Cymbalta When Will It Be Available
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when is lamictmal and cymbalta going to be available as generics? so that insurance will cover the costs?

nursepjill replied: "there is already a generic for Lamictal, but not for Cymbalta. Reason being, when a company "invents" a drug, they have exclusive "rights" to this drug for a certain number of years, before other companies can be allowed to produce a generic. Some insurance companies will pay for brand names, but the out of pocket cost is higher. I had to pay high dollar for Wellbutrin XL until a generic was available. Anytime you want to find if there is a generic available for any drug, go to or and you will most likely find anything you are searching for ( or any such website for drug stores in your area)"

a little bit of this replied: "I hears that one can remember which onwe was going to be generic by the Spring, that's what one of my docs siad. Welp, it spring. So, who knws what's going on?I'm in the same boat you are"

Is there a generic available for Cymbalta? I have just been prescribed Cymbalta for my migraines/depression/anxiety. I was taking Prozac before this which is available in generic form.Is Cymbalta available in generic form? I am not getting it filled just yet because I have 2 weeks worth of samples.

Elaine T replied: "not yet. cymbalta just came on the market a few years ago. sorry. still going to be under patent for quite some time."

MEAcat replied: "I agree with Elain no generic yet. I did check the Lilly site and they do give help on costs."

Moonfairy replied: "Yes there sure is.. Don't know why others are saying there isn't! Cymbalta..Generic Name: duloxetine (do LOX e teen)"

Poetgirl76 replied: "It may have a generic name (that is the name of the actual medication, "Cymbalta" is a brand name) but that does not mean a generic formula is available. Cymbalta, I believe, is the newest antidepressant on the market. (Or one of the newest.) Unless some major changes have suddenly taken place, there is no way a generic is available now or will be for many years. Drug-makers typically get exclusive rights to any patented compound for 20 years after that patent is approved, but this countdown begins from the day the patent is approved. It can take up to 10+ years for a drug to get FDA approved , after that is when the brand name would be released. So it could be more like 10 years from the release of the brand name to the release of the generic version, depending on how long it took to get FDA approval."

Cymbalta in the UK? is the anti-sepressant Cymbalta available in the UK? I am currently on Fluexotine and I don't feel this is working, I've heard Cymbalta is good, but I don't know if it is either available over here. Or if it goes by a different name? Does anyone know?

Natalya replied: "Yes, you can get it in the UK, the generic name is duloxetine. Remember that the one you're on now, Prozac, can take up to six weeks to really start working. Tell your doctor it isn't helping and he may change the dose; that might do the trick. Don't change the dose yourself, though. - just to add: ignore the person who answered by insisting that Cymbalta is Prozac - it's not true! For one thing, Prozac is an SSRI, while Cymbalta is an SNRI; Cymbalta works differently to Prozac. You can definitely get it in the UK - I know this because I know somebody who takes it!"

lochmessy replied: "Just to let you know a little about Cymbalta, which if it isn't in the UK will be there shortly. Cymbalta is basically Prozac. They lost the limited patent on Prozac as it had reached the limit of time for it to be controlled and it went generic. So, not sure who the manufacturer is, decided to make a tiny switch in the formula, nothing major, but enough so they could change the name and have another drug out named Cymbalta and rake in the money. If you liked Prozac then this will be the drug for you. If you had problems like I did with Prozac, then stay away from it. Just trying to help, even though I'm an American and can't answer your basic question about availability. You should be able to find out who the manufacturer is and go on their site to find out where they are distributing the drug or send them an email. I'm sure they will answer and let you know about plans for release."

Tell me what you think is the best anti-depresant drug available? I have tried several: Lexipro, Cymbalta and could not stand the side effects. Got off both meds with doctor's care. I am taking the drug for depression following pregnancy loss and emergency hysterectomy. I am so hormonal and angry all the time. The doc just says let's try a new medicine, I need something that works without horrid side effects! Thanks for your opinion.

Military guy replied: "Zoloft. Prooved"

Hope replied: "Your sadness is understandable. So glad you're seeking Dr.'s care. Personally, I've never had problems with Zoloft and it's now available in generic. Its effects seemed strengthened when taking hormone replacement therapy. Unfortunately, trial-and-err with the psych drugs is the only way to find the medication that works for YOUR BODY."

bankchick replied: "You might find this interesting. "

sdudas replied: "The hysterectomy is going to give you horrible side effects!!! The hormones change drastically, especially considering what your age may be. I assume you are young because you had a baby. Celexa- works great, I tool it and it worked! Problem was I lost my sex drive completely! I can not handle that, if that is okay with you than I would try that first. A low dose 20 mg should be plenty. Paxil- seemed to work pretty good, with no side effects. Always try to stay on a low dose of any antidepressant. Sounds to me you need an anti-anxiety pill for all the effects of the hysterectomy. Hope this helps!"

