About Depressed On Buspar
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Top Questions and Answers
What is going on? I took buspar 1 year ago felt good, started again feel depressed? can difference in genererics causee this? i remember taking buspar i had no anxiety felt good, but now taking different one i feel very depressed ? wtf? depression is temporary.. low sertotonin levels cause it

Melissa L replied: "isn't bu spar just for aniety? get off of it if it is making you depressed. i don't believe in depreesion because afterwards you are never the same. i got severly depressed and still don't do the things i use to enjoy, like writing and drawing. it changes you. get on something else. klonapin is good for aniety. get on that."

Has anyone out there had bad reactions to the medication Buspar? My doctor prescribed it to me and I took it for 3 days, the way he instructed, and I've somehow gotten depressed, chills, the hair on my head sometimes feels like its standing on end, I start crying for no reason. I hate Buspar! I have a follow-up appt. in a couple days, but I was wondering about other's experiences with this drug?

silver butterfly replied: "As with any prescribed medicine, if you are experiencing side effects (even those unlisted on the drug information), speak with your doctor immediately! That's what the doctor is paid to do, it is so important that people do that. Anna Nicole's son died of drug interactions that may have been avoidable, but was a very tragic accident. Please be careful with any antidepressants. now, onto the question. I have no direct experience with Buspar, but from the looks of it, you might want to look at th drug information that was with the medicine when you left the pharmacy. I found the link below which is a printable Acrobat version. There's a list of potential drug interactions on there (page 2 of 7, on the right), make sure you read carefully and avoid taking anything listed as potention interaction drug! The side effects are on the second link, with a full range, depression being a rare side effect. Good luck! It's always difficult to be on medicine for emotional/mental wellbeing! :) *hugs*"

feeling more depressed when on meds? i've been on wellbutrin xl 300 mg for a few months and i took zoloft for a couple weeks but then i stopped cuz it was making me really depressed. that was about two months ago. i just started taking buspar 10 mg about two weeks ago and i'm still feeling really sad. i got out of my depression while on the wellbutrin but about a month ago i started getting extremely depressed, like the way i was before taking any meds at all. what's causing this? and please don't tell me to talk to my dr cuz i'm going on wednesday. thanks.

Abby Road replied: "Antidepressants can make people feel more depressed or suicidal. Keep trying different combinations under the direction of your doctor. Just say NO to Paxil if the other meds are making you worse."

♥Peachy♥™ replied: "Keep in mind that drugs never have, nor ever will cure depression. The cure lies in a healthy diet and exercise routine combined with proper mood therapy. In other words, you need to optimize your health and how you think in order to get your neurotransmitters rebalanced, that's all. Read my story on how I got over it after five years of misery...."

Ally replied: "Meds don't work hun (In some cases they do) The medication makes it worse.. What do you think people done when they didn't have medication This world is screwed........ you just need someone to talk to... ALL THE DOCS WANT IS THE MULA AKA MONEY you can talk to me I'll listen.. PROMISE"

Nevada Pokerqueen replied: "Some meds cause depression in some people. Everyone is different. If one does not work try another and so on. Keep in mind some drugs will work for awhile and then stop as your body gets acclimated to it. Be carefull also of any side effect to these medications. I say this because they way the drug companies are whipping out these new drugs to keep up with demand they are not doing long enough studies. Depression is always a tough one. If it was me, I would try to clear it up naturally first. Doctors never tell you that the natural way is best because they make more money for them and the drug companies if they lead you to believe they are your only hope. Stay with drugs if you have on-going mental problems or illness. If not it could be your diet causing it. If you are deficient in some vitamins or minerals you could become depressed. The natural doctors have amazing things at their fingertips like herbs, vitamins, minerals, and more. Besides seeing your doctor (dont give him up yet) talk to a Herbalist or Naturistic doctor, or Homeopathy doctor or Eastern Doctor (Chinese Medicine) or (East Indian Doctor). I have found they have a wealth of information and can try some easy remedies to alleviate your problem. What you got to lose?"

