About Valtrex For Herpes Type I
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Questions and Answers
ok I have herpes type 1 and how do you know your past a breakout and all is clear? I have herpes type 1 I got when I was a baby my uncle had a fever blisterd. And I have had about 5 outbreaks, and I just had my 6th outbreak in 8 yrs. and im now on valtrex and I was just wondering when are you over a outbreak and all is clear..

Whizzy replied: "No..there is something called asymptomatic shedding. It can be spread when no outbreak present but the number of actual days per year is relatively small."

Herpes Type 1 can be spread during oral sex to become herpes type 1 genitally? I have a friend that got genital herpes from having oral sex. She said she has herpes type 1, though. Her husband didn't have any mouth sores in his mouth at the time, though. I have sores in my mouth occassionally, which I suppose are herpes type 1. If I have oral sex with my boyfriend, will I pass this on to him but it will be genital like my friend? How can I prevent my boyfriend from getting genital herpes from my mouth? I have a cold sore in my mouth on my cheek or gums like once a month. I don't have them on my lips, so do I even have herpes type 1 or do I just have chancre sores? I don't want to pass this on to my boyfriend for it really messed up my friend's marriage for she thought her husband cheated on her. I don't want to have my boyfriend think I cheated on him if he gets this orally. Should I take Valtrex? Use condoms all the time when we have oral sex?

Sinka replied: "You have to be careful. Traditionally it was believed in medicine that both types of herpes do not mix. Now there seems to be evidence that herpes can mutate and that HerpesI can turn into genital herpes. That means no kissing and no oral sex during a break out. Talk to your doctor about treatments and prevention."

Mary S replied: "http://herpesrxfast.com/valtrex.php .Yes, you must take a herpes drug to help prevent the spread of the herpes virus. Valtrex would be the way to go. You can get it online without a prescription at HerpesRxFAST.com. They are located and licensed in the USA, so you can order Valtrex or famvir with confidence. Good luck dear."

AA replied: "If you only have sores on your cheeks and gums, you probably only have canker sores which are NOT herpes and NOT contagious. Coldsores are usually on the lips or chin or near the lips. You can have herpes type 1 orall and genitally, its pretty common now. You can have HSV2 genitally, although orally its not common. Please understand that herpes whether oral or genital can shed with or without symptoms and this is for both HSV1 and HSV2. You can give someone a coldsore or genital herpes from oral sex even if you don't have signs of a coldsore because of asymptomatic shedding."

emt2898 replied: "go an get tested for sure for herpes blood tests are the best way, if its type one their is zovirax typically given as treatment for type one. the two can not change itself from one to the other depending on where it is found to have that ability it would have to be able to change it very structure as a virus an the way that it beahves. type 1 can be on genitals but its still type one, type two can be on the mouth but its still type two a blood test will provide definitive answers. stay away from culture swabs they are not accurate enough as i had an outbreak and i was swabbed an it still came back negative. get tested an remove all doubt better to be sure either way than to wonder about it .... good luck"

Is there any type of cream or wipe i can use to relieve pain from herpes blisters? I have gential herpes, im on valtrex, but is there any cream or wipes i can use to relieve painful blisters, and ones that have burst?

Markus replied: "I can you one better then a cream did you know there is a cure for herpes. A natural alternative to drugs and it has a very high cure rate. want more info read about below."

Charlie replied: "Dont use any cream or lotion. it might spread the infection. Best advice sit in a nice bath, take your pills and you may use an ice cube to stop the pain (btw herpes hate cold) so an ice cube might do the trick, only thing is, you have to keep the area dry or it WILL spread so after the ice treatments dry up real good!"

Dr tracy is here to help!! replied: "Use the vitamin E capsules. There is liquid in them. It feels good."

9837591703947 replied: "qwick cure, might want to try it, qwick cure.com"

Qardosh replied: "You should use valtrex, it is the best about it you can get information from here"

Dark Schneider replied: "Dear concerned: Borrowing from another question about the same thing. Epsom salt and warm water will help sooth the pain. If you can, try to stay away from valtrex. It's way too expensive and the side effects are not so easy on the body. As in their description telling you not to take it if you have kidney damage (long term = kidney damage?) Alternative ways to combat herpes. Qi gong, yoga, tai chi, meditation, stay positive in mind, do not share food utencils with others. Wear loose cotton cloth. Sauna or steam rooms maybe soothing for you, but do not spend more than 5 - 10 minutes in there. Relax. See what works for you and what doesn't. Best wishes"


