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Questions and Answers
how long can i use methyl prednisolone aceponate cream for infection on face&near eyes?side effect? the infection is there for almost 2 months now and its near the eyelids...caused due to cosmetic.havent taken methyl prednisolone tablets,tho prescribed.only took allegra 180 for 10 days,once a day.

dhruv a replied: "if it is helping you and you think it is working then carry on and if you think the infection is still carrying on then look out for a better cream which is prescribed by a i think using this cream regularly is not good as it has many side effects like black spots below the eyes and dryness of the skin and it makes the skin lose the permeability of the skin."

adil s replied: "i hope you must be knowing that general people are not skin specialist. plz take your doctors advice dont play with your skin."

rworfi r replied: "I used Allegra 180 for 20 days and the infection vanished. So you can use allegra for about 10 days. But it would be better if you to a doctor."

Are the following medicines safe for pregnant women: Clobetasol Propionate, Cetirizine & Prednisolone? Hi there, I'm a 37-year old mother and planning to have another baby (my last), can you help me out? Are the following medicines safe for pregnant or planning to get pregnant: Clobetasol Proprionate (Glevate Cream .05%), Cetirizine (Virlix 10mg tab) & Prednisolone (Pred 20mg). My prescription is to take them for 2 weeks starting tomorrow, Feb 7, 2008. My husband had contacts during my fertile period, just this week. Is is still safe for me to take the said medicines? I'm really hoping to get pregnant. Thanks so much. The one who described the medicines is a dermatologist. I cannot contact my ob-gyne now. My 'wound' is so itchy. I'm just desperate to get some answers. Thanks so much...

awaken.dawn replied: "If your gynecologist prescribe the regimen you should have discussed this with the doctor....anyway no harm.... better carry out the instructions for two weeks .....but must taper your Pred 20mg.."

have german shepherd its 12 years old has arthritis and is on medication prednisolone? 12 year old german shepherd on prednisolone for over 4 months for arthritis started off 4 tablets a day then went to 4 tablets every other day now on 2 tablets once a day dont seem to be helping much but have heard things like long term use has bad side effects, does any one know if this is true or not and if there is any cream you can buy for arthritis in dogs please dont say put her down cos shes brill apart from arthritis and i know people id sooner put down than my dog.

Ginbail replied: "Have you considered accupuncture? They do it on dogs and other animals nowadays."

Gin 'n Tony replied: "Prednisone is a steroid killer. Google "DGP", for dog gone pain. All natural and WORKS."

notstupidx3 replied: "Man i was JUST talking to my aunt about this EXACT thing She took her dog to the vet because of her arthritis and the veet said Shelby (the dog) probably needed to have like some shots or something every month to have it slowly taken away but you have to do it for a whole straight year and they are pretty dang expensive"

rescue member replied: "Prednisone is a steroid and not good for long term use - but your dog is pretty old, so I wouldn't worry that much. However, if it is not helping, you need to wean him off it - you can't just stop, have to taper off. My older dog is on Metacam for arthritis - Rimadyl also helps. You need to get both from your vet. Metacam is a bit pricy, but good for long-term use, has no side effects to speak of. Good luck with your dog, but try a less toxic pain killer as I said. Glucosamine also helps dog's joints and is a supplement, not a drug. You could try giving him two 500 mg. tabs every night, won't hurt him and can help - but takes several months to be effective. Just go to Walmart and get human grade glucosamine, I give it to my arthritic dog and it does seem to make him more limber."

FishStory replied: "There are alternatives to pred for arthritis inflammation and pain. Check with your vet for Rimadyl, Adequan, and Palaprin6."

lilly replied: "yes long time use will cause side effects, but like us humans we still need to take the medication. the medication might not be working as good as you would like it too,but it may give your dog some relief. massage therepy might help too? any one who suggests you put her down is heartless. i lost my sole mate of 15yrs when i had to have her put down, worst thing ive ever had to do in my life! treasure every day you have with her."

Starsfan14 replied: "Honestly I don't thing the predninose will hurt your dog. My beagle has been on it for several months and he is fine. Moreover my mother has been on it for more than 12 years without a problem. I would continue it if it seems to help. Good luck and take care."

