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Questions and Answers
Can I take allergy medicine while taking Nexium? I was diagnosed with GERD a week ago, but also suffer from horrible allergies. The ER doctor never said anything as far as taking one or the other, but I can't skip a dose of Nexium but the allergies are really bothering me. What should I do?

OCD replied: "Honey - call the doc. What if you believe us and we overdose you! YIKES..."

Danelle replied: "call the pharmacy where you got your perscription filled they will tell you."

Sunny replied: "Call your regular doctor or talk to the pharmacist. Better be safe than sorry!"

mylarballoon replied: "I agree, definitely ask your doctor or pharmacist."

Help Me Help You replied: "NEVER trust the opinions of the answerers on here when it comes to medical issues. You obviously need to be asking a trained medical professional. Noone on here knows your medical history and you might take the advice of an answerer even with good intentions and then wind up in the ER suddenly!"

knicname replied: "I have both GERD & Allergies. I take multiple medications for both. I think it's okay for you to take both. If you want to email me & tell me your allergy meds ,pls feel free to go to my profile."

imasquirt71 replied: "i think it should be fine i take allergy meds and omneperazole for my acid reflux i think it should be ok you may want to check with your doc first. but i do it and i find it to be fine. good luck!!!"

How should I take nexium prescription of 80 mg daily? One dose of 80 mg once a day or two doses of 40 mg twice a day?

NurseAnnie replied: "The bottle should tell you what the correct dosage is, and you also should have gotten a printout from the pharmacy you got it at. If not, then you need to either call the pharmacy or your doctor to confirm what the correct dosage is."

♥Lasha♥ replied: "I think you should ask your doctor"

cgspitfire replied: "Your physician should have advised you as to how he/she wanted you to take the medications as well as written the script accordingly. I'm assuming he/she wrote the script to read, "80 mg daily" instead of one once or twice a day. Call your physician and ask how you are to take the medication. It can mean the difference of an effective medication versus one that's barely or not working at all for you."

TweetyBird replied: "Refer to the dosing instructions on the label of the vial. Does it say "One capsule by mouth twice a day" or "Two capsules by mouth once daily"? Whichever one it is, that is your answer."

Nexium stomach flu help? Hi, i currently have the stomach flu or food poisoning i am not to sure which one. But i am also currently prescribed on the drug nexium. If i have flu/food poisoning, should i take nexium or skip a dose for today??

Annie P replied: "I suggest calling your doctor and asking about your medication. There is probably no point in taking it if you are going to throw it up. For a wealth of information about the stomach flu including information to help you decide if you have the stomach flu or food poisoning, go to. I hope you feel better soon."

I just took double dose of 20 mg Nexium!? I accidentally took two 20mg Nexium at once...what will happen to me? What should I do?

Peaches replied: "You'll be fine. Sometimes docs prescribe 40mg doses, so it's not like it's too much."

tweetygirl3 replied: "you'll live, it's nothing big and it'll go straight through you ^^"

What treatment could help burning and cramping of the stomach? I have seen 2 GI's and my GP. I have taken all the tests which were negative. Noone knows what is wrong with me. Wondering if it is an allergy to medicine. Taking mega doses of zantac and nexium.

Xenia replied: "My grandma always gave my little sister Mylanta when her stomach was bothering her. Maybe that would work for you too? Or you could try having your doctor adjust your doses or prescription."

What could this pain be in my left in my lower abdomen ? I have been having this pain in my side and i went to my doctor about and long story short, she said It could be an intestinal infection, and she took a sample of my bowel movement. And gave me a pelvic exam, So then she gave me some Nexium "the purple pill" for the pain, I finished my dose, but i still have the same pain and it even hurt when i have intercourses,I hae bowel movements alot but the pain wnt go away... What could the pain be ? Any suggestions ?

sledhed67 replied: "Not sure, but you should seek a second opinion."

k replied: "I recently had an MRI for pain in my lower back. They found a small cyst that ruptured on my ovary. If the pain continues I would ask for a "transvaginal" ultrasound and have them check all your female parts. Being that it hurts during intercourse it may not be intestinal. Good luck."