ludmila_zagrebski replied: "Hi... I can certainly relate to the feelings you are having my friend. I was faced with the deaths of three members of my family in a period of two months. So... now I too am on WelbutrinXL but I take 400mg. I also take Trazadon along with Ambien at night. Sometimes I feel like quiting it all but having done that once with disasterous results, I won't be doing that again anytime soon. I still go through days of depression but the longer I stay on it, the better it seems to have gotten. All I can tell you is to try your best to keep busy (I know easier said than done.) Also don't get freaked out when you do have a depressed day. Sometimes the anxiety of thinking "am I slipping back to this hell?" is overwhelming. I hope you feel better and God bless you. -Ludmila"

bill l replied: "i think that you should print off what you asked us and take it to your appointment and give it to the doctor . some of your question seems to answer itself . i hope you do what i suggest ."

nutty replied: "It's normal to feel more depressed during the first 2-3 weeks of being on an anti-depressant. So much so that when I took zoloft my condition worsened and I was soooo miserable for weeks. But, after about 2-3 weeks it just kicked in suddenly. While I was on meds I made life changing decisions and eased myself off the drugs within 1 year. I haven't needed meds since (it's been over 5 years ago). My suggestion is to give the meds a little more time, see if they don't kick in after 3 weeks. Good luck, I know it's tough what you're going through, just hang in there and you WILL see a brighter day."

Just started Paxil + Buspar + therapy and have a question? So, I started Paxil 1 month ago and added Buspar 3 weeks ago. I also had 2 therapy sessions so far and he will be using CBT therapy to help me.The problem is, I don' have a job right now, because my anxiety was so bad I quit my last job. So basically I'm just sitting around the house and I feel even more depressed than before. It feels like the Paxil and Buspar makes me want to socialize more and because I don't have a job I just stay at home and focus on how lonely I am. I want to get a job, but I'm afraid I'm not ready and I will get really anxious and have to quit again. I'm not sure if I should get a job now or wait until my I've had 2 or 3 more therapy sessions. I guess I should ask my therapist what I should do next session..... but I was wonder if this is a normal thing that happens withj Paxil + Buspar. Makes you more outgoing and wanna be more social, but if you don't if makes you more depressed and lonely. What do you guys think?

thedrisin replied: "You should talk about this with your therapist. Recovery from anxiety and depression takes a lot of strength... good for you for taking care of your health. Good luck."

If you care please read. Is it o.k. that people ignore me, how should I deal with my depressed state? I've been sad for two months now. I cry a lot. I believe that some people ignore me because they think I'm psycho and others ignore me because I am constantly sad and have dark circles around my eyes. How can I get through this college semester without doing something irrational? I usually don't believe, but is God there? I'm taking buspar for anxiety. I'm pretty damn sad and am coming closer to failing. People stay away from me and that's how I want to be treated and I don't at the same time. I'm a lonely untrustworthy person. It would take a month for me to get a psychologist, by then it would be to late. I am ugly in so many ways. Do you have many people who dislike you and find you perhaps dangerous. I just got the drug form the emergency doctor. Wow! I got to many uplifting advice. Thank you guys. Humans do care after all.

troble # one? replied: "See your doctor and tell him how your feeling you might need to change your drugs........"

Z F replied: "You tend to get what you focus one. Maybe you should focus on what you want instead of what you're getting."

sarge927 replied: "For starters, YES, God is there, and He doesn't want you to despair. It hurts God and those who love Him to hear that you think you're ugly and untrustworthy and lonely. You need help. God knows that, and He also knows that you need help soon. He has provided people to help you; all you have to do is reach out and accept that help. The people God has appointed to help you are very close by. Don't wait. Go to your nearest church and tell them you need to talk to someone about your problem. Believe me, as someone who was once in the very same position you are in right now, if you turn to God and the people who serve Him you will get the help you need. God will not fail you or forsake you. Go NOW and get help from His servants. You'll be glad you did. May God bless you. I'm praying for you."

much_brighter_days replied: "definetly make an appt with a psychologist, let the person you make the appt with know you can not wait long to see the dr...a psychologist will help you put things into perspective...also if buspar is not helping...the medication i took for my anxiety was lexapro and it was amazingly helpful. life is very difficult at times...but you MUST stay determined to get through the hard times."

quest girl replied: "how about going to your school counselor or calling a counseling place. My 20's were the hardest and saddest time of my life, it should have been the best from what I thought but I was incredibly miserable from deep inside. Went to my gyno and she put me on prozac and I started to feel better, but also look for a good church because no matter what you always need God to lean on daily....you need to get your soul fed by learning (from a good church) integrity, trust, and etc .let me recommend this book for you to read It's called the "purpose driven life" by Rick Warren... sounds like you're not sure as to who you are, which is not unusual at your age-- if you live in phoenix, I could recommend a great church, otherwise ask people where you could find a good church. Good Luck and remember that usually the problem is our chemicals/hormones sometimes aren't regulated so that is what the main problem usually is.....Good Luck to you, it will get better!"

