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I heard there is not a generic lexapro out yet, but escitalopram is the name of a so called generic lexapro? I HEARD THERE IS NOT A GENERIC FOR LEXAPRO YET,BUT IT IS ALSO SAID THAT ESCITALOPRAM IS THE GENERIC FOR IT. WHICH IS TRUE?

KoKo KiTTy replied: "there is a generic. but that is not it."

13th Floor replied: "Escitalopram is the chemical name for Lexapro. When a generic is finally made, it will be called by the chemical name."

frizzy2002 replied: "I'm pretty sure there is no marketed generic version of Lexapro yet. But all drugs have 2 names: the brand name and the generic name. In this case the brand is Lexapro and the generic name is escitalopram. The generic version will be marketed once the patent runs out for the company who makes the brand name drug."

Mathieu replied: "Yes Lexapro is called escitalopram. And all drugs, new or old have a trade name (Lexapro) and the compound name (Escitalopram). So Valium (diazepam) is a very old drug and a pharmacy is not likely to have brand name Roche Valium tablets. They will have generic diazepam, which is the same thing it is just cheaper and not made by the the company that invented it. So there is no generic. It is still protected from generics until 2012 or so (in the US). But Canada, the UK, and other countries already do or soon will have a generic escitalopram available. People in The US will have to wait much longer before it is generic in The US."

Does anyone know if there is a generic form of Lexapro or when there will be? I am on Lexapro for anxiety and it is the only medication that has worked for me. The prescriptions are SO expensive but I don't think there is a generic form of it. Don't most medications come up with a generic form? If so does anyone know if or when lexapro will?

fiVe replied: "The only article about the Lexapro patent I could find mentioned the year 2009 as the year it expires. When a drug company creates a drug it holds the patent to that compound for a certain amount of time. After that time it is permissible for other companies to make the generic."

confused1 replied: "No generic as I know of, my son takes it"

GoBuckeyes! replied: "Yes, its called "Celexa". I was looking for an alternative to Lexapro also and thats what my doctor recommended. Good luck."

bob s replied: "Escitalopram is the actual chemical name and the generic but it currently is not available in the USA due to patent laws. Many countries produce it and sell it and it can be obtained from overseas or mexico"

Is a pot belly a side effect of lexapro? Or Clonazepam - generic of klonopin? I started taking lexapro and clonazepam about 2 months ago. I have also been trying to lose weight for the past few months. So far I do keep losing weight (25 pounds so far) but my belly is getting bigger! I am not pregnant or anything. I am losing weight everywhere except my belly, which is getting bigger. Anyone else ever experience this on both or one of these drugs?

doingthepanic replied: "Probably the Clonazepam. I took Lexapro and it had no effect on my weight. Those pills are awesome."

Warrior Poo Flinger NorCal R&Ser replied: "Yes, slight weight gain can be a side effect of the lexapro and clonazepam makes you drowsy/lethargic and my experience is that I just don't get the exercise I did before. I dont' take the lexapro anymore, but clonazepam is my bread and butter, and I don't have a pot belly but boy are my thighs thick. :) Maybe you're experiencing a water retention problem that may or may not be due to the meds, or may be due to needing some muscle toning exercise like situps or crunches/leglifts (I know, they suck). Ask your doctor if water retention is a side effect, or if something else is going on that could be causing it, or if you have to do some of those awful exercises."

Can I ween myself off of Lexapro for Generalized Anxiety Disorder? I've been taking Lexapro or the generic version of for about two years. It is aggravating and expensive to keep seeing the doctor, as he'll only write me a prescription for 2 months at a time. I do feel like I could start halving my pills or something, and I haven't had a panic attack in a long time. Any suggestions, advice? I would love NOT to have to take prescription pills everyday for the rest of my life!

emiiilyx0 replied: "i'm also on lexapro for anxiety disorder and haven't had very many panic or anxiety attacks while on it. it's the third medication i've tried for the disorder. talk to your doctor about it- i think everyone's goal should be to eventually be off of medication. ask him to put you on a lower dosage. if things dont get worse, ask for an even lower one until eventually youre off of it completely. DO NOT just stop taking them all together without talking to your doctor- i did that when i felt i didnt need them and awful panic attacks came on strong and frequent."

Paul A replied: "You can either talk the doctor into writing the prescription for more time, or find another doctor or psychiatrist to see. If the doctor prescribing the Lexapro is not your regular GP doctor, you could see him - he can write prescriptions for Lexapro. If you're on 10 mg pills, you can also get them to prescribe 20 mg, and cut them in half. That helps with the cost, too."

gringomcnight replied: "i think you need to check vilift, it's the best medication that i've ever tried and the good thing about it is you don't need to take it for long and it has no side effects."

Nurse Mich Brux replied: "you haven't had a panic attack b/c you're taking medication for it. talk to your doctor and let him know how expensive the visits are and ask if he'll let you have a prescription for about 6 months at a time. i don't see any reason for him to see you every 2 months."

