapro and Ativan didn't work out for me. I got on the Effexor and klonopin around Feb 2007 and it's done nothing but good things for me...mostly. My sex drive has been a LOT lower since I've been on these meds but I can handle that better than wanting to kill myself. One of the meds gives me night sweats. It's not every night and I'm unsure which med is causing it. I'm leaning toward the Abilify though. As for taking these meds together, I haven't had anything negative happen because of the combo. I was feeling a bit lethargic recently and I complained of constant fatigue. My psych put me on Wellbutrin as well but I had a terrible acne breakout after about a week. I can't live with that so I ditched the Wellbutrin. Unfortunately, it REALLY helped to fight the fatigue."

Panic disorder, is it common? I have been diagnosed with Panic disorder and Agoraphobia. I take one full Celexa pill, and the psychiatrist gave me a small dose of adivan if I get an extreme panic attack, might i add, i haven't touched the adivan, i don't know if its really necessary. I don't like thinking i need to be drugged up, I'm aware that my mind controls everything, and i can think my way out of the attacks. I'm just curious to know how many people actually have this, I don't like feeling like the only person out there who has it. And if you could add some advice, i'd appreciate it! PS. My symptoms are MAINLY a gaggy feeling ALL THE TIME, so if anybody has that, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE give me some advice on how to cope with it, I'm so tired of the gag thing. I've passed out from an attack, i've been sick, i get shakey, cold sweats, dizzy, you name it. thanks! I'm only 14 years old.. I feel as if i'm still too young to be on such like.. intense drugs, if you know what i mean. what makes it worse is that car rides are like hell. going out of town is like hell, and being around a lot of people is like hell. <-- thats all the agoraphobia talking. 14 year olds shouldnt have to life like this, it's not fair... I'm only 14 years old.. I feel as if i'm still too young to be on such like.. intense drugs, if you know what i mean. what makes it worse is that car rides are like hell. going out of town is like hell, and being around a lot of people is like hell. <-- thats all the agoraphobia talking. 14 year olds shouldnt have to life like this, it's not fair...

Gisselle replied: "Hey, I truly understand how you feel... The uncomfortable symptoms like sweaty palms, "jelly" legs, extreme alertness, "impending doom" feeling and the fight-or-flight response. I've been there. I'm an ex-victim. Sometimes the deep breathing or distraction techniques doesn't work - a full-blown panic or anxiety attack happens later. Sometimes you experience panic attack out of the blue and such. Do NOT buy Panic Away, Linden Method, EasyCalm or the Panic Puzzle. They do NOT work - I've tried them and their solutions are similar - it DOESN'T WORK. Medications do NOT work - I was under many antidepressants (Prozac, Lexapro, Paxil and Zoloft) and anti-anxiety medications (Ativan, Klonopin, and Xanax) but my condition was the same - no improvement at all. The only program that really work is The Panic Attack Solution. It's found by an ex-victim. You can check out his old blog in his official website to read up some useful tips. But the package is the best - it teaches 18 powerful techniques and the real solution to panic attacks. I've bought it and it really helped me - it's the BEST anti-anxiety package or book I've read. His theory really makes sense. You will learn why your panic attacks can happen without warning sometimes; why having stimulant causes panic attacks; and many-many other useful tips! Check out his official website:"

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