Ava replied: "I take Prednisone and I guess your medicine is similar to the stuff I take.It is hard on you but your dog should be working himself off of it soon. I've never heard of a Vet giving this for arthritis. Is your dog suffering with something else? You can get a medicine called glucosimine. It is for arthritis. Your dog will suffer a lot with his joints. Give him a very thick, soft bed to sleep on. One that is easy for him to get in and out of. The glucosimine (or anything with this in it) will help him some. You can find this at most pet stores. You can get beds that heat , similar to a heating pad. Don't use a heating pad though. It is dangerous for animals. Most Vets will tell you to give your dog an aspirin on his really bad days. Talk to your vet. He may tell you half an asperin. He will tell you only like ever now and then also because aspirin causes blood not to clot and this can be dangerous. Listen to what he tells you though. Good luck with finding all the right things to help him the best.Anything you can think of to help him will be worth it.I would only put him down if the pain is so unbearable that he is liveing a miserable life. You don't ever want to watch one suffer like that."

iluvtorofl replied: "There is a solvent used in horses called dmso (?) that works for arthritis. I have a small chihuahua that I am taking to an old country vet who swears by the stuff. And it has had better results than any NSAID. You just rub it on the affected joint with a popsicle stick. It is great, like a liniment. You might ask your vet about that. Vets also use carprofen (rimadyl) or baby aspirin for dogs. I prefer the baby aspirin just because it is so much safer on the kidneys. Steroids are almost a last resort unless you are only using them for a short time."

Julie replied: "prednisolone is a steroid which shold not be used long term, try duralactin or glucosamine chondroitin for arthritis. regular asprin can also help. not advil just regular plain asprin. Also blue buffalo food is suppossed to help with arthritis. you can try acupunture or physical therapy or water therapy for dogs also. but Duralactin seems to work the best. vailable at vet clinics."

Nancy M replied: "Please do not listen to some of the rather dim people on the internet... You should never stop a steroid cold turkey or it can actually be very problematic. Steroids can be lifesaving medications and are often the only recourse in some situations but they have to be weaned down and your veterinarian is the best source of information about how quickly you can do that. Please talk to the vet before deciding on any changes on your own or at the suggestion of internet answerers. If you don't think your vet is capable, then find another vet and discuss it with that one but don't take medical advise from people that you have no earthly way of knowing what their real background is and who obviously have little knowledge about what they are attempting to give advise about. Acupuncture (with one c) is a viable option but again, it should only be done by a knowledgeable veterinary acupuncturist. I practiced as a licensed acupuncturist and I would have never attempted treatment on other people's animals and I wouldn't expect a veterinarian to practice emergency or intensive care medicine on humans. Seek out knowledgeable and capable people to help your beloved companion as she definately deserves that and no some internet wannabe's half-baked advice. If the prednisolone (which is not prednisone) isn't helping then you let the vet know and other avenues of treatment can be offered long before discussion of merciful euthanasia are even considered. Good luck..."

is pain a side effect whilst taking PREDNISOLONE corticosteroid ? I am taking a short course of prednisolone (20 mg/day) to clear up severe facial eczema. I started them on Monday, my skin is now perfect :o) but I haven't slept for 4 days and am 'speeding'. Yesterday I took only 10 mg(in the morning)to try and sleep last night. This morning I have incredibly tender painful skin across my chest, across the back of my neck down my back (which is particularly sore in a wide band across across under my ribs) , shoulders and down the back underside of my arms to the elbow. It feels like all the nerve endings are badly bruised . I have taken them(as prescribed by my GP)in the past as a 'last resort' when topical creams have failed, short courses and I have not needed to take them now for 2 years, I am used to the ravenous hunger/insomnia/buzz from them, but this pain is a whole new experience it a common side effect and what causes it ? Only have 4 tablets left, have taken one so far this morning ..any help appreciated and should I stop taking them ? thankyou Zoe **EDIT** thanks Lolly..pharmacist told me to take them before noon to help with the sleep thing, but it hasn't made a difference :o) *MZ-DAZED*..thanks for that, I should perhaps have mentioned before that I have auto-immune disease, pituatiry/thyroid issues and adrenals are under 'being monitored' lol but thought to be slowly failing. the Endo is loathe to start me on meds to support my adrenals as it will wipe out any remaining function ??...I must say that this is the first time I have felt 'well' since this auto immune stuff started, I always feel back to 100% my ' old self' when on prednisolone

lolly replied: "Its a steriod. That's why you're not sleeping. try taking it a little earlier. All it does is help the meds to work better and faster. I would at least finish it."