Sherbert replied: "It sounds like you suffer from low self esteem. In order for others to like you, you must first love yourself. What do you consider to be your best asset? Whatever it may be, build upon that. What's your major? Apparently you are smart enough to be in college in the first place, so you can build upon that as well. Stop worrying about what others may think of you. Hold your head up when you walk around. Smile at people as you meet them. When you look someone in the eye and smile, they will return the favor. And that feels great. If you are not quite ready for holding conversation just yet, continue keeping your head up. You won't know whether the person you are passing is trying to talk to you if you walk with your head down. And yes, God IS there. Always have been- always will be. He's just waiting for you to ask Him to help you get through this temporarily tough time. Just talk to Him as you would any other person. Then believe that He will help you work through this, and wait for His light to shine upon you. I am a true believer of God Almighty, and that He will help you if you just ask Him to. You will be OK."

rubytuerubytue replied: "The first thing you need to know is that you are not an untrustworthy person as untrustworthy people do not say they are! You are obviously really, really down and things are getting on top of you, and that you are quite alone. Try this, it may sound a bit mad but I went though a really difficult time three years ago (my husband died in a car accident and I was suddenly a single mum to our 6 year old son) and this helped when things looked really bleak and I was having very scary days. Go to a quite place, somewhere you can be alone. Make sure there are no outside distractions (no TV, phone unplugged, no radio) and ask outloud for help. That's it, just focus on you issues what you need help in and ask. Sounds mad but we are never alone, we all have guides who are hear to help and only need your permission to do so. Do this now and I promise you will feel a burden lift and things will ease. Love and light x"

PRLadyDama replied: "you should get help immediately!!! I don't know where do you live, but in most places (a least in USA) there are places that can take care of you as an emergency...Check mental health agencies in your area that can give you an appointment ASAP. Believing in God helps!!! My dear, we all have moments when we feel worthless, don't worry, you're not the only one. There is a wonderful human being inside you waiting to be unfold, I understand its hard...just think positive...do a guided meditations that can relax you... I'm sending you this prayer, read it with faith!!! The Love You Seek The love you seek is also seeking you. Love is in your heart, at the very center of your being—an inherent part of you because you had your beginning in God, and God is love. You are created by God’s love, which is unconditional, all-encompassing, and totally fulfilling. How wonderfully reassuring to realize that your desire for happiness and fulfilling relationships is but the love of God in your heart seeking expression through you! Every moment of your life becomes an opportunity to prove God’s love by expressing it in all your thoughts, words, and actions. God’s love will satisfy every need of your mind and heart. You may have found some experiences in your life difficult to understand, but in every season of trial or change, the love of God is with you to strengthen, sustain, and guide you. “In all these things,” the apostle Paul assures us, “we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither … things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God” (Rom. 8:37-39). You live and move and have your being in God. Your acceptance of God’s love is the determining factor between a barren life and a joyful, love-filled, victorious life. Whether or not you express love, God’s love is always seeking you, always surrounding you. When you become still in prayer and meditate on God’s love, consciously seeking to let it flow through you, your life undergoes the metamorphosis that love always accomplishes. Realizing that you are a living, responsive, radiant expression of God’s love uplifts your heart and fills your life with the goodness of God. By your glowing face, positive speech, and loving attitude toward others, the world knows that you are God’s love in action, giving and receiving love continuously. In joyous awareness of God’s magnanimous, outreaching love, we pray. Our love enfolds you as you grow in your awareness of God’s love within you and let it radiate through you into every phase of your life. We rejoice that you are fulfilling God’s will of love in your life. __________________________ God Bless you, and if you would like to write to me, please do it: Also check the link Im sending."

