How Long Should I Take Reglan Resource
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how long i can use reglan to increase milk supply? how long i can use reglan to increase milk supply? do milk dry up after stoping it?

T3PO loves the BooJu replied: "1) Your doctor should have told you this. Different for every woman. 2) No. If it did then the answer to your first question would be 'until you stop nursing' which it isn't."

dcsavak replied: "You're supposed to be able to take it for a few weeks, tapering it off, and milk supply should stay high. It didn't work this way for me. I've been on it for almost two months, because my milk disappears almost immediately when I stop taking it. Talk to your doc if you lose your supply after going off."

notthepartyanimal replied: "Your doctor should have talked about the length of time you will need to stay on it. I personally haven't used Reglan. I've used herbs though and they have worked great at increasing my milk supply. My favorite is Breastea. I have heard of women that are taking Reglan using fenugreek or teas as well. You might want to ask your doctor about it."

Has anyone ever had a bad reaction to Reglan (Metoclopramide)? How long did it last? Or do you know about reactions to Reglan: feelings of impending doom, shudders, feelings of flight, severe panic episodes... And how long do they last? Can they keep coming back?

browneyedmaiden replied: "My doctor prescribed Reglan to me when I was having the severe panic episodes and the other things you mentioned. I didn't have any reaction to the drug, however, I slept a lot. I'd suggest that if you are having these symptoms while taking it, you need to contact your doctor to have him prescribe something else. I, personally, had the same reactions that you've mentioned when he tried me on Zoloft. I also had worse symptoms with Effexor...I had a seizure while taking it. I now take Lexapro and Klonopin, and they are working very well. Good luck!"

globalmedops replied: "The side effects shouldn't last long. I've never heard of Reglan being prescribed for anxiety (usually this is listed as a side-effect), but then I don't claim to know everything. It's usually prescribed for nausea, since it causes to the stomach to empty into the small intestine more quickly, and also strengthens the lower espoph. sphincter. If you continue to have anxiety like symptoms bring this to the attention of your physician, it may be due to something else."

I have bile reflux. I took Prilosec and Reglan for a month. I feel good now. How long will this last? I have bile reflux. I took Prilosec and Reglan for a month. I feel good now. How long will this last? Do I need to continue with treatment or should I stop it? Should I take a break and start when I feel bad again? Thanks

irish granny replied: "unfortunately you will have to continue the treatment. generally the only permanent cure is surgery and i've heard its unpleasant. are you keeping you head propped at night ,eating slowly all those usual recommendations. i know those medications are ridiculously expensive. ask your doctor if you can just take a maintenance dose perhaps 1/2 of what you were taking"

How long after you started Reglan did you see results? (for milk production)? My doctor just prescribed it for me and I started it today. So I am curious how long it took people who used it for milk production to see results!

Jackie replied: "24 hrs. But it made me extremely tired so I only take it once a day before bed. I love it!"

Dee replied: "I took it for nausea during my pregnancy and had some really weird side effects. I was really anxious and shaky for a day or so after taking just one dose. I've heard it can make a significant difference in milk production, but be careful of the side effects."

Has anyone ever taken Reglan to increase milk supply? For how long-was it effective? What about Fenugreek? Again, how long-was it effective?

Mommy of 2 little girls<3 replied: "I took fenugreek and It helped a little. I did not take it when i was supposed to , so it did not help as much as it could have. I took it for a couple weeks before I saw a difference."

babinurse replied: "Not sure where you live, but in the USA, Reglan is illegal for anything other than gastropoeisis. There have been studies, Reglan DOES NOT increase milk supply and there are lots of nasty side effects for mom and baby. STAY AWAY FROM IT!! Fenugreek is another one that is always recommended to breastfeeding moms but the studies suggest that it also does not increase milk supply. Fenugreek can be very dangerous when combined with other prescription medications. The number one way to increase milk supply is to boost your prolactin levels. Prolactin rises when baby is at the breast, suckling, and removing milk. If you wait too long to breastfeed again, the prolactin levels won't raise as much. Better to nurse fast, frequently, and often. Hope this helps. Sorry about the bad news about the drugs."