mz_dazed replied: "This is a high dose. What doctors do not care to realize is that low dose therapy for longer periods of time work just as well but without the side effects. They are just worried about suppressing your natural production of cortisone which doesn't happen unless doses are over 5 - 7.5mg per day. What most likely happened is because you halved your dose in one day, the next day your natural production of steroids didn't have enough time to bounce back to normal levels. Dosage reductions need to be very gradual indeed. The symptoms you experienced were possibly from a shortage of steroid causing inflammation of your skin. You obviously need this steroid because it took away your skin problems, but the high dosages are causing you too many problems. You might want to ask your doctor if you could try 7.5mg per day for a few weeks and then gradually taper the dosage by 2.5mg over the next few days till you stop taking it. If you keep taking the 10mg per day, your adrenals should bounce back and the symptoms should gradually disappear - since you only have 4 tablets left - cut them in half then in half again for the last 2 -3days. Call your doctor if you are not sure. **Well that makes a difference now! I think your endo sounds suss to me. I would seriously find a new one, because if you started steroid therapy, 1/2 or 1/3 the replacement dosage for adrenal insufficient patients you would actually be preserving the residual adrenal tissue you have left, making sure not to suppress all function. If you have secondary AI it should not make a difference. But the fact remains that if you are not being maintained on steroids you will feel ill and the body will not properly respond to stress and all your metabolic processes will be functioning at half rate. Looks like he is just waiting for you to develop full blown Addisons so he can treat you as only endos have been taught in medical school. Plz visit the site below. Chris can answer your questions. Make sure your thyroid is also not under-treated. Good luck hun."

For those with unexplained hives, lasting more than a few days... what did it turn out to be? I'm 20. I've never had any allergic reactions (other than swelling after a sting from a wasp) but have had hives now for three and a half weeks. They have consumed my back, arms, legs, neck and chest and left my skin numb from the use of creams. Lately, the crops have come and gone faster, usually disappearing and reappearing in the same day. At first they persisted for a full week before any relief came! I have tried Benadryl, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone cream, topical Bendaryl, and two different Calamine creams. I've soaked in several lukewarm (NOT hot) oatmeal baths only to scramble out of the tub in search of my scratching brush. A soft bristled brush that doesn't rip my skin off or cause too much more irratation as my nails would. I'm worried, I can't find the cause of these hives. My doctor has proven useless so I have made an appointment with an Allergist for further testing. I'm hoping it's something stupid. Like I suddenly became allergic to my dog, or the detergent I've been using for years. Advice on what to do? What could it be??? Has anyone had hives lasting several weeks that finally went away? What's weird is that now they seem to itch MORE when I'm not broken out.

christina c replied: "hives are always caused by an allergic reaction to something. if you are still having problems after everything you have tried then that means that you are still around whatever you are allergic to. you can be around something for years with no problems then all of a sudden become allergic to it. it happens all the time. you have made the correct step in making an appointment with an allergist who can help find out what you are allergic to and help with the hives. i wish you the best. my granddaughter has this problem. she is always covered in hives. she is allergic to fruit juice and every chance she gets she gets into her brothers fruit juice."

Swollen lips for close to a this really an allergy? i've had these swollen lips for now close to a year.the swelling is only localised to the lips. tried different medicines without any improvement.its not that the swelling is recurrentt.No..they ve been swollen for all that long.Drugs tried include prednisolone,citrizine, hydrocortison cream,neurobine and even clofazimine all with no improvement.yet all taken under a doctors prescription.the swelling increases when i sleep for long hours and slightly reduces as the day goes by but still the lips remain swollen.what could this be?any advise on how to reduce swelling?thanks

qwerty replied: "Not sure. But you could try and place an ice pack on it. That usually decreases a swelling. Sorry if I didn't help... :/"

Crapples replied: "u can get swollen lips if you lick them a lot"

Yada Yada replied: "Well... I think that if any tissue is swollen for a year straight then it is now permanent because the tissue has grown new structures to "fill in" the area. It occurs to me that maybe when you sleep you put your lips inside your mouth and then clamp down on them with your jaws. Then when you wake up the lips come out and the tissue reacts to being clamped down on by swelling up. A way to tell would take a few nights to get used to having something in your mouth, but you can get a mouth thing that is similar to a football mouthguard that people use to prevent themselves from grinding their teeth. In your case it would prevent you from putting your lips between your teeth to bite on. It would also separate your teeth from contact with the inside of your lips in case the skin is reacting to something on your teeth. Anyway, the mouthguard-like thing would tell you a lot of things and is a very simple, cheap, drug-free way to test something. It will just take a few days to get used to falling asleep with something in your mouth."

