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Hypothyroidism + Synthroid? A year or two ago I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, and was put on Levothyroxine (Synthroid). I'm sixteen, now. Since then, I began to develop a lot of different side effects, I suppose, but never did anything about them. To list a few: severe confusion, severe memory loss, severe symptoms of hypoglycemia, fatigue, muscle cramps, cold intolerance, irritability... the main three that are just too annoying to live with are the first three. My doctor has told me that the symptoms of hypoglycemia are unrelated, as well as everything else more or less. I feel t-e-r-r-i-b-l-e. Could it be the medication? Could these be symptoms of intolerance to the drug? Can Synthroid cause side affects such as these? What do I do?

Dolleyes replied: "I take the same medicine and don't have any of those problems"

Jenny S replied: "I've been on synthroid for 15 years and have symptoms like that when my dose isn't high enough."

What happens when you don't take synthroid for hypothyroidism and start taking it again? I have Hypothyroidism, I am sopposed to be taking synthroid everyday, but the last year I haven't been able to cause of no insurance and no doctor and just haven't had the money. Now i am getting insurance again, can i stary taking it again, will it make me tired and sleepy and wore out again?

greatblue7 replied: "Your tiredness and sleepiness are symptoms of your hypothyroidism and not your medication. Take all medications as prescribed. It is important to get your blood tested after a few weeks of thyroid therapy to make sure you are on the correct dose of medication. Once the correct dosage is established, you should have your thyroid stimulating hormone tested at least twice a year to make sure you are still on the correct dosage. This is a lifetime disorder and is nothing to mess around with. Read about hypothyroidism on line and educate yourself. Synthroid is not too expensive and comes in generic. Walmart may even have it on their $4 list. Check and see."

mamita9chula replied: "this is not really a good answer, but I had to make sure this was not a question I asked!!!!! I JUST started taking my synthroid again 3 days ago b/c I was in the same boat as you w/o insurance for 6 mos!! I hear its supposed to make you feel better very fast. I feel very tired and sleepy and kind of depressed, losing hair by the handfulls and always cold. I'm going to keep an eye on your question b/c I was just about to ask the exact same thing! One of my big questions I asked the other night was is it hard to have kids with hypothyroidism. Just know you are not alone and I am in the exact same boat, hope you feel better and it should work really fast! = )"

scout replied: "A year is a long time. I have gone at most a month or so without taking my levoxyl (generic synthyroid) and i get all the symptoms of hypothyroidism back. i get really cold, don't have a period, tired, and just worn out. its odd that you are saying you might get tired when you begin taking it again but it should fix that. get your levels checked and continue taking your medication because hypothyroidism can lead to diabetes and that's so much worse"

I was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism and am taking a Rx of Synthroid....what to expect? I have been on the low dose for less than a week and will go up to a stronger dose in another week. Anybody that has hypothyroidism and taking Synthroid? How has it affected your life?? Ive noticed my appetite has massively decreased. Is there anything else I should expect? Thank you in advance for any insight you can offer.

Dr Dave replied: "You should feel like you have more energy, you should feel less tired, you should stop feeling so cold all the time (if you do), etc... You will feel the OPPOSITE of this list: Fatigue Weakness Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight Coarse, dry hair Dry, rough pale skin Hair loss Cold intolerance (can't tolerate the cold like those around you) Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches Constipation Depression Irritability Memory loss Abnormal menstrual cycles Decreased libido"

how long does the drug Synthroid for hypothyroidism take to work? I've just begun Synthroid today. How long will it take to work?

R W replied: "Synthroid is slow working drug...your thyroid levels may not start to rise for 2-3 months. Don't panic this is normal. do research on Web"

DNA replied: "It can take 3 to 6 months to notice big changes. It's because it often takes this long to find the correct dosage. You will be retesred every 6 weeks until the right dose is found. To speed this process up make sure to always test first thing in the morning while TSH is still near its high point."

Can hypothyroidism go away after so many years of taking synthroid? I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 12. I took synthroid up until I was 20. A few months after the medicine was out of my system I had my doctor test my throid level and it cam beack normal. Does this happen often?

TONY C replied: "Usually not, but you may be one of the fortunate ones."