Probability: safe sex & Herpes type 1? My question is: what are the chances of contracting HSV-1 (herpes type 1--the cold sore producer NOT the genital herpes or HSV-2 variety) if: 1) you are having SAFE sex with an HSV-1 infected partner that is 2) NOT having an outbreak and 3) taking suppressive drugs when outbreaks do occur (i.e. Valtrex)? I've read that herpes does not have to manifest visually in order to be active (shedding), and thus, can be spread this way; was that referring to genital herpes (since oral herpes is always visible in the mouth)? For that matter, IS oral herpes always visible, or can it too become active and visibly asymptomatic? Also, is the virus present in saliva, blood, vaginal/seminal fluids (as in the case of HIV)? Just trying to be safe and informed. Thanks in advance. One other question: I read that most people infected with HSV-1 got it during childhood. Barring molestation, how is this possible? Isn't herpes a sexually transmitted disease?

privategirl replied: "yes... it may be asymptomatic and it may be communicable..."

magdazzzz replied: "You already know many things about herpes, so... For more information, type your question on google..."

Discovery replied: "alright, herpes type 1, can not cross over with herpes type 2. So mouth herpes can not be transferred to the genitals and vice versa. Yes it can be active without being noticed. Most people have come in to contact with mouth herpes by the time they are 20. If you do not show the symptoms at this time, yes, you are more likely immune to it. Mouth herpes is contracted through contact. How many times when you were a kid did and auntie or uncle kiss you hello 'oh your soo cute'. Or you shared a cup with another kid. their big sister just drank out of it too and she has a cold sore. Well, now you all do as well. Herpes type 2 is a sexually transmitted disease. The reason some children can have it is because the mother has it and is active when they are born. This covers them - and unfortunately, they then have herpes from the moment they are born. Sad, when all the mother has to do is tell the midwife, the midwife will give her some drugs to deactivate it at the time of birth. Child born without herpes. Not hard."

<3 replied: "i have herpes-1, i get cold sores. ive had them since i was a kid and was not molested, they are so contagious and spreadable, i think my sister gave it to me. they are a curse any ways. if you or your partner has a cold sore, recently had a cold sore or is going to get a cold sore and you kiss then the other one can get it one, if the person gives oral sex it can be transerred as genital herpes. oral type can go to gentital type if the person does not ahve a cold sore, is not getting one and did not have one recently then you cant get it. but the skin does shed as you said and sometimes i just wake up with one out of no where so you have to be careful valtrex just helps it go away faster and makes it less severe, if taken daily it can help prevent out brakes but will not make it less likely they will give it to you."

cowboydoc replied: "What your speaking about, Herpes 1 is highly contagious when it's active. Why would anyone want to kiss you with a sore on your lip ? it's contagious as long as it's there. It has to go through a cycle. There are so many that ask how to heal it, all you can do is keep it moist with something like Car max or Blistex and let it run it's course which is usually ten days or so. In this time you should be careful."

I have type 2 herpes! I have never had an outbreak! ? If i have sex with a guy that dont have type 2 herpes can he catch it if i wear a condom & take valtrex? Can we have sex without a condom will we be safe? I am just checking. I was just diagnosed today.

Snowman replied: "There is always a possibility of sexual diseases spreading during sexual activity, but with your options the odds are slim. You can do it, but proceed with caution. Oh, and for the love of God make sure that he knows that you have herpes before you do it."

Pantomime replied: "Please don't have sex with this poor guy and give him herpes. That's just heartless. Condoms break and I'm sure pills don't have 100% efficiency. You've already paid the price for a bad decision, don't let him pay for it too."

manimal replied: "yes he can catch it even if you currently dont have a break out, condoms lessen the chance but its still possible to spread."

amore.odiox replied: "how did you get diagnosed? usually diagnosis is done in the midst of a breakout. you need to show symptoms before they can really know. valtrex helps but doesn't prevent. and condoms will also help, but it spreads through skin contact meaning if any part of his penis touches your vagina, he can catch it. there are different odds of catching it so he may not catch it once after being exposed or he might. best thing is to just make sure your parnter knows the risks and is comfortable with what he may or may not get."

Big Pimpin replied: "if you have herpes simplex 2, then your always going to need to wear protection..ALWAYS. even though your not having an outbreak or feel like your not having one, you can still pass it on to your partner without knowing it. So if your planing on having sex with this guy, you got to protect yourself and him, you should to tell him about your condition cause keeping it a secret will make things worse."

Vic B replied: "I would not have sex without a condom. there is a more likely chance of him getting that too."

