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About What Are Dangers Of Wellbutrin Use in Answers
Wellbutrin XL and alcohol dangers? Hello, I was recently prescribed Wellbutrin XL (Bupropion Hydrochloride) for my depression. My psychiatrist highly recommended do not use this medication with alcohol. What are the limits? Does it just mean not to consume alcohol within a certain time frame of ingestion? This pill is sustained release, so I don't know if I am supposed to just stop altogether... someone help!

postres20022000 replied: "You should stop altogether or limit it to 1 glass per week."

Brian L replied: "Firstly, I would like to point out that I am NOT a doctor. Wellbutrin, like all antidepressants, interacts rather negatively with alcohol, and basically makes you drunker quicker. I would suggest staying off the booze for a few weeks at least, until you know how you'll react to the Wellbutrin in a more controlled environment. If you want to have a drink after a few weeks, that should be fine, but your tolerance will be MUCH lower. Where it may have once taken you 4 beers to get a buzz, now you'll only need 2, if that."

everythingspeachy2000 replied: "DO NOT drink alcohol with ANY medication....ANY ....heart, asprin, depression, antibiotics etc. ESPECIALLY the slow release ones. give up drinking...and deal with your depression without self medicating more than the doctor is doing. Get some counseling with the medication and solve your problems instead of drowning them. People cannot expect medication to do what you need to DO to HELP IT WORK. Why take it if you aren't going to work on problems? Medication does not heal the problem...it helps YOU heal the problem. you can't get better if you don't face life and why you need it to begin with. And ANY doctor that gives out anti depression medication without counseling should have his license taken from him."

pickjess32 replied: "anti-depressants and alcohol are never a good mix. and if at all, try a different one. wellbutrin has a TON of side effects."

Az R replied: "Yes. You're supposed to stop all together with this one. Here's the basic danger. Wellbutrin lowers your seizure threshold - it's why you're not supposed to give it to people with epilepsy or eating disorders under any circumstances. This means it makes it easier for seizures to happen. In your ordinary person, this is nowhere near enough to cause trouble. Alcohol also lowers the seizure threshold. Put two and two together, and you get big nasty flopping about seizures in otherwise healthy people. So basically, while you are on Wellbutrin, you don't drink."

vaughn_nebeker replied: "one can become allergic to the yeast. in defrenit broue's."

any doctors out there? my sons doctor is prescribing risperdal, wellbutrin,and focalin,? any dangers ? I am just recently regaining custody of my 14 year old son , and he is currently on these three meds. Can any of them be elimenated ? and what symptoms must one display in order for one to reach the conclusion of needing these three? are there any side effects or future long term effects? he takes each one daily, once a day.

versantly replied: "make an appointment with his doctors. take your list of questions and get the answers. your son is old enough to be included in his medical care. get counseling for both of you."

Rusty S replied: "Risperdal is usually used as an antipsychotic, namely for schizophrenia. Wellbutrin is used to counter depression. And Focalin for ADHD. I won't comment on the MD's decision to prescribe this because he can actually make a diagnosis, whereas this is Yahoo Answers."

Dr. J replied: "The risperdal is given for schizophrenia or other types of bipolar disorder. Wellbutrin is mostly given as an anti-depressant and sometimes is given as a "tool" to help someone quit smoking. It triggers a neurotransmitter called dopamine in the brain which may help with schizophrenia or bipolar disorders as well. The focalin (dexmethylphenidate) is used to treat ADHD. As a medical doctor, I would tell you to keep him on these medications. Of course, I can not be there to diagnose your son, but I would say to tell him to QUIT smoking if he smokes. When a person has some of the above conditions, smoking is the worst thing for them to pick up. Smoking throws the chemicals in the brain (neurotransmitters) all out of whack, leaving you with the "I don't know if I am coming or going" feeling. As a friend, I think you should take him to see a Psychiatrist if you haven't already. Well, I wish you the best of luck. Be there to encourage your son and stress to him how important it is to fight through all of this!!! Best Wishes! Andrew S. Jackson, M.D."

