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Have any of you ever used zyprexa to help you quit smoking? Did it work, and what were the side effects? My partner is a heavily addicted smoker who tried patches unsuccessfully. His doctor has now put him on zyprexa. I understand the history of the drug, and how it is supposed to work. I am interested in hearing from anyone who has used it for this reason. Oh dammit, it is Zyban. Gosh, slight difference, stupid me. Yes, Zyban - just checked the packet. Apologies to those who i have confused! He is starting to flip out on the zyban. Blurred vision, headaches, dizziness etc. Is this chantix drug available in australia??

jen replied: "i guess zyprexa not work for many people to quit smonking"

azawalli replied: "I've never heard of this. Zyprexa is an antipsychotic medication used to treat conditions like schizophrenia and drug-induced psychosis. Occasionally, it gets used as an anti-anxiety drug for people who need something that isn't addictive. The only psychotropic medication that I'm aware of the at works is marketed under the name Wellbutrin as an antidepressant and Zyban as an antismoking medication; it's the same chemical, bupropion, in both cases. It increases brain levels of dopamine, something that nicotine does also, which is why it's effective. I've had several friends and acquaintances take Zyban and all have reported good results. Either you've got the name wrong or someone's come up with a new, "off-label" use of zyprexa that I haven't heard of."

Scavok replied: "I have seen zyprexa used as stop smoking aid only a few times, and it was when a person smoked among having a lot of other problems. Zyprexa is an antipsychotic used for things mentioned above as well as alzheimers patients occasionally. It does have some anti anxiety properties that can aid in smoking addiction. You are probably thinking of Zyban which is the same ingredient (bupropion) as a lot of antidepressants such as Wellbutrin and commonly used as a stop smoking aid. It works moderately well but is rarely refilled after the first time around because it doesn't meet the patient's immediate expectations. I have seen MANY prescriptions written for and refilled with a lot of success stories for a new stop smoking aid called Chantix. It seems to really do the trick and may be worth looking in to."

holey moley replied: "I guess his doctor hasn't heard of Chantix, which is a new prescription medication that blocks the nicotine receptors in the brain. Zyban doesn't do this. tell him to go back to his doc and get on the right med for the job! Take the literature from for the doc to read."

dem_no_worry_me replied: "DO NOT use patches, gums, or pills! they only make quitting hard. just read a short book (no shock therapy), and you will become a non-smoker without any withdrawals! please pass this link to your smoking friends"

Deanna replied: "If he is having such a multitude of symptoms on the zyban he should stop taking it and call his doctor. As far as I know, studies still point to quitting "cold turkey" as the most effective means of quitting long term."

What is the purpose of using Zyprexa Zydis as opposed to regular Zyprexa? Zyprexa's website doesn't say. I was recently put on Zyprexa Zydis 10mg for acute mania. I fell asleep within an hour and woke up cured of the mania. Zydis is an orally disintegrating tablet for those wondering.

Liz replied: "Zyprexa Zydis does not cause weight gain because it bypasses the gastric system by being absorbed sublingually. Zyprexa causes weight gain in 4 out of 5 patients with an average of 5-10 pounds."

Az R replied: "Above is a load of marketing junk. The record weight gain on Zyprexa is around 100 lbs in six months. It has nothing to do with absorption through the GI tract, it has to do with interference with the lipid regulating hormones, certain brain hormones and the role of serotonin in certain other processes. The advantage of administrating a drug through oral membranes is that you can deliver a good bit, very quickly. Basically, it should work faster. Zydis is particularly useful as a 'sit down and shut up' medicine for acute psychiatric situations - off the wall mania, psychotic episodes, that sort of thing."

Steven K replied: "Ar is correct and Liz is wrong. Olanzapine causes significant weight gain in most people regardless of how it is taken. Zydis has several advantages. - it works fast (aka sit down and shut up) - it can be taken by someone NPO (no food or drink) - it can be taken with nausea and vomiting - it is a lot harder to "cheek" (hide in the mouth and spit out later, since it disolves), important in teens and some adults"

Can someone explain what zyprexa is used for? I have breifly read that it is for people with schizophrenia or bipolar. But can a healthy person like myself that has no medical conditions take it to gain weight or will it damage me mentally? I am 5'11" and weigh 67kg or 147lbs, I'm 27 and sick of being skinny and really want to have a nice looking build with a chest and biceps. What can I do without having to eat a lot of protein and carbs to gain weight/muscle...zyprexa or similar? or something else?

