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Questions and Answers
Does anyone know if the medication Diovan HCT can raise blood sugars? My A1C has went from an already high level of 7.6 to 9.2 in just three months. I have lost seven pounds,my colesterall has dropped 20 points and my blood preasure is 117/74. I hope someone can help me with this.Thank you

Tin S replied: "Diovan HCT - RxWikiIf you have diabetes, Diovan HCT can affect your blood sugar. Check your levels carefully, and talk to your doctor before you change your diet or your dose ... - 46k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this YES!YES!YES!"

TONY C replied: "Thiazide diuretics (HCT) lower glucose tolerance and can make glucose contol poorer..Diovan by itself is a fine agent for your BP."

I cannot lose weight no matter what I do..I think it is the diovan (320)and HCT...possible? I quit smoking almost 2 yrs ago and initially attributed my weight gain ( 30lbs) to that..however, I think it is my medication that is preventing weight loss..I have asked my doctor if it is necessary to continue on the diovan and hct and he said yes..I started these meds also 2 years ago when my blood pressure was 176/110..now it is 130/80..I have stopped eating red meat..eliminated desserts..severely curtailed butter from diet..exercised..and my weight does not budge..it is so depressing. I am a 47 yo male and now weigh about 240

sapphire replied: "Maybe you're drinking to much liquid most of your weight is gain is from that."

peanutbutter_615 replied: "have you asked your doctor if there is a different medicine you could use, because from what u describe it sound sliek ur doing everything right... you may ahve a thyroid problem, have you been tested?"

Darlene R replied: "Have you had your thyroid checked. I am having the same problem and found out I had a thyroid problem. I am now on medication and it is slow but it is coming."

Tompkins replied: "The cure for HCT, is THC."

Bloo replied: "HCT is a water pill, so i doubt that contributes to weight gain.. Most people underestimate how much they eat... Count calories.. for one week.. and average out how much calories you taking in one day.. if you take in more than 2000 calories a day.. you eating too much... most people gain weight because they eat over 2500 calories..."

sunstarr9499 replied: "Could you be insulin-resistant? Your body cannot convert sugars to energy to it so it converts them to fat and stores them wherever it can. I have this problem and was recently diagnosed and dropped 10 lbs. without even trying."

RedneckBarn replied: "I would definitely discuss this with your doctor. If he has not helped you solve this problem, odds are you need to go to another doctor. Sriously, your doctor is there to help you. If you feel like you are not getting the help you need, go to someone else."

jedilogic replied: "Turn off the computer and take a long walk."

que pasa replied: "i guarantee you that if you excercise at least 3 times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes each session, you will lose weight. if you cannot start of with 20 minutes do less and progress. try an exercise bicyle . it wont help if you do it 1 a week, and you wont lose weight instantly but please do it as it is the only natural way."

Crazy for a guy replied: "Diet and exercise"

abfabmom1 replied: "I agree with peanutbutter. I think you should ask your doctor if there is another medication that might work as well or better than what you're taking. Your doctor should be as concerned about you being overweight as he is about having high blood pressure. If I were in your shoes, I'd bring this up with him as a health concern, and ask to discuss what options are available."

ilse72 replied: "Yes, weight gain is a side effect from diovan hct. Unfortunately, it is usually not a reason that the doctor will discontinue the drug since the gain usually stabilizes (as yours obviously did at 30 pounds). If you contact me with your email address, I will gladly give you a diet based on Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem (unfortunately, yahoo answer's email system doesn't have enough "characters" to allow me to send the diet through them). You can do it yourself at home. You won't need to measure anything or count calories. It is all already proportioned. It involves all food groups and is based on 1250 calories. Very healthy. I have shared it with many askers on yahoo answers. Hopefully, it will be enough of a calorie change that it will help you shed those extra pounds."

Grandma Susie replied: "It does sound as if it's your medication. Have you tried cutting out the starch foods? That always does me in. If nothing else, try one of those wieght doctors, maybe he can help in spite of the medication. That's what they do."

tiffnichen replied: "Okay well I am 23 yrs old mother of 2 who had 2 c-sections done to me. It really made the weight stay on and my metabolism is very high. The way I lost weight was not to eat any thing until 5pm- 9pm (only hours I eat), drink plenty of liquids. Best food recommend salads light dressing- cut out a lot of bread and don't eat any sweets for a while and u will start to see the difference. I was 215lbs now I am 120lbs. I also exercise my lower body at night and my upper in the morning."

I have been on DiovanHCT for 6 weeks. I have developed itchy red eyes and a red navel.? My doctor prescribed the Diovan HCT medication for my high blood pressure . He has reduced the Atenolol to1/2 of the original dosage of 25mg. I had been on Norvasc and Atenolol for many years Recently I was also prescribed Lidoderm (Lidocaine patch ) for spasams in my neck due to arthritis, etc. Everything I eat seems to taste too salty . Should I continue. My Blood pressure has been about 126/84.

huggywell replied: "The BP seems good. I really think this is something which you need to discuss with your doctor. We do not know you and have no access to your medical history. The doctor does and is the person to give you advice...;"

Buddy replied: "Its not likely that they are connected. You might just have some dermatitis."

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