Puglover00 replied: "zoloft works for me theres tons of people on there who have lost what you have...if you even need people to talk to, theyre there. that website has helped me more than any drug. Just talking to people who really care and who know exactly what you have/are going through....good luck and im so sorry"

ragtad replied: "I've tried numerous medications and had given up on meds for years. I too hated the side effects. Unfortionatly my depression didn't give up on me. After my fourth visit to the psych ward I was transfered to a different hospital (I wasn't happy about ir at the time)which turned out to be the best thing for me. The doc's there convinced me to try meds again. They tried me on Welbutrin. It was a vast improvement."

Can you help me with Cymbalta? Has anyone had any bad withdrawls from cymbalta? I was taking cymbalta at 30 mg, which to my knowlege is the smallest dose available, well when i stopped taking it, i went weird and crazy, even my body was hurting. It was the strangest thing ever to happen to me, well I started taking it again and now my doc is changing me back to zoloft and i had to stop taking it again and start the zoloft. Has anyone had this happen to them, or know what i can expect I didnt want it to sound like I just stopped taking it, I cant wean off anymore because there is no lower dose, and I cant even cut it in half because it is a capsule with little balls in it, not a tablet. I was also swelling really bad when taking it, my arms and legs, and now it is still happening after ive stopped, ive only been off for about 2 and a half days now, im pretty scared about whats gonna happen over the next 2 weeks!

rougerocker replied: "I was on cymbalta at 30 mg. and stopped it also. I had a very hard withdraw for about two weeks after that I refused to use any anti depressants. Some times the cure is worse than the problem."

lost_but_not_hopeless replied: "All of these drugs were rushed through testing and approval by the FDA to maximize drug company profits.. No.. that is not a conspiracy theory.. As soon as it was determined that they could potentially reduce the effects of whatever they were being prescribed for.. they were approved. There is no cure for any type of mental illness, because there is no known cause for it.. and all the theories in the world will not change that fact. Adding chemicals to your brain offsets the chemicals that are naturally there that facilitate the thoughts, moods, feelings, and emotions that we have. For some there is a positive change, and for some there is not. This means that you may need to try several different medications to find the one that works for you.. or you may have a mental chemical composition that does not react well with any types of medications. I am one of these people. I have tried probably close to 40 different combinations of prescriptions and dosages to get my afflictions somewhat under control over the past 10 years. Some medications simply do far more harm than good for some people. Personal experience tells me, that when a doctor starts prescribing different medications on top of original medications to counteract side effects, it is time to reevaluate your situation and your treatment options. Nobody knows you better than you. If you have no confidence in the medications ability to help, or you are having side effects that are unacceptable to you, it is time to try a something different. Just like it sometimes can take a month for a prescription to start working, the opposite is true.. it can take a month for some to get out of your system as well. Once they are out, the chemicals in the brain will (hopefully) return to back to where they were before any treatment was started and you can try again with a different medication. I am certainly not a doctor.. but I don't know why they can't seem to understand this.. they just keep filling us up with different drugs.. the medications need time to work and time to stop working.. and to hurry that process majorly complicates things. To answer your question, I have had withdrawal symptoms from a few different medications. Mostly because I lost confidence in them and stopped taking them. I read up on the medical recommendations and weaned myself off of them, went back to the doctor and said I wasn't happy with it. Doctors don't like patients that don't listen. I don't like doctors that aren't looking out for my best interest. I am finally down to one medication that has worked very well for me in the past 3 years. For a while, I was on as many as 4 or 5 at a time. Don't allow yourself to become a science project. When you are being weaned off of medications, symptoms will almost always dramatically lessen over a period of a couple days to a couple weeks.. The withdrawal usually starts strong and fades as time progresses and your natural body chemistry re-emerges from the fog of whatever chemicals were influencing you. (this can be a positive or negative change.. this is relative to your condition). Your brain and body will return to normal, and from there you can start over."

Has anyone had any bad withdrawls from cymbalta? I was taking cymbalta at 30 mg, which to my knowlege is the smallest dose available, well when i stopped taking it, i went weird and crazy, even my body was hurting. It was the strangest thing ever to happen to me, well I started taking it again and now my doc is changing me back to zoloft and i had to stop taking it again and start the zoloft. Has anyone had this happen to them, or know what i can expect I didnt want it to sound like I just stopped taking it, I cant wean off anymore because there is no lower dose, and I cant even cut it in half because it is a capsule with little balls in it, not a tablet. I was also swelling really bad when taking it, my arms and legs, and now it is still happening after ive stopped, ive only been off for about 2 and a half days now, im pretty scared about whats gonna happen over the next 2 weeks!