swetha_dr replied: "Only your consultant doctor can say why these are prescribed..There may be strong reasons for all of them...So please dont stop anyone Hello friends..We a group of young doctors have started a New Medical/Health Website.... A complete Health Portal with Free Medical Consultation in all Specialities...Share your stories with those having the same disease....Here you get the latest news from all fields of Medicine... Please visit and be a part of it...If you find the Site Useful, Please forward this message to your friends and relatives.theymay be in need...Thank you"

amy_21 replied: "Hi, I work in aged care and the Drs prescribe risperdal alot of the time when our dementia residents' behaviours get out of hand. I was told they also prescribe it for schitzophrenia. I personally dont like it, it makes you very tired and spaced out. As for the others im afraid i dont know sorry"

What are the dangers of drinking alcohol while on medication? I'm currently taking Wellbutrin 150 XL (an antidepressant). I know it says on the bottle not to take alcohol while on the drug and I know many other prescription drugs are like that too. But would it be ok to drink, probably just on one occasion. What exactly are the reasons they say not to consume alcohol and are there any serious dangers or risks if i do it just one time? Thank you in advance

selysammi replied: "Because the chemicals have dangerous side effects when mixing these components. Can be deadly somtimes."

tattie_herbert replied: "Death! You fall asleep, and don't wake up!"

REnate replied: "Wellbutrin is death itself so adding alcohol to the equation equals death sooner than later."

maiojas replied: "There is no danger.....I also take antidepressants and have an occasional glass of wine...... The worse it could happen is that you get very drowsy. So if you do drink....make sure you don't drive..... Just don't over do it."

solicitor replied: "dangerous combo-not worth the risk. it might not hurt one person, while it might be lethal to another or visa versa. different mixes affect different people differently...don't chance it!!"

tropikanagirl replied: "The alcohol could create a reaction to the medication you are taking by#1- Making you drowsy, #2-Making you ill to your stomach or could make you have "the runs", or worse, it could cause a horrible reaction to the drug, causing you to having to be admitted in a hospital. Best thing to do is not take the medication and drink if your doing it socially.OR you could just take your medication and just drink virgin type of drinks. but I would not reccomend drinking with taking any medication. Even over the counter medication. good luck."

David V replied: "depending on what type of medications you use there is mostly bad effects. never mix alcohal with any other drugs. depressent and depressent have a dice effect were you get a way stronger depresent that could put you into a coma. never mix an accelerant like speed with a depresent like weed, easy to get a heart attack or brain damage and other heart troubles."

How dangerous would taking a 54mg Concerta with 150mg of Wellbutrin? I really need to get my juices flowing to finish a paper today, but I started taking Wellbutrin(150mg twice a day) yesterday. Aside from the official warnings which are oftentimes overblown, have any of you ever done it, and are there any dangers?

ouragon replied: "Wellbutrin literally changes your brain chemistry. I wouldn't add another drug if I need my brain, based on past experience."

ram replied: "ive taken 36 mg of concerta and 150mg of wellbutrin and felt fine. just alot more focused. im positive you will be fine just dnt go over 108mg of concerta. its pretty much askin for a heart attack. o and you might feel a little spacy towards end of the day"

I take anti-depressants and drink alcohol what's the dangers? I am on wellbutrin, zoloft and Zaynex (but only if I really need it which is rare.) I drink on the weekends but just at parties. I'm not an alcoholic but I do like my drinks. Is it okay to drink on these meds? And if its really dangerous why?

katyasag replied: "It is really not that good for you. What is really bad is the meds you are taking.."

Caylee replied: "Haha it wont give you the same drunk your use to at all. But it will give you a better drunk."

Holly Tamale replied: "Zaynex? If you're talking about Xanax (the only narcotic on the list) then I wouldn't combine that with alcohol. Or do it, whatever. If you like to mix your poisons. The other two, no worries."

UnschoolingMomma40 replied: "Drinking while taking any of these meds is a big no no. My Husband is BiPolar and on drugs and he had a drink and it about knocked him out. You can actually make yourself so ill and even cause death. This is why they have the warning on the drugs. You want to know what it does just read the instructions that came with the drugs or find them online. It can damage your internal organs, cause heart attack, stroke, and the list goes on."

Joachin Murrieta replied: "Alcohol lowers the threshold for seizures at least for Wellbutrin unless you were drinking a bit before you started taking it. Rule is that if you start Wellbutrin and didn't drink before, don't start drinking and if you were drinking before you started Wellbutrin, don't stop....if you don't believe me look it up IDK about Zoloft and Xanax - I'd be careful there...."