Aim replied: "No, it's not typical for the thyroid to heal. Once it's gone, it's gone. How do you feel? If you feel hypo, then you're not "fine." TSH is NOT a thyroid hormone. Your doctor is probably basing "normal" on TSH. The free T3 and free T4 are more accurate measurements, and they need to be on the top end of range for most people to feel better. It can take years for TSH to reflect actual thyroid function, and if you have an autoimmune disorder, it's even more unreliable. If you feel bad, you need to push for a test for the free's and perhaps seek help from another doctor."

My daughter takes synthroid for hypothyroidism and has become very emotional and hyper. Is this normal? She has been on syntroid since August. She is 8 years old. She has become very high-strung, can't sit still, talks NON stop and cries at the drop of a hat! She also gets mad very easily and seemingly can't control her temper (yells and throws things). I have not seen this as a side effect to the meds. I am wondering if anyone else has had this experience with child?

janey33 replied: "Her dosage may need adjusting, it sounds as though it is a little high at present. Don't forget, she's growing all the time and her dosage will probably need to be changed throughout her childhood anyway. See her paediatrician, I'm sure this can be sorted out, ok?"

Rookie President oObama replied: "Read the side effects on the prescription. It would be better if you researched it at web MD"

Cribber replied: "The yelling and throwing things.. I don't know about that, but I do know it can cause hyper behaviour and feelings of extreme anxiety which might be making her lash out. I have a friend who started drinking tart cherry juice for a joint problem and then as a side effect, her thyroid kicked back into action and she was able to get off the synthroid. that is supposedly impossible, but that is what happened. You might want to give it a try. If you can't find it in the grocery store, you can get it online as a concentrate. One bottle of concentrate is like $13 and it makes a LOT of juice."

Ski owl replied: "well you have gotten used to her being depressed prior to the synthroid and this may be how she would have been if she had normal thyroid activity. BUT I personally would ring the doctor and tell him what you said here and request another blood test. maybe her dose needs adjustment."

geessewereabove replied: "I was shock once after I had been on Synthroid for years that my newer doctor said my Thyroid was not dead. I was stunned! I found out that stress can kill a thyroid for only the time the person is stressed. So it may be she is not stressed anymore and dose not need the Synthroid either."

Kelsey replied: "This is both normal and not normal. Basically, the job of synthroid is to replace the thyroid hormone that your body naturally produces. If there is too much of the hormone, it basically, throws your body into a hyper-metabolic state (which is what hyperthyroidism is). These things you've described are side effects of the medication, but also an indication that her dose is too high. People with hyperthyroidism are very emotional, anxious, antsy and have mood swings. I would take your daughter to the doc who prescribed the meds and explain to them what's going on. They can draw her t3 and t4 levels to get a better picture of whether or not the levels are too high. if they are, she needs to have her dosage of synthroid reduced."

What will happen if I take diet pills while on Synthroid (for Hypothyroidism)? I'm considering taking Hydroxycut (I have before, but this was before I was taking Synthroid), but some say one shouldn't take diet pills while taking medication for hypothyroidism. What would/could happen if I do so?

butterflyspy replied: "Your heart will race and you will feel like crap.Ive tried diet pills and synthroid too and for me they dont mix."

Is it dangerous to take synthroid ( I do have hypothyroidism) and clenbuterol? Yeah, I know I shouldn't be taking clen anyway, but the fact remains that I am, but I was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I want to know are any dangerous interactions possible. I'm thinking no because the synthroid just replaces what my body should be making naturally and I shouldn't have any problems that I wouldn't already be having, but I want to make sure. thanks. no preaching please.

thejoker0105 replied: "call your local drugstore/pharmacy and ask for the pharmacist on duty....he/she will advise you on any drug interactions both drugs could contain"

Javin M replied: "Any synthetic drug has negative effects, especially in conjunction with one another. Through PROPER diet (doesn't mean 'low fat', 'low calorie', etc... these are actually worse for you), you can overcome this 'disease'. Drink plenty of water, eat plenty of raw organic fruits & vegtables. Good Luck! More stuff 'they' don't want you to know about."

jcd_4me replied: "yes, ask the pharmacy"

thinking4u replied: "I had the same problem and through these treatments (no meds), everything is waaaay better."

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