Nessabear1 replied: "My fiance was on Zyprexa for a short period of time. It didn't really do anything but cause him to be more irritable. However, it can cause diabetes. One of our friends got type 2 diabetes from it. I wouldn't recommend it, especially if you have diabetes in your family. As for weight gain, steroids puts on a lot of weight in a short period of time. The best would be to buy some protein mix/shakes and drink them daily. Don't overdo it. Protein packed shakes can help you gain a lot of weight and with exercise it can help you build lots of muscle. That's what my older brother did. Good luck!"

What is the Zyprexa medicine used for and what kind of medicine is that? I'm curious of it.

KRAZY_LADI_1 replied: "... Zyprexa is used to treat the symptoms of psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (manic depression) in adults.....Zyprexa tablets, velotabs and injection all contain the active ingredient olanzapine, which is a type of medicine known as an atypical antipsychotic"

why is zyprexa used for Adhd ? i just want to know why zyprexa used for people Adhd is it for to calm down their hyperactivity during late night time or to make them sleep better or in other words i want to know what does it target in adhd people brains what hormones does it try to balance please post your answers in more details please i dont want to see answers like i dont know and so on

menace replied: "Zyprexa Olanzapine is an atypical antipsychotic medication. be careful"

ozpy3 replied: "God only Knows."

Flopdonk replied: "Oddly enough I was prescribed Zyprexa for ADHD when I was about 17, but soon quit taking it because of the "zombie-like" side effects. The effects are quite noticeable mentally and physically. I could see how it might cure those who have extreme cases of attention deficit hyperactive, but only because it depletes them of energy and willpower. I believe Olanzapine effects neurotransmitters in the central nervous system, primarily the dopamine receptor sites. Wikipedia has more info. Basically it is supposed to calm extremely agitated youth with ADHD and borderline Bipolar. Overall, ADHD is over-diagnosed throughout the US, so I would be careful obtaining treatment for it with atypical antipsychotic medications."

SZO replied: "Zyprexa is a medication used for people with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Some doctors may prescribe it for severe hyperactivity in children or adults with ADHD. Zyprexa often causes sedation and drowsiness, thus lessening the hyperactivity. It affects the serotonin, histamine, and dopamine receptors in the brain, although studies are still being done to ensure these effects on these chemical receptors."

Zyprexa does anyone use this for their mental health? Im taking zyprexa and was wondering how it works for others and what their taking it for?what kind of results are you experiencing?

Laney replied: "I have a client who gets Zyprexa injections for paranoid schizophrenia. I know that one side effect is weight gain. Just recently he was experiencing an irregular heart beat."

gardensallday replied: "Zyprexa is a very effective drug, but should be reserved for patients who REALLY need it. It causes severe weight gain in some people (not all!) I'm talking 60 lbs or more, and it can cause irregular heartbeat, approximately doubling your chances of sudden cardiac arrest. I think the doctor is supposed to be having you get EKG's periodically to watch for this side effect, and I don't know if that guarantees the drug won't cause a heart attack. All atypical antipsychotic drugs have this heartbeat problem, though, so if you have psychosis, you have to take the risk. If you are a younger person, your overall risk is probably very low anyhow. My brother took Zyprexa for a few months for bipolar disorder & it didn't help. He also gained 60 lbs. He was lucky, though, and was able to lose all of it later. Many people are not able to do that. Another person I know thinks zyprexa helps him with his bipolar, and did not gain weight on it. He gets EKG's once in awhile. My psychiatrist keeps a scale in her office and weighs all her patients who take zyprexa."

What is Zyprexa used to treat? If I stop taking it, I want to know what it won't be doing. I know it's used for bipolar.

jeremyk684 replied: "Zyprexa treats bipolarity disorder along with schizophrenia."

Nicole K replied: "Zyprexa is used to treat schizophrenia, and schitzoaffective disorder. If you stop taking it you could start back having psychotic symptoms."

vatot7 replied: "schizophrenia,anxiety disorder"

Lost replied: "Anyone who wants to get married ought to start taking Zyprexa."

Frogface53 replied: "It is an anti-psychotic medication used to treat bi-polar patients and is also used in treating schizophrenia. It is highly recommended to not stop taking medications of this nature, even if the patient believes everything is "OK". Doing so may cause a re-occurrence of symptoms the med is prescribed for."

kaliluna replied: "You should already know the answer if you are taking the medication. Before stopping any medication though, you should talk to your doctor. Zyprexa is an anti-psychotic that is used to treat several different symptoms. I believe most frequently it is used to treat bipolar disorder as well as schizophrenia although it works on a grander scale than just those two disorders. Check out the website below. It has more indepth info on it."