Tanya968 replied: "You should never stop taking an SSRI (this class of antidepressant drug) suddenly. Although Cymbalta is newer drug, every SSRI needs to be titrated down before stopping - i.e., slowly tapered off! Only exception should be some if there is a life-threatening side effect! Always check with the doctor who prescribed the drug if you want to change, or stop it. Sadly, many primary care (general) doctors prescibe these meds and are not familiar with the precautions and possible problems. Here is a link; although not quite up to date on newer meds, it does give "tables" on effects, side effects, possible problems with other conditions, etc. General med info, check here for any questions on your meds, or ask your pharmacist esp if complex question! Re: Zoloft Any time changing from one SSRI to another - or to another medication for depression (compulsion, whatever) experts advise tapering off the current med, and being off for a week or two, before starting another SSRI. Reason is: they don't all act the same way - and behavior can be erratic if you start another while first med is still in your bloodstream: very emotional, ups and downs. Zoloft is not so bad to come off of, when tapered. Paxil is notorious for strange side effects, anxiety attacks and panic, plus physical symptoms during withddrawal, even when tapering off. The side effects of discontinuing Cymbalta, or any SSRI can be irritating, make your moods unstable, or affect your body with strange sensations (hyper episodes, or pain or jumpiness!).... but once you have it out of bloodstream you should be ok. With most, this takes 14 days. **** Addition if you are having swelling, esp if medicine has been stopped, talk to doctor about it and you probably need to see doc again. haven't heard of swelling from these types of drugs, but that can be a serious side effect of many medications. please read;"

katep1313 replied: "I am on cymbalta and yes, the side affects can be similar to opiate withdrawls. I get cranky(actually, kind of mean), my legs sweat at night, I get shaky, etc. Always, taper off any anti dep. many have side effects if you stop all of a sudden."

cymbalta.I was wondering if anyone ahs heard of cymbalta.? has anyone heard of the antidepressant called cymbalta and if it is available in canada yet?

georgiabanksmartin replied: "I have used it. you may try getting online."

Melissa replied: "I've been on it for a little over a week, can't tell a difference at all. It's suppose to take a few weeks to a month to work though."

mcandy_74 replied: "Not sure whether it's availiable in Canada yet, but I've been taking it for about 2 months. It's had a really positive effect on my moods, but I've had trouble sleeping properly at night since I've been taking it( the pros outweigh the cons, though.) There's an informative page about it on Wikipedia"

BikiniQueen replied: "Never heard of it. I wouldn't suggest you use antidepressants. Just have a good time with friends. That usually helps me."

Jax replied: "i see commercials for it all the time"

Lisa D replied: "i was on it partly due to my fibromyalgia and it gave me KILLER headaches so I switched. I had a friend that had to be taken off it because it made her depression worse and she was having suicidal thoughts (that can happen with any antidepressant)"

woosiedoosie replied: "I have been on it for several years--and it works well for me. I have read some of the other posts and you must realize that all of these types of drugs work differently for different people. I too have fibromyalgia, and I have also been on several different anti-depressants. You may have to try different ones until you find the best one for you. It can seem like you are on a merry-go-round at times, but once you get the right thing, you will feel better. My doctor told me that Cymbalta was good for those who have depression and chronic pain. I have a friend that is also on it and it works well for her also. I have no idea about it being available in Canada, but I do not see why it wouldn't. I hope you get the help you are needing:)"

lynnette R replied: "I have been taking Cymbalta for a little over a year. It has really helped me with my depression and I tried about 5-10 antidepressants before Cymbalta. NOt sure if it is available in Canada but i would think so because its been out for a alteast a year and a half in the states."

cdeafiem replied: "No clue if it's available in Canada yet... ask your doctor if it is. I've been taking Cymbalta since December and it has really made a huge difference for me with my depression."

What is the cheapest anti anxiety medication (read on)? I have to pay a percentage of the cost of the drug, not a copay. What are some of the cheaper drugs available? I was taking cymbalta but its expensive. Some of the meds have generics but they are expensive too. Any ideas? I also tried celexa but had bad acid reflux so thats out.

DrugStoreCowboy replied: "Last time I checked Celexa was an anti-depressant. I have never heard of a case like yours where someone had to pay a percentage of the drug. I suggest you look up anti-anxiety medications online and then go to Walmart and grab their 4 dollar prescription list of drugs, but in all honesty, a medical professional should be able to answer that question for you. That's their job."

Tara J replied: "Venlafaxine (generic Effexor) and venlafaxine ER (generic Effexor XR) are probably your best option if you are looking for SSRI or SNRI medications. Generic versions of Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Valium, and Librium are all very very cheap, but these are benzos and usually are not recommended for long term use. If you need medicine daily, then venlafaxine ER is probably best. If you only need medicine when you have panic attacks, then I think alprazolam (generic Xanax) is best. Speak with your doctor as they will understand your concern and should be aware of pricing. You can also call the pharmacy to check on prices. I'm not sure how much venlafaxine or venlafaxine ER are, but without insurance alprazolam is about $20 for a one month prescription. Generally if a medication is not generic, it is not very affordable. But also, not all generics are dirt cheap but they will always be cheaper than their brand name version. Also, extended release medications (those ending in XR, ER, CR, SR, or XL) are usually more expensive but are usually worth the additional money. Very few medications such as Paxil and Lexapro have long enough half lives such that extended release versions wouldn't be much better. Regular Effexor, for example, must be taken at least twice a day and the immediate release dosing prevents your from maintaining stable blood concentrations which can cause mood swings. Effexor XR prevents this."

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