J.L. S replied: "Never feel like you have written.None in the world is full of all quality.Everyone has some merit and demerit. You should build up self confidence in yourself. Don't bother what will other say. Do whatever you like. Pray god for better being. Select some good friends and tell them what you are feeling. You can consult any psychiatric."

LUCKY TOLLY replied: "Get out and get some sunshine! :) It is clinically proven that exercise makes you feel better. When you exercise you release endorphins and serotonin which make you happy. Go for a walk at the park and observe the beautiful nature around you. That always makes me feel better and is really relaxing. I always do a lot of thinking and soul searching when I go on walks or runs. When I have been really upset in the past I would go for a vigorous run and it would always make me feel better-there would be tears streaming down my cheeks sometimes when I went running but at the end of my run I felt much relief and felt great because I got a workout in. I used to feel many of the same feelings you are...thought about ending it all but I found that exercise, fresh air and a normal schedule really do help. Set realistic goals for yourself for somethings you would like to get accomplished. Maybe study early for an exam that would make you feel accomplished. Get a new hobby- I love to bead necklaces or paint and all of these things are fairly cheap at the arts & crafts store. If you have questions about God, try visiting different churches and see what programs they have to offer. I recently started going to this program at my church called beginnings and I have made friends of all different ages and have felt better too. You need to change your perception of yourself. How you percieve yourself is how others percieve you. How about concentrating on your good qualities! You know that you have several-don't deny it. If you need more, do something for the better of others that will make you feel great! You can volunteer all different kinds of places around your town,-shelters, etc."

Annie replied: "Hon, you are very depressed. Right now don't worry about what others are thinking of you. You need to take care of yourself. I am not sure that Buspar is working for you, you might need an antidepressant. And it is okay to be honest to yourself, maybe college and the social life around you is too much pressure for you to handle right now. Don't be so hard on yourself. You do need to see someone. Go to the college health office if you can. Or, call your local hospital to find out where you can be seen on an emergency basis. Yes, God is there. I will pray for you. But you need to pick yourself up and get yourself the help you need. ♥"

{JANUS} replied: "I was prescribed buspar years ago, it made me more irritable. Tell your Dr. Just what you said here, or change Dr.'s. We are our own worst enemy sometimes.You need to stop overwhelming yourself. The books will always be there, but you are more important than all of that. Please, walk away from all of it, for a sunny day. You've heard of stop and smell the Flowers. Go and get a facial, and a massage. Yes God exists, I love reading the Bible when I am down and out. I have been to hell and back. I can look back now, most of the worst times of life made me stronger. I am POSITIVE you are NOT ugly!!!! Any one that speaks as you have here proves it. You don't have to understand everything right now. Just find a way to vent. Write it down in a notebook, you'll look back someday and think Wow I made it."

Fred replied: "Hi Rebecca. Hope my sharing and answer might be of help. First of all, let me share with you that I too have had to deal with depresssion and have experienced the same feelings as you. It's bad enough when depression takes away all the sun from the sky. It 's even worse when you feel shunned, ignored, or seen as being wimpish because of your depression. And yes God is there, reaching out for you. Reach out to him!!!! Please understand that people are not really staying away from you, but many dont know what to say or how to help. They also dont understand that we who have to battle with depression dont willfully wish this beast upon ourselves, and we cant just will it away. Depression is real and is a medical condition just as much as diabetes or arthritis is, and like a medical can be treated. It is not just something "in your head" So please accept yourself as you are right now...it is ok. And it is ok if there are times you want to respond to people and then not. And it is ok if they are unclear on how to repspond to you. I think it would be best for you right now to seek out those people you feel that you can trust and suppoort you to give you added strength as the Buspar works. And certainly Rebecca, if there is any thought in your mind about self harm, by all means seek out a close friend or friends. By all means fight back, and dont let depression rub out your life the gift you can share with others by being a survivor! Also, Buspar can only do so much, so while your healing, do see about getting in to see the doctor so that anti depression medicine can be perscribed. Anxiety and depression go hand in hand. It is not often that you have one without the other. Hang in there and fight back back. I am praying for"