selena.miler replied: "may be you have allergic inflammation of this kind of drugs. Make interval in your treatment"

Days of allergic rash - now a swelling!? Note: I would have phoned a doctor but my phone isn't working! For over a week I've been battling an allergic reaction, thought to be to an anti-biotic. I've been on fexofenedine for a few days and prednisolone for a couple of days. Because the rash has dried out my skin I slathered myself, the last two nights in a row, with Aqueous cream. Today I woke up with swelling in one hand and around both eyes. What should I make of this?

Lauren L replied: "It could be a reaction to the antibiotics or it could mean that the antibiotics aren't working well enough. It could also be that your skin is sensitive to Aqueous cream. I think that if your phone isn't working, you should travel to the doctors yourself or check with a neighbour and see if they will contact one for you. You can also email a doctor."

Tigger replied: "You need to get to a doctor: This stuff is getting out of hand. Good luck."

Itching started under my arm five years ago, no rash just itching, then it went to my groin area....? Various Doctors/Consultants have not be able to cure it. Over the last year it occasionally turns into a rash and now appears in different places...e.g my stomach/chest/knees. The rash looks like a nettle rash...but is under the skin, almost like prickly heat. There are no open pores/wounds etc just under the skin...Please help...the doctors have pretty much given up, the latest drug is Prednisolone tablet. I have tried creams, antihistimines, tablets and ultra violet treatment. Nothing has worked...and its worse than what it was. Any ideas wife has suggested that it could be stress after losing the job i had been in for 26 years, which i lost in the may and the rash came in septmember. Please help its driving me mad!!!!

Down Looking Up replied: "I'm not a Dr.,but nerves can cause some strange reactions."

Will these hives ever go away? I'm worried about the hives I have, never going away. They started to go away over the last two days, but came back. They move from my arms to my back, to my upper back, my butt, and my chest. They come and go, but they're always in at least two or three places on my body. My mom and sister get them rarely, for about 30 minutes... which is typical in a lot of people. But I've had them for two weeks and I'm worried that since they haven't let up much... they're never going to go :( I am on Prednisolone (steroids) now, and use the Benadryl topical cream. I tried using the oral Benadryl and using Cortisone cream but it didn't work. I even tried an Aveeno cream with Oatmeal, and tried taking Oatmeal baths. I'm scared. They hurt, and itch like mad. I can't figure out the trigger. I've done NOTHING differently.

Dr Dave replied: "I would go do an allergy test and try to figure out if its one of the things that they test for."

Do I have scabies or something else? PLEASE HELP!!! ? I am an 18 year old college freshman who lives in a dorm. A few weeks ago, one morning, I woke up itching. It has done this for about 3 weeks now and has only gotten worse. It even happened when I came home for Christmas break. I went to the doctor and she told me it must have been an allergic reaction to something and prescribed prednisolone. That didn't work so I called again and she said to try it one more time. That still didn't work. The itching has only gotten worse. I now have little red bumps on my chest and these red lines down my side of my butt. I don't know if that's from scratching or not. I went back to the doctor and today I am picking up my elimite cream she's prescribing. But I would like to know what you all think. I have woken up now at 5AM after only about two hours of sleep. Please help!

Sarah replied: "You could be allergic to your fabric softener or whatever you use when washing your clothes - is there anything new you have used since getting the rash? It could be anything if i am honest with you but if the doctor isn't worried about it then either should you i am sure they would of picked up on it if it was scabies"

wylieferroyote replied: "sounds like an allergic reaction, could also be excema which can be itchy and sore as well. couple of good hints. wash down really well with a fragrance free soap like Ivory. dry off with a clean towel then air dry for about a 1/2 hour. you might also wanna get some sun and fresh air on the affected areas..even go swimming in a clorinated pool. these things might relieve you for a time or get the reactant out of the skin."

GEM replied: "If the bumps are in a perfect line, I would bet that is what you have. Good Luck and do lots and lots of laundry!"

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