Jonathan C replied: "I've washed down a Xanax with 4-5 shots of whiskey. A few Djarums and Black N Milds later I was feeling amazingly numb. Not suggested, though. And about the anti-depressants, I'd REALLY suggest you stop taking them. At least 90% of the anti-depressants on the market will mess your head all up. A lot just make you a zombie. They are not worth it."

Vicodin and Wellbutrin? I take Wellbutrin XL to treat my depression, and I was just prescribed some hydrocodone (vicodin) to ease the pain of having my wisdom teeth taken out. Does anyone know the potential effects of taking both of these drugs at once? I've found websites saying that the combination of vicodin and antidepressants will make you super sleepy, but Wellbutrin doesn't ever make me sleepy. Any other dangers or side effects I should know about? (I know about the potential for vicodin addiction, and I'm definitely NOT taking vicodin recreationally, nor will I ever.)

Laid back replied: "Should be no problems. Check the literature that came with the Vicoden, You can also look for drug interaction on webmd. A pharmacist should have been consulted when you got the prescription. You can always call or go back to the issuing pharmacy and ask for a consult."

Voltaire's book Candide replied: "I'm on wellbutrin, and I've had to take tylox for tonsils. It made me sleepy/groggy, but not for too long. I told the anethsiologist and they said no problem. The WORST side effects are when you mix a MAOI with pain pills, which can be fatal. MAOI i think is like the anti-depressant that is extremely potent and you gotta be super careful (my aunt is on it and is not allowed to eat "more than 2 servings of cheese" at a time!)"

Respidol, Wellbutrin, and Weed? So ive been sober for months now but i was wondering if there is any side effects if i happen to mix weed with these two meds? They prescribed me 100mg of Wellbutrin (which seems like alot to me) and 2mg of Respidol. Is there any danger in mixing these two?

paulcondo replied: "you will feel good"

Mathieu replied: "100 mg of Wellbutrin is not a lot, it is the lowest therapeutic dose average doses are 150-300 mg and 400 mg is the maximum dose. The amount of Risperdal you are on is a large dose. The maximum is 4 mg but you are certainly on a large dose. What are you being treated for? Bipolar, depression, schizophrenia? They are certainly a safe mixture, it would be usual for a doctor to prescribe drugs with dangerous interactions. The only possible interaction is that they can increase the risk of seizures (both can increase the risk on their own too) so if you had epilepsy then your doctor would be very cautious with medications. When you say you have been sober for months does than mean you have a substance abuse problem or you just have not taken it for months? Yeah there will absolutely be interactions. What they would be exactly I can't say because everyone is different and it is an uncommon mix of drugs. One way to think about it is that you would be on three psychotropic drugs- would you feel safe mixing marijuana, LSD, and methamphetamine? The answer is that would be a terrible idea. And although Wellbutrin and Risperdal are prescribed they are still psychotropic and without supervised use there are risks, especially due to the highly complicated natures of Wellbutrin and Risperdal. And if you did smoke marijuana you could get worse, you could really interfere with the medications. If you do smoke or are going to smoke tell your doctor (if he dose not know). He won't call the police, he won't tell your family without your connect. I won't lecture you on the "evils" of drugs because it is stupid to lecture but it can cause problems, especially if your doctor does not know. If you have been manic or had a psychotic episode marijuana will just cause problems. Good luck"

Az R replied: "Well. Mathieu pretty much hit everything I could have, and damned well too. All I can add is that there's research indicating that using marijuana at the same time as antidepressants, such as Wellbutrin drastically lowers the antidepressant's effectiveness. The combination of drugs your describing would typically be for a bipolar diagnosis, or schizophrenia - though I could also see such a combination being used for treatment resistant depression, depression with psychotic features, or as symptomatic management for several Axis II disorders. Marijuana and schizophrenia or bipolar disorder is an extremely bad idea, it's been shown to radically worsen the long term outcome of these disorders. 100mg of Wellbutrin is an extremely low dose. The normal doses is 150mg. The normal starting dose is 75. 2mg of Risperdal is likewise a very low dose - it's generally dosed around 6mg per day, to a maximum of 16mg."