ggirl replied: "I am wondering how old you are, not because age has anything to do with how you feel, it is just that I was 23 when I felt the same way. I not only was distrustful, but I believed that I was totally unloveable. I truly believed no one could ever love me. Honestly, and I think you know this, you are sending signals to others not to bother you. You are doing both consciously and unconsciously. So they are not going to invade your space. But being in your shoes, let me tell you, you cannot continue this way. As desperate as you are right now, you MUST get some help. Before you do anything drastic, please promise to go to the emergency room. They will help you immediately!! They will get you with a psychologist. May I also suggest that your uglyness may only be your perception and when you get better, all those ugly spots will be made better. On a personal note, I found God to be very real and honestly through time and Him, I got better. Please do not continue this cycle of pain......get help today, find in the yellow pages a mental health crisis center....CALL THEM! Or please go to the emergency room. I am very concerned for your safety. Please send me back a msg on how to contact you"

Im really really depressed? Ok im 16 and have ocd and GAD im usually sad and down but not to this extend my meds where just changed im on luvox 150mg twice a day and buspar 15mg twice a day,Iv been on the luvox for months and had my dose just raised and i just got on buspar but iv taken it before..Im so depressed and tired and out of it...I keep getting thoughts of suicide...and i don't want to kill myself i just keep getting these thoughts.My life feels really worthless right now.I feel like i don't care.Is this the meds doing this to me im really freaked out

emma rae replied: "i've been there and somewhat understand how youre feeling i think you need to keep family and friends close and talk to them about your feelings also talking to a counselor might help. put the suicide thoughts aside and don't think like that best of luck."

sonadyeoj replied: "emma's right, also with your meds being changed, your body needs to get adjusted to the new dosage. hang in there!!"

Billy K replied: "this is a comon thing to go thru in your life dont dwell on it or it will get worse your young it will get beter dont give up trust me theirs a lot more to life that you should experience that feels like heaven dont give up"

Charlene replied: "It sounds like your meds might not be working right now. I would contact your doctor and work on getting those meds worked out. In the meantime, try to find something to make your life a little more cheery. I know that it's hard. But maybe take a relaxing bubble bath. Listen to some music you really like. When you start to have suicidal thoughts, journal about them and also journal about how your family and friends would feel if you were gone. Sometimes realizing that others do value you, will help make you determined to avoid hurting them so badly. There may not be specific worth to your life right now that you can see, but it's there down the road and you will make it if you try."

nightmusic replied: "From what I hear these meds can make people suicidal. Why don't you get off these meds and try fish oil? It works good for depression. Go to a doctor that treats mental problems with nutrition. They are called orthomolecular psychiatrists. Your better off not taking drugs."

kitty_menain replied: "I would talk to your doctor about that. The meds don't seem to be helping. I'm not a doctor so I can't tell you if it's the meds doing it or not, but some thing's not right if they're making you fell worse. In the mean time, just try to distract yourself. I know it might seem hard to get interested in something, but just watch a movie or something to take your mind off of it. Maybe try talking to someone who will understand. Tons of people have depression, and it may seem that your alone, but people get through it."

cindy c replied: "It is very possible it could be the med's you are on.I take luvox 100 mg.once a day.It sounds like your doctor has you on quit a bit of anti-depressants at a large dose.This could be causing the suicide thoughts you are having.I think you should get another doctor's opinion.lso a little therapy might help until your med's are straightened out.But please keep the suicide thoughts away. Good luck"

buspar without prescription? ok let me start from the beginning..im a 19 yr old male ..i have been having anxiety attacks/ depression for the past two months..it all started when i tried to quit smoking..i just felt sad and and depressed .. i've cried a couple of times..and trust me im the type of guy who wouldnt cry if i got kicked in the balls..i'll pass out but wont cry..anyways back to the story..i didnt do anything about it yet cuz i thought this was a phase and it'll pass but it hasnt...come to think of it..kinda got worse..so wen i finally decide to talk to my doctor about it..he's on vacation..and my mom took buspar and she stopped wen she got over the depression..you guys think its alright if i pop one? i mean it is mild after all..and if it makes me better i know wat to ask my doctor for on monday the 1st when he comes back? feed back guys..please no bullsh!t..thank u thanks a lot guys..didnt end up taking it after all..i've waited so long i think i can go a few more days..but im seriously going crazy..i cant help with the anxiety attacks..i feel like crap..and im thinkin about tonight wen i might have another one and im getting more anxious..oh man..wouldnt wish this upon my enemy.. oh and by the way i havent quit smoking..i started after the anx/depression attacks to make em go away thinking lack of nicotine was the cause..but thanks for all your responses.

evol replied: "?"

the_only_solorose replied: "buspar is not for depression it is for anxiety. It could easily make a depression worse. Just taking one, isn't going to harm you, but it may mask symptoms for a bit, when they come back, they come back worse. You would do well to wait until you can see a doctor."