Any one with the knowledge of type 1 & 2 herpes please click this question thanks!? I took an std test about a week ago. I got my results stating that i was positive for herpes type 1 & 2! I had no symptoms or outbreaks for neither type 1 or 2. The reason why i took the std test is cause i had my pap test & i would figure i would do both at the same time. I am lost on alot of things. My doctor said if i take valtrex i can have sex with no condom on with my clean partners & they will be safe & there was no risk for them catching it. I may have misunderstood my doctor wrong. I think the right way is to have sex with a condom on & take the valtrex. I know for a fact that herpes is very contagious! Now here is another problem how the heck can i figure out what partner gave it to me. I have 3 partners currently right now. Dave & i have been long term for about a year & we dont wear condoms. Doug i have been seeing him for 3 weeks & he wears condoms with all of his partners. I dont like condoms period so i took it off when we were having sex cause i didnt like it. And we only had sex one time. Adam & i had sex 2 times. I am his 2nd partner! He wore a condom with his first partner to. With me we didnt cause i knew i was clean! Well i thought i knew i was clean. I took a std test i believe about a year ago & i was clean at that time. The person that i think i caught it from was dave cause we dont wear condoms. If he had sex with any one else he may not of wore a condom with them either sense he dont like condoms. The doctor put me on valtrex. I already started takeing that. Now this is the next question im scared about... I am scared i gave it to my partners cause i didnt know i had it. I called Dave up and let him know and he freaked out some & told me he wore condoms with every girl he slept with thats why i said that ealier. And Adam said he wore condoms with every girl he slept with. Thats why i think its Dave that gave me herpes! I havent talked to Dave yet! I havent had time to call him or actually he is at work. Ok here is more questions..Sorry for the questions! I am extremely stressed, depressed & mad that i got this. Ok im on valtrex; say forth i give a guy a blow j*b and he has type 2 herpes like i do; can i get type 2 on my mouth if he dont have an outbreak? I also am having Adam & Dave tested to see if either one of them caught it from me or has it to see if either one of them gave it to me. Adam is scared to have sex fearing he will catch it! I am not sure what im supposed to do. I want to continue having sex with him but how likely is it for him to catch it? If im on valtrex & he wears a condom how likely is it for him to get it?How about without a condom on? I know u are not supposed to have sex when u have an outbrake cause i know u can spread it at that time. Thanks guys for answering these questions cause im totally in shock right now. Tryin to figure out who gave it to me & if i passed it to my other partners. Thats why im totally freaking out! And please if u r going to leave a smart remark please i dont want to hear it. I am a 29 year old female & i have had only like 4 partners. So ya please dont call me a slut cause i know im not!

Luke C replied: "Only 4? Yikes."

ryanknowzall replied: "So..much...text...can't...read..going..blind..ahhhhhhh"

Sammy replied: "wait...so you're telling me you have three partners at once...you have sex with them all w/out condoms, and you don't want anyone to think you're a slut?! haha okay good luck with that."

Brown eyes replied: "use protection next time. and your question are too long."

Dani R replied: "Who cares who gave it to you at this point? Just wear a condom... ALWAYS. Unless you are trying to get pregnant. If you didn't have 3 partners at the same time this situation would not be so difficult. Smarten up and go talk to your doctor so you can get more reliable answers than you are ever going to get on here."

keiera w replied: "jus to be safe for now jus avoid having sex to see how the medicine works out for you i just dont wnt yu to get hurt"

dasboos13 replied: "Stop having unprotected sex of any kind. Period. You'll be lucky if you only end up with herpes, if you continue having unprotected sex. Not to mention the fact that having so many partners isn't good for you physically or emotionally."

lori replied: "yikes... just sounds like a whole bunch of bad choices made by you, in which those bad choices are going to be with you for the rest of your life. I am also sure your doctor can answer all these questions for you and give you the best advice."

EROS7776 replied: "I am so sorry that you have gotten such a terrible disease. You need to calm down and get educated. For now, the best thing you can do is to take the medication and always use condoms until you are certain about whether the medicine will protect your partners. The other thing you must do is tell anyone that you want to have sex with that you have herpes, so that they can make a choice whether they want to take the chance or not. I am sorry that I can't be of more help, but just don't know much about the transference of herpes. Search the internet and get all of the information you can before making decisions about sex in the future. sorry.."

Ana M replied: ""So ya please dont call me a slut cause i know im not!" HAHA!!!! why so defensive? no one is calling u a slut :) and i do believe i JUST finished answering ur other question. everyone, get this, k so she like asked if she could get herpes if she gave him a bl0w j0b.. yes u can. hahh. and wowwww sweetie seriously like at this time who gives a fukc who gave it to u go seek some help this is not a joke. im 19 years old and i can tell you, sex is not just a game. condom or no condom you can get herpes. so like, close ur legs for a while so u wont spread it k?"