Could stopping Wellbutrin (anti depressant) make me super depressed suddenly? I ran out of it like 5 days ago & my mom hasn't gotten it refilled for me & now I'm like feeling super depressed & nothing has caused it. I feel like super sensitive & like I'm ugly & when my grandma sent me a package I wasn't even happy. I was like, "why does she love me" and like totally not understanding why she would want to do something nice for me. Idk why I'm feeling like this. I've never felt this way before. I'm not gonna kill myself or anything like that, & I dont cut or drink so I'm not like in danger of doing something dumb but I like dont feel like going out, i dont want anyone to see me cause I think I'm ugly (but I know I'm not ugly, it's just the way I feel now), and I just seriously dont get why I have friends or anyone who loves me. It's just freaking me out to feel this way. I was taking 150 of Wellbutrin XL for like a year. I've never felt this bad before. Could suddenly stopping it be the reason why? kittyrar- omg i am dealing w like half the stuff on that list, thank u

Samgirl replied: "I don't know the answer, but let me know if you figure this out--my doctor just decreased my dose from 300 mg a day to 200 a day and I've been REALLY depressed lately..."

Judy replied: "Well yes, you shouldn't ever just suddenly stop taking any antidepressant. call your doctor and ask him what you should do."

Kittyrar replied: "Yes, as is the case with most (or possibly all) anti-depressants. The ONLY way to come off the medication is for your doctor to slowly reduce the dosage (a process called tapering). You should get your mother to refill them asap. BUPROPION (the chemical name for Wellbutrin) Withdrawal Symptoms May Include: aggression, anxiety, balance issues , blurred vision , brain zaps, concentration impairment, constipation, crying spells, depersonalization, diarrhea, dizziness. electric shock sensations, fatigue, flatulence, flu-like symptoms, hallucinations, hostility, highly emotional, indigestion, irritability, impaired speech, insomnia, jumpy nerves, lack of coordination, lethargy, migraine headaches / increased headaches, nausea, nervousness, over-reacting to situations, paranoia, repetitive thoughts or songs, sensory & sleep disturbances, severe internal restlessness (akathasia), stomach cramps, tremors, tinnitus (ear ringing or buzzing), tingling sensations, troubling thoughts, visual hallucinations / illusions, vivid dreams, speech, visual changes, worsened depression."

mommaluvsherdoggies replied: "It could definitely be the reason why. I'm on Wellbutrin XL, and I can tell if I miss it 2 days in a row. A month ago I couldn't afford the copay for the refill and didn't have it for about 7 days. It wasn't good, but I expected it, and my husband expected it, so I made it through. If your mom doesn't understand, try to explain the importance of you getting it and staying on it. If she can't afford it at the moment then see if your doctor has some samples (they come in a 7 day supply) to tide you over. It will take a little bit to build back up in your system also. p.s. when you do get more, take it with food and be careful at first. I tend to get dizzy and 'out of focus' when I've missed some pills and then start taking it again."

Bipolar and wellbutrin? i have been dx with bipolar since i was 16. I have my severe highs and lows. i am depressed more than i am manic, but when im manic i do things i wouldn't normally do. i have no fear of danger, dont care what i do and who it affects. i have been on a mood stabilizer for 2 years, went off of it when i was pregnant, and then went back on that and then zoloft for post partum, and i didnt like it so i stopped it. I am now being prescribed Wellbutrin. my dr told me i am risking the chance of being more Manic and having more episodes of mania. anyone expiernce this? any advice? side effects? anything will help!

P_anzerfaust ♥S_ara♥ replied: "Italian Salute Mentale (Mental Health) RULES! Ciao ciaoooooooooooooooo. Buonanotte."

Fatty. replied: "i heard the wellbutrin is supposed to work ok. i was put on it a few years ago (and i was diagnosed bipolarII), but they took me off of it within like a week because they said i was going to have a heart attack or something.. just make sure you dont take it with an eating disorder."

Ms Kitty replied: "Yep, Wellbutrin causes me to become severly manic... Anti depressants in general will do this if you are bipolar. Wellbutrin has the least chance of this happening but I wouldn't try to stay on it too long....."

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