Misha replied: "Nope. if the bottle does not have your name on it you are: a. taking illicit drugs - that is an offence b. poisoning your body c. You dont know how much you will need. Prescription drugs are so dangerous when your name isnt on the bottle. Just try distracting yourself when your sad /call a friend. Get more sunlight and sleep. Maybe make a journal? Start smoking again but slowly cut down. Wait until your doctor gets back before you take anything or just go see a different GP? 1 can harm you. You dont know if the active ingreidients you may be allergic to. Its not prescribed to you so dont take it. If you need it go to the doctor and get them prescribed."

Raptor replied: "I don't recommend you take ANYTHING without seeing a doctor first. There could be any number of reactions to the drug that can be avoided, but only by knowing when not, or even if, you should take it. Also, you said that you're not the kind of man to cry and that is honestly one of your problems. Yeah, I'm a man's man and I will not cry in front of another. But I will cry over what needs to be cried over. Whenever you suppress your emotions, they will come out sometime and when you least expect it. So I would definitely recommend that you go into therapy to deal with your own issues. Even General MacArthur cried before sending his men into battle."

Ken W replied: "Like the others, I don't recommend taking a medication unless prescribed by a doctor. The big issue though is that one buspar won't help you deal with depression or anxiety. The medication takes a while to build up to what is called a therapuetic level. This can take up to a week and more, at a dosage that is considered appropriate for your symptoms and physical condition. While Buspar is used in treating anxiety, it is a different chemical makeup than like Valium, Zanax and the other tranquilizers that are fast acting but short lived. There is no high to be achieved from it, or quick calming. Buspar in the larger dosages has been used to treat milder depression, but it takes a while to get to that level, and isn't effective as some of the other medications especially for that. You mentioned that you had quit smoking. There is a medication call Zyban that has been effective in helping people quit smoking. It goes by another name which is Welbutron which is an anti-depressant. You may want to talk with a doctor to discuss this option. I stress that I am not a doctor, I have been a clinical social worker who has worked in the addiction field and who has seen these drugs used. Take care."

who here takes prozac and buspar? what do u feel like? i'm depressed i just strted months ago. i need good advice from someone that has had depression before. Thanx

zap replied: "My mother and my brother have."

drgoodhi replied: "Try Xanax"

E.M. replied: "Me I am taking Prozac, for 3-months now and I do feel somewhat better, I mean I have my good days bad days, and better days... it takes time I know but sometimes I do get into a rut where, I get depressed, then happy for a couple days , when does this thing end?????"

AdioBamm replied: "I take effexor xr. It was good for about two years and now its stopped working. I got to get it changed. I know exactly what your going through. all i wanna do is sleep. i dont want to talk to or see anyone. i dont wanna go anywhere. i dont wanna do anything. I just wanna crawl into a shell and be left alone. All of this is not what i need to do. But its what i want to do. It feels good in its own miserable way. ( i know, that sounds stupid) Its like part of you just wants to stay in that state and the other part doesnt."

Depressed/anxious since age 5, no meds/therapies have helped--what's the next step? Does anyone have any advice/alternatives for someone who has been suffering from depression and anxiety since age 5, but no medicines/mental health professionals/therapies have been able to help her make LASTING change? I'm 30 now and have been under every treatment plan under the sun for these conditions--if there is a drug on the market, be it a trycyclic, SSRI, etc. there's a 98% chance I've taken it, only for it to have absolutely no effect on my mood. In some cases, I would actually become more depressed! I've also tried taking antianxiety meds like buspar and klonopin, they would also not make a dent in my anxiety. I've seen many therapists in my lifetime, with them specializing in CBT and so on. The problem I've run into here is that, while I can make an honest effort to change my mood and thoughts, I cannot make this change last. I could be doing well, feeling confident and 100% better, and then as soon as something negative happens, BOOM! I have to start from Square 1. I have had several therapists literally give up on me (not out of anger, just because they were stumped at why, even in their opinion, I am clearly following CBT but can't keep my confidence/resistance constant). The same has happened with medical Dr's who have seen me, they run out of options as far as meds go and can't figure out what the problem is. I just feel constantly anxious, depressed, with low self esteem--I feel so empty. I also have social skills issues, and so desperately want to feel "normal". Therapists and Dr's I have seen have ruled out diagnoses of BPD, and they don't seem to think I'm bipolar either. ( I actually asked a couple of them point blank if either of these were my issues) At this point, I feel that I may be forced to look at some other alternative treatments. I cannot take St. John's Wort because I take birth control pills--are there other suppliments I might be able to look into?