Any one with the knowledge of type 1 or type 2 herpes please click this question! ? I took an std test about a week ago. I got my results today stating that i was positive for herpes type 1 & 2! I had no symptoms or outbreaks for neither type 1 or 2. The reason why i took the std test is cause i had my pap test & i would figure i would do both at the same time. I am lost on alot of things. My doctor said if i take valtrex i can have sex with no condom on with my clean partners & they will be safe & there was no risk for them catching it. I may have misunderstood my doctor wrong. I think the right way is to have sex is with a condom on & take the valtrex. I know for a fact that herpes is very contagious! Now here is another problem how the heck can i figure out what partner gave it to me. I have 3 partners currently right now. Dave & i have been long term for about a year & we dont wear condoms. Doug i have been seeing him for 3 weeks & he wears condoms with all of his partners. I dont like condoms period so i took it off when we were having sex cause i didnt like it. And we only had sex one time. Adam & i had sex 2 times. I am his 2nd partner! He wore a condom with his first partner to. With me we didnt cause i knew i was clean! Well i thought i knew i was clean. I took a std test i believe about a year ago & i was clean at that time. The person that i think i caught it from was dave cause we dont wear condoms. If he had sex with any one else he may not of wore a condom with them either sense he dont like condoms. The doctor put me on valtrex. I already started takeing that today. Now this is the next question im scared about... I am scared i gave it to my partners cause i didnt know i had it. I called Dave up and let him know and he freaked out some & told me he wore condoms with every girl he slept with thats why i said that ealier. And Adam said he wore condoms with every girl he slept with. Thats why i think its Dave that gave me herpes! I havent talked to Dave yet! I havent had time to call him or actually he is at work. Ok here is more questions..Sorry for the questions! I am extremely stressed, depressed & mad that i got this. Ok im on valtrex; say forth i give a guy a blow j*b and he has type 2 herpes like i do; can i get type 2 on my mouth if he dont have an outbreak? I also am having Adam & Doug tested to see if either one of them caught it from me or has it to see if either one of them gave it to me. Adam is scared to have sex fearing he will catch it! I am not sure what im supposed to do. I want to continue having sex with him but how likely is it for him to catch it? If im on valtrex & he wears a condom how likely is it for him to get it?How about without a condom on? I know u are not supposed to have sex when u have an outbrake cause i know u can spread it at that time. Thanks guys for answering these questions cause im totally in shock right now. Tryin to figure out who gave it to me & if i passed it to my other partners. Thats why im totally freaking out! And please if you are going to leave a smart azz remark i dont want to hear it. I am a 29 year old female & i have had only like 4 partners. So ya please dont call me a slut cause i know im not!

J B replied: "You have gotten yourself in quite a quandry. I'm not going to give advice because I would be angry right now too with this diagnosis. But, what I am going to comment on is that some of the information you have been given is incorrect. The newest literature now shows that the herpes virus can be passed even when one person is not having an outbreak so I think that answers your question about condoms every time you have sex. You'll figure out what to do with the rest."

bubbles2flyy replied: "wow"

I am wanting expert advise on people with herpes type 1 & 2!? THIS IS VERY GRAPHIC SO PLEASE BE OVER 18 TO READ! Some how when i was using my vibrator the other night i touched it with my arm & now i have herpes on my right middle arm. It just started itching & i now just looked at it & figured out what it was!I am scared of what kinda outbreak im going to get on my arm. I hope the outbreak don't last longer then one of my regular outbreaks; basically what im asking is what kinda outbreak am i going to have on my middle arm. Its not on my elbow but other-side of my elbow. Its like where the arm opens & closes!I know i have to wash my hands often don't spread it!Help!I am scared my friends are going to figure out i have herpes & I don't want that to happen!I mean its not like i can cover them. I don't think your supposed to cover them any ways. I believe its going to be a herpes type 2 infection! I thought once u get herpes type 2 on your mouth or genitals you cant spread it else where cause a person has antibodies to protect themselves. Aparantly this is not the case. What kinda infection do u think i will get?I am extremely scared some one is going ot figure out what i have. How should i treat it sense its on my middle arm?I washed the area with soap. I am takin valtrex for the outbreaks to. Yes i do have type 1 & type 2 herpes. Sorry every one i had to reask this question i forgot to add a few details in.

Dr. Cannata replied: "Well from reading what happened, I am going to say that your going tho have the HSV2 breakout on you. Another wards type 2. The vibrator touched your vagina obviously and then touched your arm, so im pretty sure its going to be the HSV2 or type 2 breakout. Just keep using soap and water. Then go to a doctor and get some Acyclovir or Famciclovir, and you said your on Valtrex so thats good too. Good luck hope everything is ok."

