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if i overdose on lithium carbonate,will i suffer enroute to my death? do not waste your breath to convince otherwise.

bingopajama4242 replied: "Yeah, don't OD on lithium. It's not a good way to go."

Sar replied: "yes - you'll be puking your brains our or it could go out the other end could cause seizures, confusion, and eventually coma" replied: "Probably yes, if you want to kill yourself my advice is to use a cars exhaust fumes or an OD of paracetamol and alcohol. However, as you are the kind of person who has lithium carbonate to hand I assume that you are receiving treatment for being bipolar. In which case do you not think that you would be better off mentioning your suicidal feelings to your doctor? Please don't throw your life away, things will get better."

margo replied: "Yes, in answer to your question. I don't know you, but I feel your life is precious no matter what frame of mind you are in now. Death is so final. Please rethink the reason you asked your question. Things have a way of looking different in the morning. Suicide is a cowardly way out. If you don't have someone to talk to please call the suicide prevention hot line 800-273-8255!!!! Blessings"

lithium overdose and died? how many 400 MG lithium pills would be an overdoe leading to death? A kid at our school only took 5. and he wound up dead. But I take it and I seem fine? Earl you jack ass, no one said Im going to do that. but perhaps you should. Ok, No Ones answering. Why did it only take him 5? I heard people taking 20 and being fine. or am i just hearing some bull?

student182001 replied: "Don't worry about it, just take the dosage the doctor prescribed and you will be fine."

Earl s replied: "why in the world would you do that ? just to commit suicide ? your question sounded like you were going to take 5 as well. call your psychiatrist or a suicide hotline."

Sarah L replied: "The problem with lithium is that to even know if you're taking a healthy dosage there needs to be blood tests. It's so incredibly easy to overdose on lithium - for some people it might take more or less than others based on size, whether they take the medication, etc. My aunt is a nurse and she told me a sad story once: a young woman came in after an overdose and had completely toasted her liver, but was alive. She was screaming in agony, saying she didn't know why she did it, that she wanted to live. Problem? She'd ruined her liver and suicide attemptees don't qualify for transplants. Keep that in mind before you start swallowing back lots of pills. You only get one liver."

OneLastRevolutionary replied: "Ask your doctor for a safer medication. Gabapentin is one that might substitute. Lithium, over time, is hard on the kidneys."

umakemeblush41 replied: "I have taken lithium for 14 yrs. without a problem. Take what your dr. prescribes and keep your levels checked and you will be fine. Everyone has a diff. reaction to drugs, If his body had an allergic reaction or it was just too much for his system, then yes it would have killed him. We take it because we need it. He didn't."

OSAS replied: "If he wasn't accustomed to taking Lithium or if it was taken in combination with something else, it is possible. It is like any other medication. A person that has been taking it for a long time or takes it for recreational purposes would be able to take much more than someone who had not been taking it. I've known people that would be flat on their back form taking a single dose (they were not used to it) and then another who could take 15 of those same pills (they were used to them) I think that 1 pill person would have overdosed on 5 of them. May not be bull."

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