Reglan for increasing your supply.... how long before I know if it's working? I finally got a script for it tonight. Wondering how many days it will take to kick in? Thanks!

Diet C replied: "I'm not sure. Probably about 7 days or so, did you check kellymom? ETA: It isn't being recalled, the pharmaceutical company that makes it is being sued because Reglan is thought to cause Tardive Dyskinesia (involuntary muscle movement) and they're refusing to put it on the insert since there has been no link proven."

IzFam replied: "Mine worked within 24 hours...but then I had to stop taking it because I got like EVERY side effect ever. I couldn't stay awake to save my life, it made me jittery and shakey. Be careful. If this doesn't work, if you haven't tried it already, go herbal with some Fenugreek. P.S... it worked really well, just couldn't stay awake to take care of my baby. I hope it works for you. Good luck! It is very nice that you're trying all you can to do what's best for your baby"

Deans replied: "It didn't work at all for me...but I soon learned that nothing would. (2 weeks after I had Camille I figured out...I can't make milk) But, keep on the look turned me a little crazy. At least it seemed to. But it may have been that I was trying so hard to make milk, and wasn't...and that was the culprit for the craziness. *hope it works quickly, and wonderfully for you."

EmmysMom replied: "Just a thought, Reglan is being recalled because it causes neurological disorders in many people so I wouldn't even take it if I were you!"

Cassie C replied: "i tried it and it never worked for me. it just made me feel really horrible. my leg felt like it was shaking and i couldn't stop it and i just felt different, almost like i couldn't catch my breath"

Nurse JC replied: "The FDA has approved the drug for short-term use (4 to 12 weeks) and only when conservative treatment fails. While the FDA has approved Reglan only for short-term use, approximately 1/3 of patients are being prescribed the medication for 12 months or greater. Long-term use can cause serious side effects including Tardive Dyskinesia, a neurological disorder which causes involuntary movements of the tongue, mouth, face, lips and sometimes arms, trunk or legs. The warning label for Reglan (Metoclopramide) mentions tardive dyskinesia, but suggests that it occurs rarely. Two studies have determined the prevalence of Tardive Dyskinesia to be between 27 percent and 29 percent in long-term users. Reglan usually starts to work within 2-4 days of taking it. I try to stay away from this drug as much as possible because of the side effects of extreme fatigue. Please if you notice that you are very tired, unable to sleep, headaches, dizzyness or depression - talk to your doctor ASAP Domperidone - much safer medication"

LilBooBooBear sucks on his hands replied: "Good I am glad you went to the doctor, I hope that works for you! I got Reglan when I was pregnant because of nausea, I didnt know it worked for that too... maybe I'll try it out lOL"

The use of Reglan to increase milk supply? Has anyone ever been prescribed Reglan to reestablish milk supply. My friend was just prescribed this because she was breastfeeding and then had to have 2 back to back surgery's and in the mist of it all she lost her milk supply but wanted to continue to breastfeed so her Dr. prescribed this. Did it work for you and if so how long did it take?

desertchica18 replied: "It can help increase supply, but for a minor supply issue I wouldn't take it. It has some serious side effects, like depression. Some other options are: Fenugreek, mother's milk tea, more good fats, protein, malted products (ovaltine, beer), nurse every two hours, extra pumping, breast compressions, getting enough water, oatmeal, etc."

Kimber's Momma replied: "I haven't taken Reglan since I've started breastfeeding, but when I was pregnant I had horrible morning sickness. So my dr prescribed me Reglan & my breasts started leaking lots of colostrum at 16 weeks of my pregnancy. I was leaking so much I had to wear nursing pads all the time for the rest of my pregnancy. That being said I'm sure it will get her milk flowing again."

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