Bob T replied: "diabetes causes kidney pain, check your blood sugar."

I Love Me replied: "Bowel movement stuck in ur intestines"

Nexium Dosage? Gastrointestinal Endoscopy shows that I have a hiatal Hernia. The DR prescribed 40MG of Nexium Morning and night. Isn't 80MG a day a lot. I am so sensitive to every medicine I take, I am afraid this will be an over dose and cause me to have to stop taking it. I just took one last night and skipped the one this morning. I was on one 20mg of aciphix daily for a month It made me very sick from the start. Any suggestions?

hmb replied: "You should talk to your Doctor about the dosage and your concerns. There is a reason your doctor prescribed that amount, ASK! Most Doctors are OK with patients wanting to know why something is done and even if their not, its your RIGHT to know! Good Luck!"

I'm taking 40mg of Nexium but my symptoms are getting worse... does anyone here take more than normal dose? mainly the acid is causing my esophagus to narrow and I have trouble swallowing so I'm just wondering if I can go to my Doctor and he will prescribe me a higher dosage

ksgal replied: "not without consulting your Dr you may need to try somthing else I switched to previcid."

tony replied: "cousin takes one in morning and one in evening!"

kimberloohoo replied: "there are other options out there. You should let your physician know. There is protonix, prevacid, prilosec, aciphex..... I wouldn't advise taking more than the 40mgs that have been prescribed."

c_schumacker replied: "No don't take more than 40mg. There is not good evidence you will get more benefit from a higher dose - and it might be harmful. To get maximum benefit take the medication about one hour before your largest meal of the day. Your GI doc may have other experiences and will advise you further - but don't do it on your own. You can, however, add Ranitidine (available as an OTC medication at any pharmacy) 75mg, 2 x per day in addition to the Nexium. It goes about things in a different way and may have additive effect. Further you can use antacids such as Maalox in addition to both of the above. You may also be having esophogeal spasm type problems and sometimes nitroglycerine (often used for heart disease) is useful to help relax smooth muscle contraction - thus improving the symptoms. Discuss this with your GI doc too. Good luck."


Garfield replied: "Have you modified your diet in any way? I find some people take pills for acid symptoms but neglect to change their diet. Things like greasy foods, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, milk products and spicy foods can trigger these symptoms. If the Nexium at the normal dose doesn't work, I'd go back to the doctor. You may need a different type of medicine. If you take more than the recommended dosage of any medication, you could end up with problems on top of those you already have. I take Nexium for a hiatal hernia and find it works good for me. My doctor told me to take it a half hour before breakfast and I find it works better when I do this. But you might need something else."

samziggymeyer replied: "take on empty stomach in morning, than i eat lunch and proceed normally rest of the day. no heartburn at all."

mrcricket1932 replied: "Also, don't overlook the possibility of a vagus nerve involvement.. If you are having a problem swallowing, may want to check for other nerve involvement in the cervical region of the spine. Deglutition has direct response to those nerves."

What coul this pain be in my side ? I have been having this pain in my side and i went to my doctor about and long story short, she said It could be an intestinal infection, and she took a sample of my bowel movement. And gave me a pelvic exam, So then she gave me some Nexium "the purple pill" for the pain, I finished my dose, but i still have the same pain and it even hurt when i have intercourses,I hae bowel movements alot but the pain wnt go away... What could the pain be ? Any suggestions ?

♥ Vampy ♥ replied: "Can you be a little more descriptive about the pain? Is it on the left, right, or middle. Is it in the upper or lower portion of your abdomen. Does it radiate to the back or middle? Is it a burning pain or a squeezing pain etc? How old are you?"

I Love Me replied: "It Could be a bowel movement stuck in ue intestine"

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