I'm like sexy but clazzy..! replied: "Check in yourself into a mental hospital. I really also want 2 because I'm in the same situations that the medications doesn't work. They like to give medications to experiment to a human being. I'm that and each time I take them I feel sickening to death."

maltesefalcon replied: "I have no idea. But I love you, not like I want to marry and move in, but because you are alive and breathing and you have not given up! I feel the same way myself. I try to help other people not to feel better and create artificial self worth, but because I feel there is nothing thats going to fix me. So why not help others. You are very intelligent and I am sorry you feel the way you do."

EM replied: "i would suggest going to a natural 'doctor'. try to look up a type of actupuncure called five step or body mind and spirit, they helped me with a lot of my depression. i know a lot of people dont believe in the whole 'natural medicine' thing to tell you the truth i didnt either until i had tried everything else and nothing worked, my mother took me to a nuturopathic doctor. it wont be covered by insurance because insurances dont consider them true doctors but ill tell you that it worked a miracle for me. good luck and if u need help finding someone if you are interested my email is"

Anna P replied: "I've been depressed most of my life, and have also tried many things. My therapist recommended a lightbox, which has really helped. It needs to be at least 10,000 lux (I got mine from, the Travel Jr.). I also take fish oil and Vit D (must be the D3 form), as this also helps. You should be on a really good multi-vitamin (I like Solaray brand for that) with a good B-complex, as this helps. Also, dark chocolate (in reasonable doses), or cocoa pills (at health food store) should help a bit. I would also follow the Zone Diet as too much starch and fatty meat apparently can affect depression. Regular moderate exercise such as walking when possible (briskly), yoga, swimming, pilates and LIGHT weights will positively affect your hormones. For anxiety, check out the Emwave, a cardiac biofeedback machine (I just got one, it's for high blood pressure but also anxiety). It works! On Amazon, you can also get the Heartmath book that explains why it works. I agree, if you can afford a naturopathic doctor's visit, they have tests that are more sensitive than most medical tests. Many depressed people are borderline hypothyroid and medical tests don't catch it. I am starting a new hypothy med to see if it helps."

motherx5tjmsa replied: "Check out. There is a 4 herb tea that will help to flush the liver. Depression is linked to liver toxicity and chemical imbalance. Hoodia is also a safe mood inhancer. Take a vitamin and Mineral supplement like Liquid Plus that also has amino acids. Deficiencies in iron can lead to depression Deficiencies in magnesium can lead to anxiety and depression. Calcium is needed for magnesium absorbtion but also helps with many anxiety symptoms You can contact me if you have any more questions. Amino Acid has helped depression and anxiety"

Perscription medication: Buspar? Hi, my doctor gave me a prescription today for an anti-anxiety medication known as 'Buspar.' I trust my doctor's judgement, but I strongly distrust the pharmaceutical industries and would very much appreciate some feedback from people who have taken this medicine. When I researched it, I read about the common side-effects, which do not seem unmanagable. I have no problem trying this medication, but if anybody can share anything about this, then please do so. Up until now, I have self-medicated with marijuana. I realized that this was only making me more paranoid/anxious/depressed and I also came to the realization that I am not 16 years old anymore. Needless to say, quitting the pot is tough, but will this 'Buspar' (maybe called 'Busparin') help to even me out? Thanks a lot, and please reserve any judgement that you may have for me.

Replace replied: "Not every medication works as desired for every person. Be faithful and don't miss a dose. If you do not perceive any change in 3-4 weeks, discuss with the doctor the possibiity of changing to another med. I took it for about two months some years ago with no effect."

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