Wish that there was a generic form of lexapro? I know it has helped me allot, However have had a real fight on my hands to get it at 30mg per day as something to do with FDA having a problem with it being too much, I know I need it and have been on it now for like almost a year and rxamerica all of a sudden has a fit on it. Why? you tell me, If it works don't break it, do I have to commit myself into the hospital just to get it?

Tina F. replied: "take a look at this European drug store since they allow it"

I have been on Lexapro 10mg for about 5 weeks. What are the withdrawl symptoms? I missed a dose and got a crazy headache and was unable to concentrate on anything. It has been working but when I missed a dose I was beginning to wonder if t could be causing a dependancy issue and if I needed to look at alternatives. Also, is there a generic for Lexapro yet?

Gypsy Girl replied: "Yes, Lexapro causes dependency issues in that you will have withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking it. That doesn't mean that you need to look for alternatives. The problem is that all psych meds will have some level of dependency. Just remember to reduce your dosage slowly when/if you have to stop taking the medication. You already know the withdrawal symptoms, you just experienced them. It usually takes more than one missed dose to bring on those symptoms though."

hotbutter replied: "yes you may have grown a dependency on the pill. i know someone who is on it and i believe it can cause some sort of hysteria."

Renate replied: "Read this and then talk to the doctor &.intl=us"

SUMMER replied: "I don't think its dependency I think when you take lexapro and miss a dose you see how you really are with out it. I was on it and after a while it didn't work for me b/c my body got use to it. I don't think its withdrawl, I think its reality of how we are with out it"

John H replied: "i was on 20 of lexapro, and i had no withdrawl from it. i missed doses every now and then. it canc ause problems, but it's a variable from person to person."

Lester S replied: "I was on lexapro for two months and I had no such side effect BUT regardless if a medication has such an effect like you mentioned I would not chance continuing it, especially if you are an adult and it is effecting your *positive concentration.:)>"

ktstebs replied: "lexapro has a longer half life that that. it will stay in your system for awhile before you experience withdrawls. i was in the hospital and they let me miss a dose because of that reason. just because you might have withdrawls doesnt mean you need to look for alternatives. if it is helping then there is no reason to switch. i was on 10mg and i have been raised because they said 10 mg isnt a very high of a dose so if you havent experienced any benifits from it talk to your doctor about posibly raising it. there is not a generic form of it yet, soon i hope."

Altruist replied: "It would help to understand how the medication works on your brain, which will give you some resolve in why it's not good to miss doses. Lexapro is part of the SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) group of antidepressants, the most selective for cases of major depression. The drug works by keeping the neurotransmitter Serotonin, in your brain longer, instead of naturally returning to it's storage bins in your brain for later use, thus lessoning your depression. Serotonin is believed to play an important role in the regulation of body temperature, mood, sleep, emesis (vomiting), sexuality and appetite. Low levels of Serotonin have been associated with several disorders, notably depression, migraine, bipolar disorder and anxiety. Regulating your Serotonin is a complex process that occurs in your brain via SSRI's. Naturally, you'll start to feel better over time, as the Serotonin stays in your brain longer and your brain will become acustomed to this, building a dependancy. When stoping an antidepressant, your Dr. will create a discontinuation schedule and may counter the withdrawal effects with other drugs. Since your brain has become acustomed to the medication, stoping abruptly will cause problems. Some of these problems are SSRI discontinutation Syndrome. Brain Shivers; and essentially, feeling even more depressed then you were prior to taking the medication. Most antidepressants develop some sort of dependancy. There is currently no generic for Lexapro and there won't be one until the patent expires. Med compliance is a huge issue for patients suffering with psychiatric disorders. You should always follow your Dr's advice and inform them of any changes in medication you have made voluntarily so that they can keep you out of harms way. good luck"

Is there a generic or equivalent to Lexapro? It seems to work well for me, but I cannot afford except when my doctor gives me samples. I have been off it for a while and can't cope.

♥♥♥ replied: "Generic Lexapro A generic Lexapro medicine is not expected to be manufactured until at least 2012, when the patent for Lexapro expires. Escitalopram is often mistakenly referred to as the generic version of Lexapro, but it is actually the medicine's active ingredient. You might want to talk to your dr and get on a medicine that does have a generic right now."

Angel replied: "not yet in the US but you can buy it in Mexico or Europe. Take a look at which is an online pharmacy in Europe that I have been buying form for myself and my family"

will i necessarily gain weight on Lexapro and Ocella (generic Yasmin)? Hey everyone. I just started taking generic Yasmin called Ocella a week ago, and today I started on Lexapro. Supposedly, both of these medications are supposed to have a low chance of weight gain as compared to the others in it's class, but I am worried. Has anyone ever taken these? Did you gain weight? Is there a way to stop the weight gain while still eating healthy balanced meals? Why do they make you gain weight, what is the reason? Thanks everybody.

shekilledhim replied: "I'm on Lexapro for five months and Yaz (Yasmin's little sister) for a year and haven't gained any weight. I assume a good diet/exercise combination will prevent you from gaining any if you're worried about it. I have no idea why they might cause weight gain though. Sorry!"