Amir82 replied: "If you want to stop it, try it with the help of a professional. I stopped taking zyprexa immediately two years ago and from that day I get a horrible gag reflex in the morning or every time something worries me. Be careful"

Does anyone else know someone who died from Zyprexa use ? My sister died at 25 she was on Zyprexa, though her atopsy results say death from afixeation, she had gained tons of weight had high blood preasure all sighns of Zyprexa there is a law suite against this company because people are dying from it however she didnt quaulify because of the atopsy results ! she died in her sleep at 25 !!! RIP

cbreeze06320 replied: "sorry about your loss"

x0tic_kisez replied: "wow im so srry to hear that RIP"

Chefed#1 replied: "People are not dying from the drug itself ,they are dying from the effects of depression and mental illness. Your sister sounds as though she was binge eating because of her depression .That in turn with high Blood pressure probably Cause her to have either a stroke or heart attack..Many people with mental and emotional problems ,who don`t take any meds ,usually try committing suicide. Without Zyprexa ,she might of died sooner."

Does Zyprexa heighten or lower serotonin levels? By the way, what would is serotonin anyway? I sure hope they aren't going to make me retarded. I used to be very spacey as a child and it wasn't until I finally became normal that they put me on Zyprexa.

9Suns replied: "Zyprexa works to reduce symptoms of schizophrenia by blocking various serotonin and dopamine receptors. It blocks the serotonin (5HT2A) receptor more potently than the dopamine (D2) receptor. In animal studies, Zyprexa is more potent at blocking serotonin and dopamine than Clozaril. Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT) is a monoamine neurotransmitter synthesized in serotonergic neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) and enterochromaffin cells in the gastrointestinal tract of animals including humans. Serotonin is also found in many mushrooms and plants, including fruits and vegetables. Hope this info helps you. Here is a page with a lot more info on Zyprexa."

AbeLincolnParty replied: "fda informaton link: The link discusses serotonin receptor and other receptor activity, no reason to repeat it here. Zyprexa falls into the class of atypical antipsycotics. Once thought to be more effective than the traditional anti-psychotics with less side effects. But, that it turns out that it is no more effective than the older and much cheaper antipsycotic drugs, and has the same side effect profile. Zyprexa promotes weight gain and diabetes, whether or not it promotes diabetes more than the older drugs I do not know. All antipsycotics tend to cut down on the mind's ability to think in abstract terms, so learning math or science or any other challange that requires abstract thought is impaired, the lower the dose, the less the problem."

Is Zyprexa only for people with hallucinations/schizophrenia? Hello. A year ago I started having these horrible symptoms: extremely depressed, thoughts of harming myself and others, feeling of getting crazy, etc. I seeked professional help...the doctor diagnose was that I had Depression. He prescribed Cymbalta and Zyprexa, the symptoms went away. My question is....Why did the doctor say that I had Depression and he prescribed Zyprexa (antipsychotic drug) usually used for hallucinations? Did I have something else? Maybe the doctor did not tell me the whole diagnose for me not to get worried or scared?. How will Zyprexa withdrawal be? I am going to get these horrible thoughts again when I stop Zyprexa. Please help

Millicent L replied: "it's not only for hallucinations. It's also used to treat biploar disorder by adjusting neurotransmitters. Since depression is sometimes caused by improper transmission of nuerons, it may be used to correct that. You should see the link below for more detail."

vivekananda20 replied: "I find the drug cycle to be very sad. If you want to start over again, even after withdrawals, an alternative medicinal approach would probably be less nerve racking."

Super Kitten replied: "You could get any thoughts or feelings, but more then likely slowly you will get back to the way that you would normally be feeling without them and maybe better if you life is better over all now, this sounds like off label prescribing to me. You may be right this doctor may not have fully informed you?"

Livie replied: "Zyprexa is a drug that is frequently used as a maintenance drug for bipolar disorder as well as psychotic symptoms. It helps improve symptoms such as sleep disturbances, irritability, racing thoughts, and anxiety. If the meds are working, you shouldn't stop them. It's not recommended that you suddenly stop Zyprexa. If you have concerns about this, talk to the physician who diagnosed and prescribed them for you. It will help you understand the reasoning behind the prescriptions and ease your mind. If the physician agrees that you should stop Zyprexa, it will be slowly decreased before it's stopped. But talk to your physician."

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