Courtney F replied: "Hi, yes you do have antibodies, but these just help lessen the outbreaks as the years go by, as well as lessening the severity of a new outbreak on a new part of you. I would tell people it was a bug bite that you scratched and now it is infected, it should look similar enough. Herpes is a virus and there are some natural anti-virals out there, one being Tea Tree essential oil. I'd try to speed up the drying process by dabbing with a qtip some tea tree on it, and anywhere else it may show up."

M B replied: "Valtrex is the better of the two meds available as a maintence med. If you are still having breakouts while on maint med, then you need to call your doc/nurse. They may increase your dosage. I think the average is 400 mg daily, don't quote me on that. If you are taking maint med, then you are way less likely to breakout. And if you didn'/t have an open lesion at the time you used the toy and touched your arm, you're even less likely to spread. Cover that area on your arm and quit freakin' out, it doesn't change anything by freakin' out. It is what it is, and you will know more very soon. I would go to my pharmacist (not a technician) and ask what type of bug bite it looks like to them. (seriously) I had a bite from a bug last week that I scratched too much, it got really weird looking (raised on the outsides and sort of crusty). I went to the doc, she said, "I dunno", when I asked her what she thought it was (which totally restores my faith in the medical profession, lol). She prescribed some sort of cream and it got better. Calm down, there are alot of things that can look like herpes evidently. Your friends won't AUTOMATICALLY think of herpes, but YOU do."

diamondzrlove990 replied: "hmm .. ive actually never even heard of people getting it anywhere except for their mouth and genitals. Now im wanting to ask you questions!!"

Herpes Type - 2 Medication? Currently I'm taking Valtrex 1MG for my Herpes 2, bought in Walgreens fr $199.99. Is Valtrex (Valacyclovir) 500MG is also the same medication? I'm confused please help...!

inzanium replied: "same medication, different dose"

ijc replied: "Valtrex contains valacyclovir at 1 gram which is equal to 500 MG. You can check this out online at or run a search for valtrex. Or talk to your doctor or druggist."

leslieluna replied: "I work as a pharmacy tech, valtrex does not have a generic, but Acyclovir is a generic for hepes too and a lot cheaper, at the pharmacy where i work at it's like $20.00 or less for a 30 day supply, i really dont know the exact difference between the two. but it might help you knowing this when asking your doctor or even calling your local pharmacy, hope this helps"

For anyone who has type 1 and 2 herpes? I have type 1 and 2 herpes. The doctor said I was exposed to Herpes and that i didnt have it to an extreme and he told me to take valtrex once a week instead of everyday cause i was only exposed, and not to an extreme of having sores or anything, I don't get sores on my mouth or genitals. What does this mean that its not that serious?

candice t replied: "It is serious and you can still spread to pther people. It may be that you just haven had a break out yet. Just be safe take you meds and use protection"

Afrodite replied: "THIS IS NOT SERIOUS. This is the most commom disease nowadays. Please don't freak out. Herpes is serious only to IGNORANT people. 70 % of Americans have a kind of herpes. Just be aware that u have to have sex with condon if you decide not to tell your partner. It's not that contagious as well as IGNORANT and COWARD people think it is. My Dear, good luck."

Rivergirl100 replied: "Your herpes is just as serious as anyone elses - except that you don't have apparent symptoms. You can still spread the virus - with or without symptoms. Your doctor doesn't quite know what iis talking about. Maybe he was just trying to reassure you? But his answer doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If you have the herpes virus, then you have the herpes virus. And you can spread the herpes virus, even when you have no symptoms. To the best of my knowledge, Valtrex does not work when taken weekly (or at least, no tests have been done.) Antivirals tend to pass fairly quickly through your body (which is why the original Zovirax needed to be taken 5x per day.) So once a week won't protect you from outbreaks, and it won't protect your partner from herpes. You should really take it daily, or save your money. I assume that you have never had symptoms, and found that you had herpes through a blood test? So you don't know WHERE you have herpes. Maybe you have both types on your mouth - maybe you have both types on your genitals. Most likely, you have HSV1 orally and HSV2 genitally - but we really don't know. There is no such thing as being a herpes "carrier" or being "exposed" to herpes. You have the virus in your body, or you don't. It's just that some people have symptoms and others don't. I would seriously consider getting another opinion. Or better, learn about herpes from a relaible source - the link below, or WebMD, or the CDC website. Sorry to be such a downer, but you really do need to know how to protect your partners. And your doctors wealth of mis-information is frankly, rather scary."

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