Gabe replied: "Lexapro doesnt realy cause weight gain. i was on 20 mg daily and didnt gain a pound. yasmin im not so sure, but what causes weight gain is really unknown. for you it coud cause weight loss it depends on your body chemistry. sometimes, when your depressed u eat alot, so maybe with lexapro helping u not be depressed, you'll eat less thus losing weight. other times, it could make you hungry, and you start over eating, which cuases the weight gain. good luck!"

Galileo replied: "Wieght gain is a possible side effect of Lexapro. I gained nearly 20 lbs. in six months and I go to the gym 4 times a week. My doctor switched me to Wellbutrin, I am slowly taking off the 20 lbs."

If I were to switch from Lexapro to Wellbutrin, would that minimize the sexual side effects? Don't worry, I'm going to ask my doctor this as well but I'd rather hear it from people who have experienced it. Lexapro leaves me literally NO sex drive~ hubby says it's evil :) I also think it's made me gain weight. Or maybe I've gained weight b/c I'm old and lazy :) Have any of you experienced any side effects with Wellbutrin? If so, were any of them sexual? Also, is there a generic form of Wellbutrin? My Lexapro costs $40 a month with my prescprition card b/c there isn't a generic form. Thanks!

Jo replied: "I am on wellbutrin and I will say for me it has increased my sex drive, lessened my smoking habit and over all makes me a happier person. You have to have your Dr though decide which is best for you. If you do switch, you will go through side effects such as the dirraeha and stomache problems for the first few weeks, but overall it is a good choice. Good luck."

wstncthy replied: "Maybe you shouldn't take that garbage at all and stop being weak."

Chuck M replied: "According to my Dr. , Wellbutrin does not have sexual side-effects. I have been on it for two years, with no adverse reactions. Welbutrin IS available in generic, under the name "bupropion". I cannot tell that it caused weight gain for me."

blu3_p1x1_st1x replied: "i took wellbutrin for 7 years and it didnt really effect my sex drive, i gained a little bit of weight, but i had to stop taking it because the highest doseage they can go, i had already built a resistance for it."

apeystar replied: "Yes it would. However, Lexapro's sexual side effects don't last past a month for most people. I am on Lexapro and Wellbutrin together. There is not a generic of Wellbutrin yet. Good luck!"

two_kee_kees replied: "I just started taking Wellbutrin SR 3 days ago and the main side effect I've had is sleepiness and restlessness at night while I'm sleeping. Other than that, no bad side effects. I am taking the generic form of Wellbutrin SR. It's 60 bucks a bottle without any insurance coverage."

ax2usn replied: "Lexapro is manufactured by Forest Pharmaceuticals. You can read their FAQ on Lexapro here: You can also contact them about help with prescription drug costs! Almost all manufacturers offer free or low-cost medications to individuals that qualify. Try the Free Medicine Foundation, here: As for the side effects, that's a question for your doctor. There is a female version of 'Viagra' on the market that you might want to consider. Remember, Lexapro was prescribed for its beneficial effects. Your hubby should understand this and resolve to s-l-o-w down and take time with you. Besides, Wellbutrin has its own side-effects. Talk to your doctor AND your hubby ;)"

k m replied: "Yes there is a generic for Wellbutrin- it's Bupropion; the sustained XL release has no generic. They are both selective serotonon reuptake inhibitors, meaning that they prevent serotonin ( a mood-controlling hormonal neurotransmitter) from being stored in neurons, so it floats around longer making you feel better. Decreased libido and insomnia are frequent side effects of both, so it may not be a huge improvement. However, people react so individually to most psych drugs that no one can really say until you try it. Since it takes 4-6 weeks for any of these drugs to become effective, you definitely need the doc's guidance in switching over. There is a risk of serotonin syndrome if not done correctly. If you are in your forties, have you considered decreased libido to be a function of pre-menopausal state? Many women my age complain to me of this- and it's hormone-related. So is insomnia, so how to differentiate from the drugs? Good luck! PharmD K"

kirsten j replied: "There is a generic available and your doctor might add a low dose of the Wellbutrin to go with the Lexapro to help with your side effects."

Zoe C replied: "I've been on Wellbutrin for about 2 months now. This is my third time on it and I have not experienced any sexual side effects. It's supposed to also help with smoking, and be minimal weight gain. There is a generic form of Wellbutrin. I've had both. Prefer the original. Switch over, both you and hubby will be happier ! Stay away from the Prozac tho, I took that for a short time years ago and it did have sexual side effects."

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